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Does anyone know how to solve this problem?


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It started after I implemented Obstorttes security camera technique. He doesn't know what causes it,

There's mention of a HOM effect in Doom3 security camera, I don't know if this is the same. My new

map is sort of depending on this, and I'm really excited by the map idea, so I'd really love to find

a fix.


Hall of Mirrors effect







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I saw something like that in one of my maps, in that case it was caused by too many visportals in view. there was something like 24 visportals, changed it to 3.


in hexen hall of mirrors was cause by too many line_defs in view.


um might be if camera is in a closed off area via visportals, and you view it from another area, when all visportals are closed, then nothing is actually drawn in the closed off area. or it just might be an internal leak, or the camera is seeing some visportals closed in its view, then it would see something, but not what's beyond the visportal.


if its a closed off area then you would have to force visportals open between the view where you are to the camera. So then the camera and player are in the same area.

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Would it be possible to create something like a "fake player enitity", to force the area where the camera is to always be drawn?

I mean, the main point of cameras (at least in the form of security cameras) is to give the player insight into another area. This would mean that the area is not otherwise visible to the player, which in turn means closed visportals in almost any case. I can imagine that it would be possible to connect the areas in some way, but it is rather cumbersome. A "fake player entity" would make it much easier.

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The player does not have to be in the same area as the camera, and it doesn't cause any issues if the area the camera is in is sealed off by visportals. The camera is threated similar like the player when rendering its view, meaning it also performs its own visportal check.

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@Stumpy: It's not a visportal issue, as I've just started the map this week, and I have no visportals on the map yet.


@Destined: I'm not using it as a security camera, I'm using it as a view for the player, to extend the visual play area, without

extending it. Since the player is moving through the map, even when the camera view screen (under an arch) is out of view of the

player, we still get this HOM effect, even on the other side of the map. So if a fix can't be found, it's pretty much a deal breaker

for Cameras in areas where there are skyportals/caulk visible at the same time. If you replace the skyportal and caulk textures

there's no HOM effect.




So I visportals the map (roughly) and still get the HOm effect. The setup is there's the main map, and outside is another

which has a camera viewing it, and that's projected to a screen behind an arch. In that map outside the main map are

two visportals. The interesting thing is the first visportal is always red, while the other is green, and when you're in the

main map, and you turn the view to those visportals the HOM effect shows. Every time.

Edited by NeonsStyle

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The player does not have to be in the same area as the camera, and it doesn't cause any issues if the area the camera is in is sealed off by visportals. The camera is threated similar like the player when rendering its view, meaning it also performs its own visportal check.

Ah, ok, thanks for explaining.


@Destined: I'm not using it as a security camera, I'm using it as a view for the player, to extend the visual play area, without

extending it. Since the player is moving through the map, even when the camera view screen (under an arch) is out of view of the

player, we still get this HOM effect, even on the other side of the map. So if a fix can't be found, it's pretty much a deal breaker

for Cameras in areas where there are skyportals/caulk visible at the same time. If you replace the skyportal and caulk textures

there's no HOM effect.

My comment was a reply to stumpy and not really related to your problem. Sorry, if I confused you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Check your skyboxes, perhaps they might need to be closed.


Is the unwanted view the player view..?


I'm not sure what you mean teh_saccade. Skyboxes closed? All views are players view aren't they?

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Did you load a prefab skybox or make your own?

Is it an "enclosed" skybox with the projector encapsulated inside of a sphere (eg, so that projector slowly rotates as time progresses, so it appears as if the moon and stars are moving as the earth turns, like real life - which, by the way, is a real bitch to tie into changing ambient light and outside lighting positions - much movement needed to create illusion of moon passing in sky and shadows changing for this game...)

Or, is it a hemi-sphere that might, from certain angles, see the level or outside of the intended portal sky.

IIRC when I was messing with making viewports that might be used to see other sections (eg, monitor for camera) - it ended up with some portal sky being drawn as what the player was seeing at the time, even indoors.

I have no idea if all views are player views as I've never inspected Obsttorte's camera and have no familiarity with it as you appear to assume.
He says, "...is treated similar to player view..." which may mean that it is not the player view. Idk. I'm not clever enough to understand this stuff.

A work-around I found was to use a no-draw glitch and restrict the player's field of view so that the surface showed only the area that I wanted them to see - but it had to be in-line with the things (it's also the basis for my method of an AI camera, where a room is bound to the rotating camera, containing an AI that is fixed staring into a small "hole" such as this, who presses an alarm button if he spots the player in the camera's FOV as the whole thing rotates side to side.).

It was possible to set up multiple instances so that the view could be extended beyond / include more than one "camera screen" for the same AI to look at, as he could see several no draws at once, if they were positioned correctly in the world (which requires a lot of planning or several AI and timing all cameras and the room to move the same).

I didn't get around to testing it around corners or through a teleport, as it satisfied requirements.

It worked better for an AI to see through than the player to get a peek beyond - that must require a lot of coding to create keyhole peeks and scouting orbs, etc... All I wanted was a magic mirror that could see through a wall and a way for an AI to see through the lens of a camera, as I am very stupid and don't know the buttons to push to make cool stuff like the other people here.

Perhaps it would help to know exactly what you are trying to achieve..?

Anyway - I noticed that the effect in your video would occour if I used a skybox that wasn't completely sealed and the viewpoint was outside - if I invisibled and noclipped into the camera monitor room - it would render that kind of glitching effect.

That's why I asked.
That was me trying to be helpful.

//anyway, for the player - it was a bust so it was scrapped (except in one instance for a map that was scrapped due to not being able to figure out other things), but found better application as a solution for a different problem I was trying to solve.

Edited by teh_saccade
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