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Fan Mission: Lord Dufford's (2010/03/31)



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If that's the case then I don't see the logic at all. The clue states

Code of WENS. If I get out my compass and face the lions in those directions it is not working. I hear the clicking noises that you are talking about but the lions will not be facing the appropriate directions according to using a compass if I face them that way. I am basing this on facing the two fireplaces. Is that how I should be looking at them to get my directions? If facing the two fireplaces, then the lions should be facing in this order: 1.facing right (west) 2. facing left (east) - so these two lions should be facing each other according to the 4th clue and using a compass if facing both fireplaces. Then the right side fireplace should be 3. facing towards you (north on the compass) and 4. facing away from you (south). This is all according to using a compass, facing the two fireplaces, and the code of WENS. It's just not working out that way.


Edited by cavador_8
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sometimes they get out of sync, and face the wrong way, the sound is a fallback incase that happens. if i knew what causes it I could fix it but i don't, it seems to be a random occurance. I spent several days trying to work out what causes it from the guards moving them, to model bounding brush catching on the surface they're on and reacting with it in some odd way

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sometimes they get out of sync, and face the wrong way...


My lion statues

work fine with the WENS code - but it has to be read from right to left :rolleyes:. That is, the rightmost lion (on the R fireplace) must face W, the next one to the left must turn E, the third (on the L fireplace) can be left alone as it already faces N, and as soon as the leftmost one faces S the secret door opens dutifully

. I could replicate it at least 4 times :)

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the lions



probably is back to front been a while since I checked, something like 9 months ago.



the key



the key was for a proxy lock, to unlock the lever beyond the doors opened by the lions, but the new version of TDM 2.03 may have broken it. I'll take a look at it when I get some free time to do that.


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  • 4 months later...


Key is not needed to move the lever. At least not in my game.



My game was broken with the gear. When the gear was used, it did not remove from my inventory. If I tried to scroll through other inventory items, my game crashed to windows. It wasn't until I picked up the scroll in the room that my game could continue.

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  • 2 months later...

I wish there was a walkthrough for this fm. I'm enjoying it, but I have to say I'm a bit confused.

I've been reading through the forums here and I've read about the rafters. I've been up to the rafters in the banquet hall and in the meeting hall and there's no going into another room up there.


also, for the Fourth clue, can I get a slight push in the right direction? I've looked at the

spot in the garden where Lord D was killed beside his wife's statue, and those lions aren't frobbable.


I did find the

fourth clue and the key on those rafters but that's it.



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Ok, I'm down in that room

at the bottom of the chain....read the two letters

...is there anything else to do there? I can't find anything else. I'm sorry I'm not usually this dense lol.

Correct me if I'm wrong.... It just suddenly clicked that maybe the Lions aren't in the same place as where the 'two fires' lead.


Edit: I found the

secret room when I pressed the red brick

. Used the ring I'd found, found his letter, read about the spires, I'm still lost.


I've read about the turning the

lion statues to WENS, I've read about the fireplaces

, but the only two fireplaces are where you pointed them out earlier, the one

statue on the right (not lion) opens the panel in between both fireplaces, and that's where you go for the chain

etc, But, I still have no idea how to find the 4 statues. I am thoroughly confused with this fourth clue.

Edited by llanita


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The lions are in the room above the room with the heads on the fireplaces, on the fireplaces in that room there are two small lion statues on the top of one fireplace and 2 more on the other fireplace, they make a different noise when they are in the correct position.





| floor with lion statues | 2nd floor (or first floor if you are in the uk)


| floor with statue heads | first floor (or ground floor if you are in the uk)


in the video at about 10 minutes its shows going to the room with the lion statues


Edited by stumpy
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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...

Hello, All. Does anyone have bugs in this mission like not opening "secret places" by right-clicking on them?
like this one (see GIF image). I think it's where the "4th clue" lies hidden.


And also a manhole bug. (can't see hatch from below and can't open it)
I can't accomplish this mission. Don't know what lies ahead, maybe more bugs awaits me.

(TDM version 2.08/64 #8771)

condump111.txt Darkmod.cfg

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