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A couple questions about key binds


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Hey guys, just downloaded this mod recently after hearing about it all over the place. Love it so far. Just got a couple quick questions about key binds and how to do certain things with them.


1. In Thief there was a specific key binding for "run forward". If you held it down it was the equivalent of holding down both the run key and the walk forward key. I was wondering if there was a way to do this in this mod. I assume there's a way to bind one key to two actions but I wouldn't know how to format it in the console/config file.


2. Is there a list of all the string variables for the item slots? Ever since first playing Thief I've wanted to bind a key to go directly to the gold in my inventory so I could quickly find out how much I had. The wiki lists a couple but not any that I'm interested in.


Also, most places that come up by searching say that there should be a DoomConfig.cfg file in my Dark Mod folder, and there's not. There's a DarkMod.cfg, but I'm not sure if it's the same thing, as the cvars for head bob that I've been changing in game are not in it. I don't know if I should add them in there for it to be permanent or if there's a different file I should be modifying.

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if you didn't install doom 3 into you program files directory and not using windows 7 or 8 then the darkmod.cfg file should be in the directory where darkmod is installed after you run the darkmod.exe else its in your 'users' directory somewhere.

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I have only edited the darkmod.cfg in the the "darkmod" directory. Also, if you just add a line in the darkmod.cfg, "exec autoexec.cfg", then create a new text file in that directory and name it, "autoexec.cfg" you can keep your settings separate so you know what you've changed. Put all your individual changes in the autoexec.cfg.


Have you looked through these?








Not sure on the "show loot" button as I don't see an "_impulse"# command specifically for it. Someone may know.

Edited by Lux
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Looking over that final link again, it seems that the "inventory_hotkey" command might be useful. If I have the gold selected and type that in it should give me the string that I can use to bind a key to it. Now about the movement, the links you gave me pretty much just talk about making the default movement key run and holding another key down to walk. What I want to do is keep w as the walk forward key, shift as the key to toggle creep, and then rmb as run forward. Right now I have rmb as a modifier so that if I hold w and it it makes me run. What I want to do is make holding the rmb down equivalent to holding down the run modifier key and pretty w at the same time which seems like it would need two actions.

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You can't make a single keybind act as two impulses. The only way to have a single button run is if you set things to always run.

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That's too bad. If I did set it to always run then I would have to have two key presses to walk as well, and I would be back in the same spot. Would there be any way for the devs of this mod to implement it, as it was in Thief (there's a precedent)? It's just a small thing but it does mess me up at points.

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I'm not sure what would be involved in that, but my hunch is that it would be a lot of work for a minor benefit. I used to use the same setup for running, but you get used to a modifier pretty quickly.

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I use caps lock in thief to 'toggle' permanently the run key (problem is, newdark doesn't appear to remember the 'instantaneous' key presses in saves so i have to press it again when i load a save). I'm pretty sure a similar setup is possible in the darkmod (without the same problem even).

Edited by i30817
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So I tried the autoexec.cfg thing you were talking about. Darkmod.cfg keeps overwriting itself though, so the command to call it never stays. I read that when missions are installed you can't edit the one in the base folder, so I uninstalled everything, edited it, and then installed another FM but still, the file won't keep the exec autoexec.cfg line.


Also the inventory_hotkey command doesn't do what the Wiki says it should do. It clears the inventory, not return the string for what you have equipped. I tried without and with a space after it, as the space is what's supposed to make it clear according to the Wiki.

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So, I decided to just try adding the things I wanted to the Darkmod.cfg itself and it's working so far. Just wish someone knew the string for the gold slot in the inventory so that I could get that working too. I turned on logging for the inventory, so maybe I can figure out that way.


Edit: Okay, so I started the game up again today with a mission already in progress after my changes worked the last time and they were reset again. I looked again in the Darkmod.cfg and the stuff I added was overwritten again. Does anyone know why this keeps happening and how I can set it up so that the changes I make are permanent?

Edited by Sakonosolo
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