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  1. It seems to me that if a guard hears a noise and goes to in vestigate and finds some funky arrow laying on the ground, he'll know somebody's bamboozled him. If he sees a pebble, then maybe- maybe not, depending on whether or not there's likely to be a pebble already there in the first place. The arrow will be loud and probably alert multiple guards, where a pebble or rock would be more stealthy and rouse the suspicions of 1 maybe 2 guards if they're both close. I agree with you in a general sense, but you have to remember that this mod is being made by and for pretty hardcore Thief players who didn't like Thief DS because they felt it was watered down to meed the needs of more casual gamers. I don't mean to speak for the team here (which I'm not part of), but that's my feelings and the general attitude I've gotten here and over at ttlg.
  2. oDDity

    Dark And Light

    IF you want to play Settlers of Ganareth, you have to join the forums and sign up for the beta of Dark an Light. With Oblivion being delayed until the middle of next year, I hope this gives me something to play for a while, becasue there's absolutely nothing else I'm interested in.
  3. That advantage is cut down by the annoying ambience of the crinkling of dozens of popcorn bags, coughing of several individuals, creaking of seats, people rudely talking, beeping of cellphones, and the fact that they lowered the volume because the old farts don't like it too loud. At least where I live BTW sparhawk is it true that in German theatres they assign you to seats?
  4. @Forsaken: Welcome to the DarkMod forums . As you can see, everyone has gone waaay off topic. This always happens Even i have lost wtf they on about lol EDIT: just read your tag, hello HeXen
  5. we discussed this, texture wise a while back. It'd be quite easy to make a little program to rip assets out of a Thief install and into D3. More useful for soundbites than textures though, given the small resolution and lack of bumpmaps and what have you. So yeah, pretty much possible, but it's not on our priority list right now. Also welcome to the forums.
  6. Someone was also saying something about a randomizer, or that info is kept in text documents and a ranomizer could make many things quickly. It's in the Free Form Thief World thread http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=2657 If you made a hallway and looked at the text in the .map file, could you then make a program that would put the hallway with your settings into the file, then go into the editor and move it where you wanted?
  7. IT just looks all mishapen, and there's no cheekbones, plus that big fold coming down from the nose to the mouth is too long and protruding, it starts too high and ends too low. THe mouth is very oddly shaped, especially at the corners. THE chin is too fat, flat and protruding. THe head is too round and the shap around the eyebrow ridges are wrong. THe ear and the nose are the best parts. It's getting better for sure, but it's needs a lot more subtle shaping. THere's a great thread at CG talk deaing with head topology. http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?t=38469
  8. Most people will only fight back against oppression when it directly effects something they deeply care about. Most of the 9-5 tools are being oppressed from useful thought by being conditioned throughout life to get an education for a job in which they repeat the same meaningless cycle everyday and only spend their offtime recovering or entertaining themselves and giving no effort to expand their mind or change their wasted life. The same is with most of us posting from work. Posting on forums accomplishes very little, and is mostly for venting. If you truly hate the measures taken to 'protect and prevent' terrorism, do something actively about it. Posting on boards about it won't change it.
  9. uhh...can he even see this thread? or has someone frgotten, because he asked for "any news" in that thread in public forums.
  10. Vadrosaul


  11. CoC: Dark Corners of the Earth has been released for the Xbox. PC release date is still unannounced, but hopefully soon. I'm posting here because a) all the fans hanging around the Headfirst forums seem to be impressed so it has recommendations, b ) it appears to be intelligent, atmospheric, and has stealth gameplay, as well as a few scares, so maybe Thief fans will enjoy, and c) because Bethesda is doing such a sh|te job of marketing this game that the devs have worked very hard on and many fans have been waiting a looong time for. By all reports it deserves a sequel and that's not likely to happen if no one hears about it, no matter how good it is. I'd give you my firsthand impressions, but I'm still waiting for the PC release... So buy it (but probably somewhere cheaper). Or learn more about it. Or just go hang out in the forums and wait for the PC release like many others Cheers, Entropy aka Athysbane in CoC forums
  12. Dram

    Parkan II

    ! Just noticed in the forums there: Woohoo! Guess i only have to wait a while. Btw, for those who can't be stuffed checking the review, the game has a good graphics engine on the lines of x2 or x3. Also, it has very good gameplay apparently.
  13. No idea, I'm just a sucker for hype. If dog shit was preceded by a massive advertising campaign I'd probably buy it. It's just one of the few books everyone reads, so it's good for talk at work, on forums, ecetra. Da Vinci Code was also quite crap but made for a decent discussion.
  14. Dram

    Parkan II

    Has anyone herad of Parkan II? I just noticed it today and suddenly want it...bad. I heard Parkan Iron Strategy was good too, and you can download a demo, unfortunately my internet just got capped (went over the 20gb limit) which is absolutely fucked. Should be uncapped tomorrow, so im gonna get it then. Apparently its already out, but on their forums someone said that the US version should be out in december, that means January for Australia..ugh. Anyone know anything about this? Russians especially should hehehe...
  15. I think the non members should respect the fact that this has all been discussed and decided upon by those who are actually making the mod. Not a single idea suggested in this thread was not at some point discussed in the campaign or concept art forums, and arguing won't chage what has already been decided upon. If you don't like the direction the mod is going in, then fine; it's fully moddable. Get to work. This isn't a drive-thru 'make a game the way I want it' forum.
  16. The only part of Braveheart worth watching was Mel Gibson being disemboweled, I cheered out loud in the theater and got several angry looks from fellow viewers. Rob Roy was a much better movie, not the best but decent. What about racial differences? One of the things I liked about the Thief series was that it wasnt all white faces. I would like to see different kinds of people, with different clothing and weapons and such. If for example the Thief travels to a Southern city or town, it would be cool to have different architecture and all. I know this is an assload of work, Im just daydreaming. I'd like the pagans to cross the line between human and animal to a degree. Lets say we have a band of these wolf-warriors, perhaps one or two of the members, being of purer animal spirit and filled with burning devotion to the Lord of the Woods, actually take on some wolf characteristics. They could yip and snort, sniffing the air with their elongated snouts and howling to attract reinforcements. They could have improved senses, making them really tough to hide from, and perhaps they can run faster or fight harder or something. The point is to make the pagans really scary, I never found them that spooky in any of the games. In fact, the best encounters with pagans were the cutscenes, where they looked really witchy and animalistic and scary.
  17. Leet Character Emporium is down atm. What's up? And yeah, what is the score with NightBlade atm? It's been aaaaaaages since anything new was announced. I've all but given up on it now. I know it's there but I'm not even looking forward to it because there has been no clue as to what is going on. I did actually think it had been cancelled at one point, but then someone posted something at BCG forums about MP testing.
  18. There is a bug in the Thief game engine that causes it to misread the amount of available hard drive space used for virtual memory. What you can do is try deleting some files on the HD where you have installed thief, or alternatively, adding files (about 40Mb worth) - this will make the game engine think you have sufficient space (I have used this method, it works - I had the same problem on a drive that had 65Gb of free space)... this bug exists because the game was made at a time when hard drives were quite small, and they obviously never conceived of 100Gb plus HDDs at the time and so hard coded a sloppy way of reading hard drive free space. There is more info available somewhere on the TTLG forums, don't have an exact link at the moment...
  19. Here's some feedback: Open pouch: looks good, although I might do something a little less purple...it's almost a cartoon colour compared to the rest of our objects. Closed pouch: same thing about the colour. It's a little short and fat, so we wouldn't be able to attach it to a model's belt as is. The rings look good. The vase looks pretty good. The gemstones should be a richer colour so that they stand out more, especially the ruby. The diamond could be a brighter white, otherwise they'll be very hard to see. The streetlamps need work. The poles are ok, although the texture needs to be roughed up more and less specular. The tops need a brighter and more yellow look to the glass. See this pic as reference: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=2208 The tiara needs a different texture. I have no problem with the long table, but I can't see a useful difference between the two dressers. This post raises an interesting question about how many variations of each model we want to include on CVS.
  20. The editor is built into Doom3 itself. For doom 3 specific usage, take a quick look through the forums at www.doom3world.org, it will help you get started with doom 3 level editing. You can see the editor by bringing down the console and just typing editor when you have doom3 running. This isn't the best way to start it though. You actually need to create a copy of the doom 3 shortcut and make some changes to the "target" path. I can't remember exactly what you have to do at the moment and I'm almost falling asleep. If you have trouble finding the directions over there either myself or someone here will look it up.
  21. Modetwo, who hosts and maintains the forums on our behalf, is no. 1 since he installed the forum software!
  22. I chuckled at your post Domarius, same here. Stupid joints. I didn't know it was an exploit particularly, I just found, especially on TII, that even with slowest walking it was not silent, so ended up doing it I think. I have no idea what rubberman is. If anything TAPTAPTAP forwardleanandHit TAPTAPTAP is far worse. So tempting. I see what you are saying about the tiles but it is a game, and some areas have loads of marble, and seeing as Garrett is invisible in shadows I don't think it's too hard to imagine he can be 100% quiet if slow enough. Mind you I will try the Crouch, creep, walk forward thing next time. Calendra's, a popular map series, seemed to have very little loud surfaces. And TII missions with loads of marble are not popular.
  23. Bit of trivia - Thief 2 has a "walk forward slowly" button. This is totally independant from all the other movement speeds. I have it bound to X. So if you hold Crouch, plus Creep, and then press "Walk forward slowly", you move so slow that you move across even metal with absolute silence!! I still am not sure wether they intended this compounding effect or if its actually an exploit. But I agree with the "clok clok" sound the thief makes when he walks as if he's wearing hobnail boots - the point of that is to emulate the difficulty of actually being quiet in real life - in real life you have all sorts of things (mentioned before, clothes rustling etc) but in a video game its better to simplify this into something easily managable, like loud footsteps. So we need something like that there. @Sparhawk - I try every single night to be 100% silent, as I will be doing once again tonight when I arrive home late again, and try my damn hardest not to wake my room mates. I CANNOT be 100% silent, it is pretty much impossible. Clothes for one thing (being naked helps, yeah I speak from experience...), but you just can't stop your feet from making a noise. Even bare skin on the tiles makes a sticky noise, in the dead of the night, these little sounds that you don't notice every day, become as loud as anything. Socks are probably the most quiet, but its hard to imagine the thief would be wearing nothing but cloth on his feet when he expects to be walking over all sorts of terrain, rocks, through sewers, etc. @Obscurus - It's funny you should mention cracking joints Obscurus - I have the most cracky joints of anyone I know. I saw a specialist bone doctor about it, and he checked it all out and told me its normal, I'm just one of the certain percentage of people with noisy joints. And that is why I would never make it as a real theif Every so often, especialy if I have been still for a while, one of my bones, usually one of my ankles, will give such a resounding CRACK, that it the dead of the night it sounds like a firecracker going off...
  24. Ambients that are real exist a lot in Thief FMs at the moment. Especially rainy ones. Your mention of lightnight sent me back to Murkbell. Mmm. Will crouch sneak, the equivalent of the slowest TII mode make noise even on SUPA-TAPPY-ANTI-THIEF-TILES so we have to do that annoying w w w w w w thing? Please say not! Thief Classic engine does have some far too loud areas and it's dull tapping w so as not to make a step (It's pretty messed up anyhow. Floating there, moving along, then slamming your foot into the floor if you float for too long in one go).
  25. Please no more on saves or ghosting or not having any weapons at all! I like the mace idea. I know some may think it is a silly for a Thief, but what was TG/TDP about? It had loads of zombies in! From level 2! However a mace in a mansion should either be disallowed or have some rubbishness associated with it (clanks into things so is loud? Heavy so loud steps? Dunno) so you don't go round a mansion with a giant mace unless you feel like being stupid. I can imagine very easily fighting zombies with a mace, would be fun with Tclassic style mechanics! Chopping doesn't make sense unless you hack off a limb or through a bone but crushing does, as you can imagine the zombie couldn't move a smashed in arm, no bone or muscle support etc. I am pleased that a short sword has been chosen. I prefer that to a dagger, and it allows hitting things, so if you are sick of a key hunt bash down the door and go toe to toe with the guard inside!
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