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  1. Hello, Since this track is originally from TDM,i think it's better to ask here than TTLG. Do you guys have the full version of this ambient track?



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MayheM


      Thanks, could you send me the actual pk4 or the files, if possible? Because i don't have tdm right now and i'm on limited internet connection

    3. JackFarmer


      Sorry, did not read this till now. Help still needed?

    4. MayheM


      it's ok, I'll redownload tdm soon anyway, will do what you said. thanks

  2. I like the idea, but it seems lots of people here aren't big fan of limit saving so it should be like : normal - expert - expert (save-limit)
  3. One of the best mission i've ever played on TDM. from the choices of art style to sound, everything is perfect. I finally had to use weapons for the first time as i always ghost. The saving mechanism is great too for people like me spamming quick-saves. also it reminds me a lot of penumbra. 10/10
  4. The lamps on the wall look bright on Full Moon Fever. Is it supposed to be like that?
  5. Not sure if it is a bug or not, if you walk left (pressing A) , it produces a creeping footsteps sound rather than the normal walking sound. I am using 2.10-3 beta
  6. I myself prefer thief 1/2 style with its head bobbing. Anyway, i think the only game that has decent and balanced body awareness is l4d1.
  7. may i ask what r_ignore is ? Because the 64-bit one seems to be working well (not getting the shitty opengl error) on my pc unlike the 32 bit, which doesn't make sense...
  8. Last question... Do you guys share any codes or component with the Doom 3's sourceport Dhewm3? Just right now, i tried firing up the original Doom 3, and got to the place (alphalab3) where i always get the crash (the one that i mention in my post similar to the DarkMod's one, but i was using Dhewm3 at that time). It seems i am not getting any crash at all with the original Doom 3 engine. Could it be there is something wrong with source port?
  9. Just to let you guys know, I had this problem (Nvidia lost connection) while playing Doom 3 too, so this is definitely not Darkmod's fault.
  10. sorry for late reply. Unfortunately, i am still getting that crash after following your suggestion @nbohr1more. @bikerdude I have gt 240 using latest driver 342.01 Also like i said before, i've been playing with these settings since darkmod became standalone,playing lots of mission; so there must be something wrong. Maybe i will try it on Ubuntu later.
  11. I've never overclocked anything at all, and try to avoid it at all cost. it's not worth it for me as i am not a heavy gamer it could be my GPU is in its final days. here is the cfg. same as before. the only difference between now and the last time i played that mission is uncap FPS and multi core. tried to disable them but still the error pops out. Keep in mind that this error also happens in No honor among thieves( exactly when opening the door behind the guard.) and i played that mission like 4 times.
  12. I am getting a new error while replaying Full moon fever .. it says: The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver due to exceeding the windows Time-out limit and is unable to continue. I tried to add a registry key that was mentioned here in this link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/display/tdr-registry-keys but no luck. I never had this error when i had played Full moon fever for the first time.
  13. It got better when i deleted Darkmod.cfg, and reconfigure it with my settings. Anyway, here is the report you want just in case. i am currently using windows 7 64x, all drivers are updated, CPU intel core2duo E7500 2.93ghz, 4 GB rams. perf_report.txt
  14. no luck and yes i do have nvidia gt240
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