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Question: I would like to throw Func_statics around


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I'm not entirely certain what you're trying to accomplish. Is this a poltergeist effect you're shooting for (OOoOOoooooOOOoohhh...a floating ChaaAAaaair...) ?


A func_shooter might work, but collisions don't work the same for projectiles as they do static models.


You could use an invisible func_mover that you control via scripts (moveToPosition) or via NURBS curves. And then bind the model to aforementioned func_mover. But even in that case, collisions with player and with other moveables won't behave the same (though they wouldn't necessarily have to).


You could also give the furniture a collision mesh and make it a moveable. You can use forcefields, then, to toss the moveable around.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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Yeah an angry ghost to through something at the player or just throw to give the play a scare..


hmm all sound's complicated, how about a very fast moving func_mover inside a nodraw tube that pushes a projectile (a chair) out the end of the tube like a gun? could the move speed be made fast enought to eject the chair..? - I shall make a test map!

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You could use an invisible func_mover that you control via scripts (moveToPosition) or via NURBS curves. And then bind the model to aforementioned func_mover. But even in that case, collisions with player and with other moveables won't behave the same (though they wouldn't necessarily have to).

IIRC this is a good method. I read somewhere that when the object is at the end of the spline it continues with the same inertia, so you can use it as a launch pod so to speak. Don't know exactly how.

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You could also simply give a movable chair a velocity via a script function:


// Sets the current linear velocity of this entity in units per second. The linear velocity of
// a physics object is a vector that defines the translation of the center of mass in units per second.
scriptEvent	 void    setLinearVelocity( vector velocity );

// Sets the current angular velocity of this entity. The angular velocity of
// a physics object is a vector that passes through the center of mass. The
// direction of this vector defines the axis of rotation and the magnitude
// defines the rate of rotation about the axis in radians per second.
scriptEvent	 void    setAngularVelocity( vector velocity );


If you make that a small amount and let the script continously add it for say 20 frames, the moveable will speed up and then fly away:


float i = 0;
vector velocity = (0,0,0);
while (i < 20)
 i += 1;
 $mychair.SetLinearVelocity( velocity);
 velocity_x += 0.1;
 velocity_y += 0.1;
 velocity_yz+= 0.05;


Although it looks like that is difficult to control. (Adding a small impulse instead of setting the vector would definitely be a better script event but we don'thave that yet. Please file a tracker entry so it doesn't get forgotten)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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