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Found 11 results

  1. So recently I tried upscaling the old TDM logo video that can seen as intro before loads of old missions and some newer ones. The old one looks like this: But inside TDM the video is stretched because it has an aspect ratio of 1:1 . On 16:9 screens it looks very stretched and on 4:3 and 5:4 a little. A 16:9 aspect ratio for the video would be better for most users (using 16:9) and on 4:3 and 5:4 it still looks ok. Now one could say: "who cares about that old video?" (I do, every time I watch it before a new mission). But I would say: "How much work is it to convert the video to mp4 (smaller file) and make it 16:9?". I mean pure conversion, no upscaling. The upscaled variant I made (in 16:9) looks like this: I think it looks better than the original, but that's just my opinion and not really the point of this topic.
  2. My Outro video if I finish my FM isn't playing anymore since 2.10 at least. Have there been changes made in this version or maybe 2.09 on how Outro videos need to be setup? Can I check all my objectives if I test my FM via console so that I don't need to play through manually for testing? Thanks for any help!
  3. In 2.06 you can use standard video formats for cutscenes: no need to mess with long-forgotten ROQ any more. This wiki page explains how to set it up, including the question how to play audio embedded in the video file. Note that video files must have extension .mp4 or .m4v or .avi, other extensions won't work properly. P.S. And in case of any trouble with this feature, I am the most suitable person to ask.
  4. Yesterday I installed 'The Dark Mod' version 2.05 on my computer. ('tdm_update.linux' worked great, but took FOREVER. The resultant 'thedarkmod.x86' file is 6.5 MB in size.) My issues: When starting the program (./thedarkmod.x86), I get great audio, but only a black screen (window).When running on full desktop mode (not in a window), both monitors go black.I can hear clicking when I move the (invisible) mouse pointer within the black screen. Unfortunately, the only way I found to get things back to 'normal' is to do a 'CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE', since I cannot get the mouse pointer to my desktop (when running in window mode).I cannot see what errors I may have gotten when launching from the command line, because of having to re-start my session (see line above). My computer system: OS: Linux Mint 17.3 (64 bit) CPU: Intel Core i7-3610QM @ 2.30 GHz x 4 System RAM: 8 GB Video Controller: Intel 3rd Gen Core processor Video Card: AMD / ATI Heathrow PRO [Radeon HD 7850M/8850M] Video RAM Available: 2048 MB Displays: Laptop [1920 x 1080 (16:9)], Standalone monitor [1920 x 1080 (16:9)] Anyway, from searching the forum for possible things to do to get video, I changed the following lines in my Darkmod.cfg file: seta com_videoRam "2048" seta r_aspectRatio "1" seta r_fullscreen "0" seta r_customHeight "900" seta r_customWidth "1600" seta r_mode "-1" seta sys_videoRam "0" Still, I get the black screen (window). My Darkmod.log shows: Any thoughts on how to actually 'see' what is hiding inside the black screen (or window)?
  5. For mysterious reasons, anti-aliasing never worked for me in TDM. Since I hate it when edges make the pixels of my screen stand out, I would like to change this! The menu option is enabled, and r_multiSamples is saved at the value of 4. I have an ATI Radeon 6870 card, and the free video driver for Linux (MESA 11.0.5). FSAA works in most games although there are exceptions, while MESA is configured to do what the application says in this regard.
  6. I can't seem to capture Dark Mod on dxtory or fraps past 19 frames per second, anyone have any idea what's wrong? It was working just fine a week ago, not entirely sure what's the culprit. Fixed: Fraps works fine, once you make sure your file destination is set properly.
  7. I recall RoQ videos can be transparent and such, and can be used as textures in materials. Is there an explanation how to author RoQs with settings/parameters explained (setting transparency for example) and how to properly setup material to use RoQ in GUIs and world/model surfaces ? Thanks.
  8. Hi! My name is TanikasMisadventures I dont know if this is a right place to post this but I have done some gameplay on The Dark Mod, I find this game facinating to play (cept i suck when recording) There are different areas to explore at every turn and different stuff in each map, The guards are actually smart and need i go on? I have so much fun with this game Anyway back to the gameplay, all im asking for is comment on what i could do better, so i can better myself as a live commentator as i don't have much skill there and what i could do better if i would do more dark mod videos, i have filmed more but i don't want to put them up on YouTube as i feel they aren't worthy Heres the playlist: Thanks for reading if you did, im not trying to advertise myself, i just want comment to be better at it -Tanika
  9. Found this on "Cultura inquita". For me one of the most fascinating videos. Wouldn`t this style be perfect for some TDM-campaign-cutscenes ? watch the whole thing. Second half is kind of spooky. http://culturainquie...-l-l-e-z-a.html What do u say S.H. ?
  10. Undoubtedly, some of you have already noticed the storm of articles from yesterday. A friend linked me a whole bunch and I figured I'd pass them on to you folks, in a manageable format. Watch out for spoilers though! I had to skip a good video with the devs, to save the story for my own playthrough. PlayStation Access - Thief on PS4 - New PlayStation 4 gameplay and interview "Nath talks to Thief's art and game director Nicolas Cantin about fan feedback, bringing back a classic, and making the most of Dualshock 4." Game On - Thief PREVIEW: new gameplay footage - The Breakdown "After resurrecting the long-dormant Deus Ex franchise Eidos Montreal set their sights on another of gaming's greatest series, Thief. We made the trip to an icy cold Canada to get some extended hands-on time with the game and meet the people behind the new title, which is out on February 28." Rev3Games - THIEF Hands-On! Adam Sessler's Gameplay Impressions youtu.be/xL97cuRMXQs "Adam got his hands on the first few hours of Thief, the upcoming game from Eidos Montreal - and he walked away with some interesting thoughts! Watch to see his impressions of this soon-to-come stealth title." Polygon - Thief’s latest preview highlights vast improvement "The last time we played Thief was at an event in October in New York. The build was riddled with problems. At the time, developer producer Joe Khoury said that while the game was "feature complete," it still needed a lot of polish. Recently, we had a chance to check out a more polished version of the game during an event in Sydney. The differences were striking." IGN - Thief: The Hardcore Options of Infiltration "Thief fell off the radar for a few years, and its return left many skeptical, but it’s a relief to see that it’s real, it works, and it has plenty of intelligent aspects that don’t ruin its stealth tradition." GameSpot - How Thief Is Returning to Its Stealth Roots - Preview "The sneaky Daniel Hindes gives us a preview of Eidos Montreal's Thief, and reveals how recent gameplay changes are helping to make it a stealth game for everybody. Featuring interviews with game director Nicolas Cantin" Gametrailers - Thief Preview "If stealing is wrong, we don't want to be right. Take what you can get from this hands-on preview." PlayStation Blog - Hands-on with Thief on PlayStation "Like its predecessors, Thief offers a wealth of different play opportunities for each and every mission. Take, for example, the aforementioned scene in the jewelers. Some players may practice patience and timing to move through the environment unseen. Others may silently dispatch the guards with Garrett’s handy club before proceeding. Others may extinguish every light and use the shadows to their advantage. Each play style is wholly valid, and rewarded at the end of the mission with bonuses." CapsuleComputers: Interview with Nic Cantin Hands-on with First Three Hours "All in all, I have got to say that Thief impressed me and I actually came away wanting to play more. The tone, the world, and the polished mechanics really appealed to me and conveyed a grand sense of self and place." VG24/7 - Garrett steps out of the shadows as pacifist or predator "Having recently spent several hours working through the first four chapters of Thief, I’ve been able to explore the mechanics, features and myriad tweakable game-play options that prove that, for better or worse, Thief is its own game with a different focus to Dishonored." Strategy Informer - Thief Preview "Some Thief series fans may still be worried, but this fan is optimistic. The story and the overall experience will be key to whether the game succeeds or fails, but I get the feeling that Eidos Montreal are pulling out all the stops to make Thief a great game." GameRevolution - Thief Preview "Ever the consummate professional, Garrett takes his thievery seriously, staying close to the shadows and holding a code of ethics that avoids the taking of life if at all possible. Besides, his roguish skills don't lend themselves to a handicapped match against the stalwart city watch." CrunchyRoll - One Last Pre-Release Look at "Thief" "A lot of people have been mentioning Dishonored, and while there are similarities (emphasis on stealth, a plague, corrupt guards, a powerful lord, and a crazy old lady living in the slums), I've gotta say that actually playing the game feels different." Destroctoid - Preview: The first four hours of Thief "It's very clear that the developers at Eidos Montreal spent the last year looking at their game and fine tuning it with fan feedback and criticisms in mind. Even after his long absence, Garrett still has got some neat tricks up his sleeve. If you're of an open mind and willing to try out this new take on a classic series, you may find more to like about it than you think." PCGamesN - Hands on with Thief — a preview of the game's opening four chapters "At this stage however Thief feels erratic, a stealth game that often forgets its business and lapses into mindless, action-based tomfoolery. But at times, when the atmosphere and sense of place coalesce into a nostalgia stinkbomb, you’ll still get a hefty guff of the series’ DNA."
  11. I'd be really interested to see any video tutorials where an experienced mapper takes us through say constructing a simple house but with lots of tips and tricks thrown in. If anybody has seen the sort of tutorials on videocopilot.net then you'll know what i'm talking about. Something for us who are new to mapping but are hungry to get doing more - quickly. I'd be really interested to see peoples approach's, what they do first, how they add detail what useful shortcuts and tips they use. I've just started mapping and there's sooo much to know, unless you're happy with square blocks everywhere ! I learn best by watching others so video tuts are the best way to get my knowledge up to speed avoiding all the gotchas others had fallen into. Would anybody like to make one ? ( I know there are a few on youtube and they're good but very slow ). cheers
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