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Everything posted by Oldjim

  1. Regarding the numbers - and this is from memory so may be wrong
  2. Re the latest from Bob - really nice but why do I get the impression that she has either Spock's ears or more likely an elf from Lord of the Rings Could it be the angle of the ears sloping away from the head and the lack of lobes
  3. That is a known problem which came up in testing but I think it is a TDM problem rather than this mission specifically as it wasn't able to be fixed permanently
  4. Did you try leaving the way you came in - in other words go back to the door which was behind you at the start
  5. Thank you - now I have a couple of options the next time it crashes
  6. There is a problem with that padlock You need to unlock it with the use key not the frob key Having unlocked it you can then frob it open
  7. Perhaps I should have posted here first but I have opened a bug 0004247: Using the crouch key when climbing a ladder or a pipe
  8. When I have a crash on TDM 2.03 I find that the screen display is very light and the only way I can fix it is to log off from Windows 7 and log on again Is there another way round it as I assume that a change made by TDM isn't reverting to the previous standard setting
  9. As my previous post seems to have vanished due to the forum glitch last night I will try to remember what I said
  10. The idea was novel and with great potential - however
  11. Went to the link and look at what popped up
  12. This may seem an unusual topic but I just had a problem in Melan's new mission Normally when unlocking a door I just use the frob/interact key as I have the options set "Use by Frobbing enabled" but in the case of the padlock key in Rats Triumphant that didn't work I needed to use the "use inventory item" key to unlock the padlock and then the "frob/interact" key to open the hatch and the padlock hasp Could this be a conflict between the action of opening the hatch and padlock hasp and the action of unlocking the padlock which doesn't by itself open it If this is in the wrong place please move it
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