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Please don"t think me rude, but I would like to know how, when and where I can get this dark mod.

Have read heaps on this forum, all tech. stuff, which makes very little sense to me. What has bought me here is the promise of a thief-like game. Just a taffin lovin thief freak in need of a fix, so when can I have it?

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He's saying you're an idiot.


Firstly, who is calling me an idiot, and secondly, is the person in question qualified to make that determination. Thought this was a forum, wasn't aware that slander was a part of the deal.

And what did I say that gave the impression that I was an idiot?

To that person.... well, there will always be one of your type, shame. I do hope the words larger the your I.Q, don't prevent you from getting the point!

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Actually, at this point I'm going to retract my "idiot" interpretation and throw my full support behind Ombrenuit's "under the influence" theory. It would explain, for example, how he managed to lose the ability to parse personal pronouns between his fourth and fifth posts.

Edited by ZylonBane
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Nah, struggling non-native speakers don't say things like, "is the person in question qualified to make that determination". But then, in the very same paragraph we have "I do hope the words larger the your I.Q", which is borderline gibberish.


My vote is for alcohol.


Heh. Well, some of my non-native english speaking friends would certainly lay your theory to rest. It depends on the person and the situation. Some will be speaking perfect english and suddenly a real zinger will fly out. At any rate, this isn't TTLG...so lets keep the intolerance to a minimum.

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Nah, struggling non-native speakers don't say things like, "is the person in question qualified to make that determination". But then, in the very same paragraph we have "I do hope the words larger the your I.Q", which is borderline gibberish.


My vote is for alcohol.


Sorry, ZB, no alcohol. But you have stirred up things, haven't you. That appears to be your objective, so go ahead, have fun, even if it is at my expense. I am also Australian and female. So, now , doesn't that open things up for you?? You can slag me off for being an aussie, or perhaps the old favorite, PMT. Lets put a sexist spin on this, shall we.

Go your hardest! I see by your post that it is 2.30 in the morning where ever you are, why am I not surprised you don't have anything better to do!

Is the picture beside your name your photo, or just a good likeness.

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    • The Black Arrow

      Hey @nbohr1morehow come the zombies in The Dark Mod don't have a "resurrection" mechanic to it, similar to how Thief has it?
      They're quite a weak creature as of right now, it's merely a walking corpse that slashes you, making attacking them to kill them an actual strategy.
      Would be better if they had some cool mechanism to it that truly makes them a danger, such as the resurrection idea itself.
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    • Ansome

      Query: when was the last time a zombie in a video game was unnerving or scary to you? I'm chipping away at my anniversary submission and I've been trying to gather opinions on the subject. I'm perfectly capable of lighting them well, changing their sfx, and creating effective ambience, but I'm worried that zombies at their core are just too overdone to be an effective payoff to the tension I'm creating.
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    • datiswous

      I tried to upscale the TDM logo video. First try:

      briefing_video.mp4 You can test it ingame by making a copy of the core tdm_gui.mtr and place it in your-tdm-root/materials/ , then edit line 249 of that file into the location where you placed the new briefing.mp4 file.
      What I did was I extracted all the image files, then used Upscayl to upscale the images using General photo (Real-Esrgan) upscale setting and then turn it back into a video.
      I might have to crop it a bit, the logo looks smaller on screen (or maybe it's actually better this way?). My video editor turned it into a 16:9 video, which I think overal looks better than 1:1 video of original.
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