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Everything posted by STiFU

  1. In unreal engine, it seems to me like the lowest mipmap stages and the lowest LOD-Models are loaded first and then the rest is streamed in dynamically when needed and when ressources are free. You can occasionally see a full-resolution texture pop-in from a low-resolution version of it. So looking at TDM and idTech, I guess VisPortals could be utilized to check which ressources should be loaded when. The question now is, can it be done such that the user does not get any stuttering? Would it be possible to do the loading in a separate low-priority thread such that game performance is not affected? This would need a handling for situations when the full resolution texture / model is not available yet. By the way, Doom Eternal has bonkers loading time. It's unbelievably quick!
  2. TDM has been in the news numerous times and has won numerous awards. It's initial release dates back soooooo long ago! Anyone interested in stealth knows about us and if not, they live in a remote cabin without internet. The only thing we can improve is availability, e.g., through Steam, Epic etc., see below. Destined is right. We were green-lit in record speed and once that happened, Steam started waving around licensing / legal contracts that nobody had ever seen before. In a project like this, it is not easy to guarantee that there a no copyright infringements, hence, nobody wanted to step up and be the legal entity for these contracts. After all, you will be held liable for any legal concerns and for what? Just to get it onto Steam? We decided it was not worth it. We don't know the Details about Epic, but it is very likely the same issue. The bugtracker is full with tons of small stuff to be fixed. As I already said, there were some good suggestions by you and I indicated which should go into the bugtracker, and maybe someone eventually will get around to it. By the way, we currently have like 3 active coders + 2 who occasionally help out and they all do that in their free time, so they obviously pick projects they are interrested in. And gaining more publicity is usuallynot the primary interest of a coder.
  3. Doom and Doom Eternal are about it's gameplay mechanics just as Doom 1 and 2 were. Other than that, there is really nothing special about any Doom game. The mechanics of Doom Eternal are brilliant and add a lot of depth to an otherwise rather stale shooter-genre. And if you think that Doom Eternal is not challenging, you clearly haven't tried it on its highest difficulty.
  4. So yeah, Doom Eternal is out and as expected, it is FREAKIN' AMAZING!!! The new precision shots (take out critical parts of your opponent to weaken him), the enhanced movement set (dashes, bar hops, grapling hook) and the Flamethrower mechanics (regain armor) together with the already previously implemented glory kills (regain health) and chainsaw (regain ammo) create a really nice flow. The game also clearly states which weapons work well in what situations, so you quickly become a gun juggling super slayer. It feels unbelievably rewarding to finally beat an optional slayer challenge on the highest difficulty. And the soundtrack is also crazy good! For me, this is a strong game of the year contender.
  5. There are some valid points there and most issues are already known, feel free to browse our bugtracker. 1. I think the Training Mission and the two Missions Saint Lucia and New Job are fairly easy and perfectly fine as a start. Plus, Saint Lucia has a lot of history, so it is a very important FM. 2. Yes, a more comfortable mission browser is severely needed, now that we have so many FMs of varying themes and quality. 2.3. Having bugged missions almost never happens. If we see that a mission got broken by the lastest release, we usually release a Hotfix for that. 4. Never heard it! And I doubt the average player would care much. It's an open source community project after all. Nobody expects AAA-polish. 5. Known issue, see bugtracker. 6.1. That's actually a good suggestion. Please add it to the bugtracker. 6.2. As far as I know, that's not supposed to happen. Can you give and example? Maybe a video or a location info (GetViewPos in console) 7.1. Yes, that's exactly why I added the frobhelper. Other than that, it is up to the mapper to scale the frob-boxes accordingly. 7.2. Yes, the frobhighlight is not optimal like this. We have plans to offer other types of frob highlight, like an outline etc. which will soon be possible, now that we have the appropriate shader support.
  6. The readable mechanics of TDM have repeatedly been praised as being VERY immersive, but I still wanted to see where you're coming from. Since I couldn't really remember how TDS handled readables, I checked a Let's Play of TDS and found this. Readables are displayed on a separate off-world GUI-screen. How is that more immersive? It completely takes you out of the present world. That's the opposite of immersion...
  7. Never in my life had I been so disappointed. It taught me the valuable lesson never to get hyped solely based on the a game announcement. EDIT: OK, once recent exception might be Doom Eternal, but I mean, come one, it's ID we are talking about here!
  8. @nbohr1more with the current course of action, it means that we need the method for mappers to change cvars on map load you were working on after all.
  9. I have reviewed both lists and concur.
  10. Not a bad idea, but please call it someothing else. I don't think we'd want to downplay the seriousness of this virus.
  11. Hm, I don't know much about physics in games, so I don't really understand why this is happening. Any suggestions on how to address this issue? Maybe make the cvar non-archiving for now so we/mappers can atleast provide updates to maps, in case the feature breaks any maps. Possibly also decrease pm_swimspeed_variation to decrease the likelihood of breakage?
  12. I think Goldwell's example is a special case. Yes, for a short duration, you might not be able to swim against a strong current (between swimming burst), which kills you in Goldwell's FM. But then comes the burst, which should still take you forward. As I said, the average swim speed is the same as before, so, unless I fail to understand the underlying principles, we should not have a problem here. I assume that the forcefield, in layman's terms, subtracts a certain amount of speed from the player speed, so the end result should be the same with and without the swim speed variation.
  13. Oh that's quite a bummer. Could you maybe reduce the strength of the force field instead of completely removing that section? I wouldn't want you to throw your work out. Especially because it sounds pretty interesting.
  14. This seems like something out of the scope of a beta test phase and should probably be post-poned to 2.09. As a workaround for the time being, we could simply remove archiving from that cvar so Goldwell can change it in his FM via script. I would still like to know 'though why the new swimming animation wouldn't work in it, @Goldwell. EDIT: Although, when we enable archiving again eventually on that cvar, the FM would need an update, which is not good.
  15. With all those corona news around here, I have something for you to get your mind off of this dark topic. My son of 16 weeks learned to make a new sound yesterday, give it a listen, you won't regret it!
  16. Why doesn't it work? The average swim-speed is the same as before, so it shouldn't be a timing issue.
  17. Setting this parameter is sufficient. I get that some people might want to disable this new viewport animation. Probably the same people that disable head-bob in FPS-games.
  18. So many people burned out on stuff like this, it is only natural and everyone around here understands what it's like. That's why we always recommend to aim low! Thanks for your contributions and I hope we won't lose you completely.
  19. I am really excited for Doom Eternal. Doom (2016) was amazing, mostly because of its soundtrack and the way it makes you feel while playing the game. I am expecting it to get even better with Doom Eternal, since the composer, Mick Gordon, assembled a whole metal choir to push the boundaries of this unique type of music even further. Soundtrack aside, the new grapling hook and dash mechanics are bound to make the experience even more intense!!
  20. STiFU

    Outer Wilds

    So, I finished Outer Wilds and I think everybody should experience this unique game. It is absolutely excellent. Well, except for the ending that is. The ending is really abstract and I had to look up interpretations of it, although I am quite familiar with its quantum mechanical theme. Anyway, I watched the making-of afterwards and there was a very interesting technical detail. Everything in Outer Wilds is in motion all the time. The planets orbit the sun etc. All this has to be simulated accurately. Most of you will know that there are increasingly bigger quantization errors when you deal with big floating point numbers and since you cover vast distances in this game, this was a quite an issue. How did they overcome it? They simply always kept the origin of the world centered on the player so that at least the player won't notice any issues close to him. This effectively means that the player never moved, but the world around him did.
  21. I guess it's up to you to ignore it then. I've known many of the people around these forums for well over 15 years now, so I like to know what's going on in their lives.
  22. STiFU

    Free games

    Sundered is like Dead Cells with cooler visuals, but some camera problems and doesn't give you the long-term motivation like Dead Cells does. I never finished Sundered, I simply lost interest somewhere along the line. However, since it's free, it's definitely worth checking out. If it's either play this or Dead Cells, I would definitely reommend the latter though.
  23. The art-direction in this game is absolutely marvellous. Just for that, this game is 100% worthwhile. There were so many places where I thought to myself "Damn, why can't we just import this to Dark Radiant and play TDM in it". A special example for TDM-inclusion was the monastery you enter quite at the beginning.
  24. STiFU

    Outer Wilds

    With work and the newborn, there is very little time to play these days. So, I was looking for a game you can play for short durations without being totally casual. "The Outer Wilds" might be just perfect. You are trapped in a 22-minute time-loop leading to a supernova that you have to prevent. I tried it yesterday and it got me really excited. It is what "No Mans Sky" should have been from the start, but without the crafting and random world generation. Your task is to prevent the supernova, but you can also do numerous other quests. Quest-progression is not reset by the time-loop. When you enter your spacecraft, you can walk around inside it and enter the cockpit to start flying away. The flying mechanics are technologically interesting, but simple enough to be accessible. On my first exploration, I just flew into space, did a spacewalk with the provided space-suit and observed the supernova from there. I don't know, this game somehow makes me feel like a child again, thinking about my next explorations.
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