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Everything posted by lost_soul

  1. I don't know jack about Macs, but I use Linux daily. I've used it for over half a decade now. Does it have short-comings? Heck yeah! Does it suck? nah. I can understand why people would feel that it does suck though. When I have to compile my NVidia drivers from the CLI because the ones shipped with the distro don't support my hardware, I get kinda annoyed. When I have to change the environment variable for the compiler or else the installer takes a dump, I get even more annoyed. There are things I really like about Linux though. I can spread tasks out. If I have lots of file operations to do, or I'm recording something, I can either move it to another physical desktop or just start the process from the command line. The advantage of this is that it is completely OUT OF MY WAY. How many times have you accidentally clicked a cancel button during a file copy in Windows after a careless alt+tab? How many times have you accidentally closed a window you were leaving open for some reason? This happened to me a lot in Windows but never happens now. I also love things like for loops and the find command for manipulating large amounts of files. When there's a job I have to do, like cut a multi-hour wav file into twenty minute chunks, or normalize tuns of music files, or split huge files and merge them later, there is always a free utility that gets the job done. It doesn't nag me for registrations. It doesn't install toolbars on the system. It doesn't try and shoehorn auto-loading services into the startup folder. It just gets the job done. The one thing I absolutely CAN'T stand are the people who try and get everyone to adopt PulseAudio. These folks may be even worse than the people who try and get everyone to adopt Steam. PA caused tuns of trouble for many users. Text-to-speech would start stuttering and popping until someone "fixed" the tts software, and audio lag in games was unbearable.
  2. Did that really happen? You would think a company could never do that because it is almost impossible to guarantee that an exe will not do anything malicious... Or am I wrong? How could they sanction something like that which could conceivably have a hidden payload or something unless they went through every byte of the file and determined what it does?
  3. Bingo! Game developers can't even bother to patch CD-checking malware out of their old games now that CDs are obsolete, and yet we're supposed to believe they'll still be allowing us to activate our old games in 2020?
  4. I am a hardcore DX1 fanatic. I've played it countless times and all of the mods like TNM and Redson and that other one that escapes me right now. I have the soundtrack on my MP3 player. That said, this doesn't surprise me one bit. I too fail to understand why the game industry goes out of its way to screw the honest person. They lost me at "activation required" because I bet they won't be allowing people to activate it in a decade for one reason or another. If you've had enough of this crap, do what I did. Buy a console and start buying all of their games used. That way, you get a product that will still work in a decade and they don't get squat. It really has gotten so bad these days that I actively try to avoid supporting game developers. I've paid more for a used copy than a new one would have cost just to show them how I feel. Besides, I'm really not expecting much from this game or T4. I followed the development of DXIW and T3 like a fanatic but was let down by the maps hardly being bigger than the apartment in which I live. I rushed out and bought both those games immediately upon release, but I'll be watching to see how these games turn out before I even consider buying them.
  5. I still think the SNES had some beautiful sounding hardware. Never having heard an Amiga and only having a pathetic internal computer speaker, I didn't know what things could really sound like. is a piece of music I still really like over a decade and a half later. It was obviously heavily influenced by the other tune in the video, but I think the SNES version sounds better. Maybe it is because I heard it so many times, or maybe the instruments just sound more relaxing.
  6. I too do not recommend removing Pulseaudio. It is like trying to move a stack of plates by yanking out the one on the bottom. Many things such as the GNOME volume control and tuns of programs were compiled to use PA, so if you remove it, things will break. But there is this PPA that has re-built packages that don't depend on Pulse called AudioHacks of it helps anyone.
  7. The AI can already handle trespassing right? If there's a guard in a building looking out a window, can he avoid attacking the player UNLESS the player walks on that guard's property? This happened a lot in Thief. Lots of AIs wouldn't attack unless you were in a forbidden zone.
  8. That would be awesome. Maybe some day there will be an FM where you are tasked to work with another Thief to achieve a common goal. The other thief could be AI controlled and sneak through the shadows. At the start, you could tell them to take X route or Y route and you would take the other. The thief could have path data so it could go either way and meet up with you later.
  9. I needed a good laugh, so I checked out the bug that Plasticman linked to. My personal favorite: "This is unfortunate, but the solution is to fix the programs to use the new configuration." Hey id, stop working on Rage and fix Doom's sound code for me! Hey 3D Realms, would you mind fixing... oh wait you don't exist anymore. If you switch to Debian, you don't have these problems. Pulseaudio is optional and is not installed by default. Same goes for Arch I believe.
  10. lost_soul


    I just noticed that characters don't get propelled at all when they step on mines. They just collapse. Is this something that should be fixed, or do I just have too much on the mind?
  11. I played this new version of the mission and I think it looks much better, especially the ending section. Now that there is a light source and it isn't full-bright, it is a much more believable place. I was still able to cross the river though on my way back and I proceeded to walk to the edge of the world. Then I dove off and killed myself, just because I could. Question: does that count as a "leak"? I just came to a square shaped piece of land with the skybox in the distance. Seriously though, I appreciate everyone who has made a mission for TDM... and everyone who has helped the mod in some other way.
  12. Hey, I've installed all the dependancies, but the libboost that this distro includes is newer. It is 1.42 instead of 1.38. When I try to compile, I get an error about a match file not being found called ../libs/transformlib.h:28:29: error: math/quaternion.h: No such file or directory
  13. I just bought one with Halo 3 for $100. Works great! I'll have to add a hard drive later though so I can play all my old XBOX games like Breakdown. My original XBOX died a horrible disk-unreading death. It slowly kept throwing more errors about not being able to read the disk.
  14. Really cool looking map! I get very good performance on a GTX460 OC and Phenom 2 X6 1075t. The only thing that kinda detracts is the full-bright splashes when the player dives in the water. I wonder if the ambient light can be applied to that effect... but it really is a very minor thing.
  15. Also, did you ever play Breakdown for the original XBOX? It was pretty cool because *everything* you did was in first person. It had body awareness but it didn't suck. It was more of a fighting game than a blast fest. My favorite aspect of the game was that the main villain would occasionally show up to pound the crap out of the player if he/she didn't run like hell in a few spots. The biggest downside to the game was that it is completely linear. If there is a hallway with lots of doors, you're only going to be able to enter one room. In the outdoor portions of the game, there is still one and only one path to take.
  16. I don't have a 360, but I've been considering getting one. If I do get one, the games I will check out are: *Perfect Dark Zero: I loved the first game but have heard bad things about this. Would still like to try it though. *Halo 3/Reach *whatever the newest Burnout game is *Duke Nukem Forever
  17. Ya know what would be great? a haunted house! I'm thinking of something similar to Thief 1's "Shunned" FM. TDM has had plenty of haunted missions, but I don't think any of them have taken place in a house. The cool thing about haunted house FMs is that you *think* you have an idea of what things will be like before you start playing the mission, but surprises often occur. See Shunned for T1 and "Bloodmist Tower" for T2.
  18. I'm sure everyone has seen the fully interactive surfaces in Doom 3 that allow you to use computers and stuff just by walking up to them. This person even got Doom 1 to be playable in Doom 3! What kinds of cool things could TDM do with this? Maybe someone could update the training mission with an area where you could select and download FMs while you are involved in other activities in the game world to help pass the time... or maybe we could have a usable shop in a TDM mission that makes use of this. This isn't a feature request or anything, I'm just thinking out loud. Or maybe technology such as this has no place in the TDM world at all. (monitors? computers?) Discuss
  19. This was another great mission. A suggestion to Bikerdude and any other mappers up to the challenge.
  20. They also posted on Youtube. He hasn't mentioned anything about Doom so far, but apparently Rage will require Steam. UPDATE: He talks about the Doom 3 stuff at the end.
  21. You should definitely go for an LED-backlit one. I think you may not even have a choice because they have become standard since a year or two ago. My mom just got a 20 inch LED-backlit one for $100 at Staples and it looks pretty good. The brand is Acer. The advantages of LED backlights are: *Less energy consumption *Longer life of light source *less heat production *no "warm up times" which are still present on CCFL monitors. Turn one on in the morning and notice that it takes a couple of minutes to get to full brightness. This isn't a problem on LEDs. .. and if you've ever wondered how these things work, is an excellent video explaining it all.
  22. Heh, someone in that Phoronix thread asked "Do you plan to port your mod (TDM) to Linux?" Little does he know that it has been available for almost two years and there are over 45 missions for him to play right now. I don't have an account so I couldn't answer him, but you may want to let him know.
  23. Out of the Geforce 9800GSm and the Geforce gt540m, which is better?
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