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  1. Does the engine need to be modified for this or is this functionality built in and just needs to be exposed? I've made a map that has a giant cube with an intricate maze on all 6 sides (made from a real life 3d maze) and I would love to be able to spin it on 3 axis and use local gravity on the cube to make the player stick to the surface so the world would turn upside down and stuff.
  2. Add requests and requirements for any barks, speeches, mutterings, etc to this thread and suggested variations. These can then be modified as needed... open doors: Who left this open? Who left this door open? Why do they keep leaving doors open? Hey! I told you not to leave doors open! Why is this not closed? Damn! This should be kept shut. smells: What is that smell? Don't think it's me ... already had my wash this month... Mmmm... something smells odd around here... Euh! someone hasn't washed for a while. Gasp! what a stink ... must be a dead cat around here general grumbles & mutterings: Always more rules and regulations. As if I don't know how to do my job anyway. Why do I always get this watch? They must know I hate it. Trouble is I don't grumble enough. Then they'd take notice. When this is over I think I'll take a few days off. Yes, I need a break. Fresh air. Nice walks in the country. Don't doze! Not tonight! This is my big chance. If I can just nail one miscreant then they'll respect me; then they'll trust me. Yes, I'm on my way up.
  3. I did a fresh install of Doom 3 using all lower case, no spaces [c:/doom3] , patched and installed DM and it runs SO smooth graphics cranked . . .I was thinking wow, this is Thief 4! . . but I got stuck, . . I got the 1st watchman, then roofed over to get the second guy w/ torch, made it in, founsd special loot and old rusty key, plus grabbed a key off one guy, but now I'm in an area with a ladder going up, small room with an elevator going down, and a door that is locked near a Keg, but I can tell it's where I should be going . . . . up, down or out the locked door? If so where's the key to that door? Mor3 later, gutta go shovel, then I'm back at it, what a great mod! -Your hard work is fantastic! - I'm putting screens up on my server later . . . . - Darrin
  4. Played the pre beta demo. I was amazed at the work you guys have done thus far. I actualy went out and baught Doom3 just to play this mod. I can't wait to get my hands on the finished product. The points I liked most: 1. Textures and overall mood. 2. Control and movement. 3. Scaling. 4. Ambient sounds and music. Keep up the good work guys. 10 out of 10 for a pre beta. -SR
  5. I reinstalled Doom 3 a while ago but realised I'd lost the manual with the CD key on it. This hasn't affected the Dark Mod because when I load a mission from the console it works without the key. But in future it could be a pain to have to load every mission from the console rather than go through the Dark Mod's new menu. Rather than buy Doom 3 again just to get the CD key I was thinking about buying the expansion pack, just so that I haven't completely wasted my money. So my question is, can you play the Dark Mod with the CD from the expansion pack, or only the standard Doom 3 CD?
  6. I need some sounds for the lantern bot now as I've got his af working. Needs some good footstep sounds. Right now he 'clicks' when he walks but he's almost waist high so he's gotta be fairly heavy. Needs more of a clunk. Also needs some grinding gear sounds that will run all the time. Needs a good steam whistle sound when he finds the player.
  7. The dark mod has come along way. with dark radiant released and many Thief FM makers out there along with the hype about this mod in the thief community maybe You guys should add in some new parts of the forums. For editor Discusion, and just general mapping. along with coding and stuff. so there is help here for the mappers that are at work learning and using the D3 editor. just a thought it would be a good move to create a really good base of DM editors for the release. it would help us solve the problems we are having and get better as we talk about it and learn the editor. also maybe a FM concepts forum to. to talk about ideas for good maps and for ppl to req mappers and coders for DM projects... i think its the right move. it would also bring a lot of new people interested in the mod's comunity on a daily bases. maybe we can steel some of the fm makers from the first two thiefs haha. hopefully. theres alot of amazing FM's out there for the first 2.
  8. Dmap seems to ignore a shadow mesh I added to my galleon model. It's definitely there, cause I can see it in DR. (black texture with SHADOW on it). But in game, when I turn the shadow silhouette on (r_showsilhouette 1) I can see shadow detail which shouldn't be there. (exactly same as visible mesh). And I think that fps is lower now than before instead of higher. I used textures/common/shadow material for shadow mesh. Did I forget about something?
  9. Hey Mr. Have a chat in here with the rest of the team.
  10. Come on in, and have a chat. Tell us what you're all about.
  11. hoi, another new face here. did see the darkmod video yesterday. ( via ttlg) I'm impressed did inspire me to give doom/radiant another go. ( and I was so pleased to find fidcall's tut a la Komag ) been fiddling with it for a few hours, did work out fine ( allthough I kept pushing my "dromed"buttons all the time ) ( I think you can guess what's coming next..) I would love to work with the darkmod. ( I don't like the doom textures ( to be honest: I didn't like doom at all )) being a thief-adict from head to toes... I have some experience in 3d editting. I've been a dromedeer for the last few years. I think I might say I know my way in dromed. did "publish" "the Librarian" last year ( and allmost done with the brushwork for the sequel) I think ( and hope) that the darkmod will be the way for the "thief-universe" to go. I sure would love to give it a go... ger
  12. The hierarchy looks mostly good, but of course some issues will exist here or there from time to time. I plan to go through and try to address issues (depending on the extent or ownership of the work in question) as I come across them. If the fix is obvious and simplistic, I'll go ahead and do it. If the solution is questionable or unclear, it's better to ask first. So in that spirit, I thought it a good idea if we establish an ongoing question/answer thread, where we can ask about particular items and issues in the texture repository. This could be considered separate from actual texture art cleanup/modification/pruning if we wish. To get things rolling, in starting up today, the first things I noticed were: 1. There are a bunch of pillar_* materials listed in the textures/darkmod folder, outside of any subfolder. They are defined in architecture.mtr. These materials certainly appear to be useful for mapping, so they need not be treated as model-asset-only, but where should they reside? Not in the base folder, surely. /stone/natural maybe? This is a pretty simple fix, but I didn't want to move them in case they break someone's models. 2. paint_paper/wallpaper_fancy_green and _red don't work, because they have no texture files to back them up. Should they be removed or fixed? The _gold one does work. There's more, I just wanted to get this out there to get started.
  13. Here's a longsword, a battle axe, and a warhammer. They are still pretty low poly so a lot of detailing could be added of course, roughening up the outlines of the hammer/axe handle for starters. Im not in love with the swords crosspiece either but its closer than before. I used the axe as a basis for the hammer, that made that job a split second. http://aycu07.webshots.com/image/24326/200...56290868_rs.jpg http://aycu25.webshots.com/image/22864/200...91026086_rs.jpg http://aycu36.webshots.com/image/24715/200...92872706_rs.jpg http://aycu05.webshots.com/image/23524/200...94248004_rs.jpg http://aycu38.webshots.com/image/23437/200...45461322_rs.jpg http://aycu29.webshots.com/image/24308/200...35019751_rs.jpg I could definitely see adding much more detailing to a sword but the hammer and axe images I used as a template were pretty rough hewn affairs, basically a heavy head with a stout wooden handle jammed into it. I could add some rivet heads and such to the handle for a grip.
  14. I have bought myself a Speedlink SL 6697. The wheel works when I try it in games, but the forcefeedback doesn't I have tried several games and in none it works. I also have a gamepad from Speelink and there the force feedback works fine, so it's not because of the game itself (I tried several different ones). When I switch on the FF I can feel it, because it puts a resistance on the wheel. Also when I switch it off, turn the wheel a bit, and then switch it back on, I can see that it works, because the motors put it automatically back in the middle position. However, even in the driver, there is a tab where you can try different affects and none of them work. So I wonder if there might be some issue with the drivers, windows 2000 SP4, or if the wheel itself doesn't work. Since I can see that the motors are working I assume a driver problem, but maybe I'm wrong. Any ideas what it might be?
  15. title says it all, I don't know what I'm doing. well, to a degree. Do have a few q's regarding anims though. I looked at some of the spider anims and they brought more questions to mind. I figure at some point it would be good to add this stuff to wiki. Animation sequences: I always thought that anims needed to have the exact same pose begining and end. But the spider isn't like this at all. also there are spots in the middle of anims that seem to switch to an entirely different anim. Animation Lengths: Seems like 30 frames is fairly standard. Spider death is like 50. How critical is this to blend anims? --edit--movement: We don't need to actually move the Ai in animation for them to move do we?, just need to animate them right so they look like they are pushing off floor. random stuff: Spider swords: I noticed a 'no draw' box above the spider mesh. This is just for attaching a sword/weapon stimlulus I take it. --edit-- don't know what I did but all of a sudden I can moce waist independent of origin, some bug I think
  16. Hey guys. The forums have been successfully upgraded, although it took longer than I thought due to some extensive mysql queries that had to be run. This version of IPB is the newest, and it includes changes, new features and more. Please have a look around! IMPORTANT: Since a lot of the client-script files have been updated it is mandatory to empty your cached files from this forum. You can either empty your browser cache if you want to (check the settings), or you can do a hard refresh (this is usually done by holding the Ctrl-button while you hit 'Refresh'). Yes, the skin is currently toe default IPB skin, but this will be changed ASAP. It takes some time to update the changes in the original darkmod-skin, so please be patient. If you spot anything out of order (e.g. bugs) or you have suggestions or general feedback, please use this thread. Because of a new CAPTCHA (Completely Automatic Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) system introduced in this version, I have now disabled the manual validation process of new members. Cheers, ~m2
  17. Alright, the forum has successfully been upgraded to IPB version 2.2.2. If you have any comments, bug reports, suggestion or general feedback, post it here. IMPORTANT: Since a lot of the client-script files have been updated it is mandatory to empty your cached files from this forum. You can either empty your browser cache if you want to (check the settings), or you can do a hard refresh (this is usually done by holding the Ctrl-button while you hit 'Refresh'). Cheers, ~m2
  18. I will upgrade the DarkMod forums this Friday to the newest IPB version. This will hopefully help us stop the spammers from signing up so we can get rid of the manual authentication process. The forums will be unavailable for some time, and the skin might not look normal after the upgrade. Just a heads up. Cheers, ~m2
  19. I have investigated this issue and it seems that it is a problem with lights that do not specify a lightfalloffimage. Previously in this case the renderer would detect that the bound verticle texture was numbered 0 and would therefore know to use the default, however this no longer seems to be happening -- instead the texture is bound to a new number which presumably corresponds to a black or invalid texture rather than the default point light falloff. I have also confirmed this by copying the biground1 light texture and adding the same lightfalloffimage as with defaultpointlight, whereafter it works. Greebo -- there is a note in the flushRenderables method: // greebo: Note, that the check for empty texture_numbers should not // necessarily be placed here, that kind of error handling should go into // the shaders module. How should we check for a light shader which has no falloff now? I am quite happy to move it out of the renderer (and get rid of the horrible g_defaultPointLight global). Perhaps it should go in the shaders plugin, for instance, whereby a light texture with no falloff gets a default instead of a blank name/empty pointer.
  20. Hey Doug, have you made it in here yet? I was wondering if I could assign you the following animations: Panic, standing (for AIs who are cornered and panicked) The AI is cowering in a corner, possibly wounded, afraid for their life but too tired or cornered to run any further. Arms up to protect themself from the attack they fear is coming. Panic, crouching (please don't kill me!) Same thing, but crouching, hiding their face
  21. The turn_right anim for the elite guard is now available to be called in game. There is no mirrored version for turn_left yet. What other characters should I add this to? I was thinking to just add it to every "guard" character. Builder guard, house guard, etc... since it's a patrol sort of movement. Well everyone should have it really. You could have a regular dude standing watch out the front of his house. ascottk I uploaded my original anims to the FTP under; models/In-game_Originals/animations So you can re-produce them for any character if you can't wait for me.
  22. Ok well as soon as i read which animation Springheel assigned me to, i was in the mood to do some animating First draft of Failed KO:
  23. I'm trying to make some skins for my models but they don't show up in Dark Radiant Model Inspector. What am I doing wrong? Here's the model inspector window (where you can find model paths and material names) and here's my skin declarations: skin The_Big_Hammer_metal { model models/darkmod/props/decorative/decorative_oversized/the_hammer_big.lwo tdm_thehammer_big_stone tdm_thehammer_big_metal } That's just one example but I couldn't get it to work for any of my models... I put my skins declarations in new file: decorations_oversized.skin What am I doing wrong?
  24. I spoke with thelvyn a few weeks ago in regards to helping out with some Dark Mod or Dark Radiant coding. So, lets have our coders step in and see where thelvyn might best be able to contribute.
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