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I'm sure everyone has seen the fully interactive surfaces in Doom 3 that allow you to use computers and stuff just by walking up to them. This person even got Doom 1 to be playable in Doom 3!


What kinds of cool things could TDM do with this? Maybe someone could update the training mission with an area where you could select and download FMs while you are involved in other activities in the game world to help pass the time... or maybe we could have a usable shop in a TDM mission that makes use of this. This isn't a feature request or anything, I'm just thinking out loud.


Or maybe technology such as this has no place in the TDM world at all. (monitors? computers?)



--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.


Well, readables already use GUI surfaces.





Magic Orbs

Magic Mirrors

Liquid levels in a machine

Ghostly face emerges from a stone tablet

Secret touch sequence puzzle for a stone wall


that's all I got...

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What kinds of cool things could TDM do with this? Maybe someone could update the training mission with an area where you could select and download FMs while you are involved in other activities in the game world to help pass the time...


Sounds a bit out of place for TDM, in my opinion.


I had an idea for a tomb with a bunch of puzzles needed to be completed to get further into the tomb, you could use a gui stone plate to move stuff around to get a solution. Although most of the puzzles that had been worked out for it were of the lever switching in certain order to get a solution. there was a puzzle to get through a door in to an outer chamber, then another puzzle to get in the tomb, then a switch that would let you access one of four doors depending what the switch pointed at. puzzles in these rooms wouldn't actually work until the main power supply for the tomb was turned on, this was done by flicking on a bunch of twelve interlinked switches.


In the end you would find out that you weren't in a tomb but in the hanger for a ornithopter.

  • 1 month later...

As I recall we pretty much removed this type of GUI support from the code base in order to make frobbing/readable code more streamlined and easy to maintain. So it's not really possible in TDM. I was skeptical of this at first, but then realized that TDM puzzles work better with real, concrete objects (e.g., moving an actual quill pen over a check box, pushing a concrete button or turning a dial). All of these things can be done with fairly minimal scripting. So we don't really need the code that we got rid for ingame guis moving around a 2d mouse cursor on a 2d display. It hasn't held anyone back from making cool puzzles thus far.

Posted (edited)

the mouse code in doom 3, all it ever seems to do when looking at doom 3 guis is activating a trigger in the world, then that trigger does whatever its linked to either directly or via a script.


basically this is all the button code is


onmouseenter {

transition "TextBtn::forecolor" "1 1 1 0.7" "1 1 1 1" "200" ;

transition "TextBtn2::forecolor" "1 1 1 0.7" "1 1 1 1" "200" ;



onMouseExit {

transition "TextBtn::forecolor" "1 1 1 1" "1 1 1 0.7" "200" ;

transition "TextBtn2::forecolor" "1 1 1 1" "1 1 1 0.7" "200" ;



onAction {

set "cmd" "activate ; play guisounds_click" ;



its like that in all the guis.

Edited by stumpy

I was talking about the SDK code that detects if the player's "focus" is on a GUI surface or not. We took it out because it was interfering with frobhilighting and making things more complicated than they had to be.

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