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5 Ghz or more?


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Hi guys, I'm glad I didn't get a new PC yet. My old nVidia had 3.88Ghz or something I think. Don't remember. It was always the RAM that was important before.

So an FM that craves 5 Ghz or more? What processor is that now? Had the i5 in my xfx machine. 

What's the best, but not most expensive machine to get for these newer FM's? I like building them myself, but I'm not spending 6K again. Not with todays technology!

Any suggestions? Mom's HP laptop works with smaller games (20 or less Mbs) with TDM with the 2.10 & Win 10, but even the Acer Desktop with Win 11 is having slag issues with the latest version.

If I'm gonna build my own FM (one day) I need to know this for the future

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Generally speaking the CPU isn't too important for FMs, but the GPU (graphics card). Even the RAM isn't that important, I have 8 GB in this machine but a relatively beefy graphics card and I still have yet to encounter any game that has been tripped up with the amount of RAM.

Unfortunately GPUs aren't particularly cheap right now (at least for something decent), but then again if your primary interest is in The Dark Mod, you don't need something super powerful - it's an advanced Doom 3 engine after all. I suspect the main issue is the GPU in your laptop/desktop isn't powerful enough, either because it's old or it's some integrated unit that doesn't do games very well. I'm sure others will have advice for specific cards though, I'm out of the loop.

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A word of warning, Agent Denton. This was a simulated experience; real LAMs will not be so forgiving.

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