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  1. hi all just read about this mod. i have been an avid fan of the thief universe since T1. i have a full home studio capable of numerous tasks in audio. A project this size seems a daunting task for one person though, so i ask that you find someone to help me if possible so we can section out the audio tasks, but if thats not possible it may take me a while to come up with everything (i do have a RL as well ) this is what i can give you... voice over work for characters in game, recorded from a high quality condenser mic, not some cheapo radio shack mic. I can give you ambience and environmental sound structures. i can also help with story content as well. So if you need my help please contact me. I don’t have any examples of “ambience projects” but I do have numerous tracks and recordings I could send you to outline my skills. I could send you my resume as well which shows my music activities and my time spent co-hosting a college radio show among other things. Peace LB foundryproductions@yahoo.com
  2. Ok then, it's a date. I'm having problems with my internet connection ATM, and can only access from various friends computers, so don't despair if you don't hear from me in a while) I love your work on the main thief DeepOmega, very (n)ice. Having such great concept art really helps, huh? With Nightblade I'm just having to do all my own concepts, and they're quite derivitive and hackneyed for the most part.. If you could snag K^2 from the ion boards, it would be nice, he's knows a lot about scripting, writing shaders, plugins and all sorts of programing goodness. Pester him about it. He's also a great Thief fan. He and I are also involved in another mod for the forthcoming Halflife 2. I'm PM you his email Fingernail. edit: I have doom3 (shit game) but what other tools do I need? Have they released an SDK yet?
  3. Thanks. What format should I upload these to the ftp site with? Zipped? How difficult would it be to put this on a wall in the editor to look at? Can you draw a brush inside another brush easily? I guess I'll experiment. Edit: Well, that wasn't so hard...I'm catching on! (a bit) Here's the painting in game:
  4. http://www.donrearic.com/sap.html Search for "blackjack sap" and you get quite a lot of results. That page goes into detail on how the different varieties are made, and gives some pictures at the bottom. We can choose just the right blackjack for our game. I remember one of them on that page is mentioned especially for being easily concealed.
  5. Must...have...more....good....textures! This makes me wanna start on more of BT's stuff and get it in game.
  6. I love it. I'm torn on the stripes like the others though. I think they look really great, but I'm not sure they work within the context of the game. Is it possible to work the red into other areas of their attire? Damn, I really hate to be critical of this. It's fantastic.
  7. Not having a protfolio, eh? What's this? It sure looks very good to me. Especially the remarks about polygons shows promises for game modelling
  8. Even with body awareness, the gem would be required. Players simply aren't going to want to constantly look down at thier body to check if they're in the shadows or not. We don't have peripheral vision in the game, which is the only way that you could really check to see if your in shadows constantly without a meter. We could do it the way that Riddick did it, with the screen getting bluer the deeper in shadows you get, but the goal here is to make something for thief players, I like the design posted above, and think pursuing that would be the best solution.
  9. Domarius

    3ds Max

    Here is the best budget 3D rendering info I have ever read. I love it because I actually preffer the tools involved over the proffesional ones, because they are simply geared toward video game models, and you can make high quality ones too, for the normal maps. Check out this thread; http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/vie...t=wings3d#10937 This post specifically; So basically; Wings3D = Modelling LithUnwrap = UW mapping CharacterFX = Animation As an example of what he does with this setup, check out his home page http://members.lycos.co.uk/arras1/ Click on "Gallery". It's worth it. Some of that stuff would fit right in with the Thief world. His humans are awesome.
  10. one thing to the door texture up a few posts: try to avoid the "natural" highlight, i mean that the door is brighter on the top end than it is on the lower end. it will look strange in the game especially to people like me who have an eye for it. persective and slightly not down straight 90 degree angles do also look strange, for this case use the arbitary tool in photoshop
  11. And can't movies be made with the in-game engine? That way we can use the model for cutscenes.
  12. Why Photoshop refuses to save TGA files with an alpha channel? I can save it in any other file format, but as soon as I select TGA the option is greyed out and it refuses to let me do it. I've followed so many tutorials to the letter and it still doesn't give me the option. This is my one big hurdle towards getting decals and masks in the game...and it's really ticking me off.
  13. I'm not sure if we decided to insert gas-bombs in our mod. To be honest I don't like them much, cauze I think they make the game too easy. We should discuss that in the Devchat Forum. But I like your noisemaker It looks great and the way it emitts noise is IMO the best solution for an arrow. I don't like that fireworks stuff in thief 3.... However I'd prefer a crystal moss-arrow as I mentioned in the other thread.
  14. Man, that flashbomb concept is awesome, throw a couple of rusty screws on it'll be perfect for the game. But the K.O arrows...nuh uh, too cheap. A nonlethal takedown should be something you have to earn, and being able to do it from a distance would make the harder difficult levels too easy. The concept is cool, but I don't think it'd fit in with the gameplay.
  15. Your Thief looks really good. Im really looking forward to seeing more of this in game. Great job guys!
  16. Alright, here's the cathedral i did before, looks like crap mostly becasue of image size restrictions and a bad scanner. I'm gonna do some item and character sketches as well. If we ever actually make a playable game with this, i can also do interior and exterior architectural design.
  17. a very early first try of the table. i think i will add modelled drawers, so they can possibly be used in the game by anymation or physics or what ever.
  18. I don't remember that model being in the game...are there models in the editor that weren't used? Anything that we can use? Should we be designing our models so that they have swappable heads?
  19. That'd be cool! We could be like, "Please help a fellow Thief game lover. Our starving DarkMod artists need your support to not get carpal tunnel syndrome whilst making this mod for you." j/k
  20. Maus

    Pick! Me!

    The reason I am so excited about helping out with this project is because I love the Thief series its one of my favorite, I have played the first 2 several times! But I haven’t kept up with the series since then, just haven’t had the time to play many games, all work and studying to get in to the game industry. I would prefer not to post to some free art archives, like deviantart after carefully reading there user agarments, they can retain the rights to uploaded works. AKA it now belongs to them! I will have a host soon, and will try to display as much of my work there as is possible. Till then I would like to start on some Concept Sketches of Environments. Then after you approve of my ideas I will Model, Texture & Normal Map all the recourses needed for sed environment. (design before you implement right?) Then with the peaces of a map in hand I could design a level or 2 or 3 using the assets. To help me better understand what your project needs: Are adventurer(the Thief)’s desire for wealth leads him to loot Ancient Ruins and raid Dens of Evil Creatures. Or duss the hero have other motivations? Have areas already been decided on, or should I just make a place up? Do you have a story I should try to follow with my concepts? What creatures have an influence on this environment? Hum built it and why? Ext… If there is already a design in place pleas give me what information you think would be helpful in making concept for you as a test to prove my self. Thanks for giving me a chance to help with this project. Regards, Maus
  21. oofnish

    Pick! Me!

    Maus, Please understand that we're not rejecting you, we're just interested in seeing some more thief style artwork, and particularly computer modeling work. You obviously have excellent artistic ability, and your sculpture is quite impressive. Meanwhile, you can show us some of your other stuff by uploading them to a free service. Not a great permanent solution, but it will work to at least show us some things. Try www.deviantart.com or www.photobucket.com to upload some images that you can then link here. (Note that you should link the images and not place them in-line on the forum page.) If you want to get your hands dirty with some quick models or concept sketches, here are a couple suggestions: Concept sketches of architecture, furniture, in game objects, and decorations. Concept sketches of level design elements; scenes containing guards and the thief, for instance, that convey the mood and setting of a level Concept sketches of characters and designs for builders, guards, pagans, zombies, or the thief. Modeling any of the above; untextured is probably fine. A textured model might be nice to view your skills at that also. Keep in mind that we're looking for an appropriate style for concept sketches. Style isn't quite as important for modeling, but it still plays a factor. If you are unfamiliar with the kinds of things we're looking for, make sure you've played through at least the first couple Thief games
  22. Lies. I didn't make it up. I just know Thief 1 very well. There's a few conversations in T1 that relate to Hammers being very powerful long time ago in the city. No shoulder plates? and these are what? Try carrying a heavy hammer on your shoulder or swinging it from your shoulder. Chain mail isn't as good for such work. You need some metal shoulder plates to support it! More T1 concept art: (look at the thick plating around the neck, once again so you don't break your neck with the hammer) http://www.thief-thecircle.com/media/paint...darkposter2.jpg Thief 3 Hammerite concept art- (once again, heavy shoulder plating) There were no cloaks in game cause they were TOO LAZY to implement them, but there were cloaks in the T1 concept art.
  23. Any particular opposition to me posting this as Work In Progress on CGTalk.com? I don't have too much hope for any real crits, as I have bad luck with those, but it'd be nice to get some feedback on it as I'm doing the real hard work. But if you want to keep this in-house till it's done, that's cool. Edit: Whoops - re: Springheel's concern about visibility, the model will be the same for other thieves in-game (there were a few in T2), so it'll still be usable for that. Plus, a nice, superawesome thief model should generate some buzz/interest.
  24. Looks awesome! Will you be wanting a colour version soon? Also, before we do a highpoly version, do we actually need one for the game? Will we see anything other than the hands?
  25. This might be true, but what is their function now? They guard the churches and the property owned by the church. I don't know how you know this, but I'm going by the art that is actually in (or used by) the game. The T1/2 armour is late-medieval. The T3 armour is lighter and less modern. None of them look arcane to me. Says who? None of the hammerite pictures I have ever seen have had them with cloaks. The T3 hammers did not have shoulder plates, and I'm not sure the T1/2 did either. If you have access to some Thief reference pictures that I don't, please share them.
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