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Starcraft 2


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WOA~! :D


About Time!!!


It looks like it will be a true successor to the first one! I remember watching the cinematics for the first one and being in Aww from their coolness, I hope this game brings what are represented in the cinematics to the actual game itself :) I can't wait to play this game, Starcraft 1 was so amazing!! :D I also hope they get rid of the 200 unit limit ;)

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There was a mod team making a Starcraft 2 based on the Warcraft 3 engine. Wonder what happened to them?

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Doesn't surprise me, given the level of detail in the gameplay footage. They've got a whole bunch of units in with animations, combat working with all its flashy effects, pathfinding and other per-unit AI working, and even nukes. And there's doubtless a whole lot of stuff they didn't show (base building, resource management). I'd be willing to bet that networking more or less works as well, since you pretty much have to build that in to the design from the start if you want to avoid major headaches later.


It is a lengthy development period, but given all the WoW work they've been doing in between that isn't surprising either. And of course this is one game they definitely don't want to rush.

My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.
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Doesn't surprise me, given the level of detail in the gameplay footage. They've got a whole bunch of units in with animations, combat working with all its flashy effects, pathfinding and other per-unit AI working, and even nukes. And there's doubtless a whole lot of stuff they didn't show (base building, resource management). I'd be willing to bet that networking more or less works as well, since you pretty much have to build that in to the design from the start if you want to avoid major headaches later.


It is a lengthy development period, but given all the WoW work they've been doing in between that isn't surprising either. And of course this is one game they definitely don't want to rush.


Take a look at these awesome videos. The level of detail, fluild animation, just flat out Blizzard quality. Starcraft 2 is going to be something incredible.




They didn't have to really start from scratch. They got Starcraft which is the #1 RTS in the world. With that plus the talent they got, Starcraft 2 is on a course for greatness.


What's funny is I'm not that into Starcraft itself. I just love the creation of games themselves. Starcraft 2 though these videos just put C&C 3 to shame. You can tell the difference between Blizzard and EA ever so clearly.

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I'm really looking forward to this more and more with every pic and video I see. The nice part about it being from blizzard is that you can guarantee it will have fun gameplay :)


Don't forget the free online, patches, support, wide range of systems support, quality, sound, music, cinematics. Blizzard I dare say it is the #1 developer in the world :). They have given Starcraft patches for 10 years. That's unheard of.

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Even though I suck balls at RTS, I have nothing but the utmost respect for the ultimate scifi experience in the genre, and welcome this game with open arms and Korean greetings. I'm still torn between Protoss or Zerg being my fav factions :)


This has certainly been a week of profound E3 sequel announcements: Deus Ex 3, System Shock 3, American McGee's Grimm, Condemned 2, Chronicles of Riddick expansion, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. expansion, GRAW 2, Starcraft 2, etc etc........

Loose BOWELS are the first sign of THE CHOLERA MORBUS!
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Hmm I did not know about a quarter of those game you mentioned. Specficially Chronicles of Riddick expansion and System shock 3. Do you any links?


I found the SS 3 stuff still looking for the Riddick info.



As far as I know Starbreeze Studios is working on The Darkness.


Aha was able to find the thing you was talking about here.



Nice. PC gaming resurrected.

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A sequel to X-Com is also going to be developed by Irrational, although it hasn't been specifically announced yet ... but there are enough clues (they control the IP; they are recruiting people with skills that, of all the IP they own to make a new game, only match with X-Com; their lawyer accidentally leaked the name; etc) that there isn't really any doubt left about it anymore.


Mixed feelings about System Shock 3. It's so clearly, IMO, coattailing off the buzz coming from Bioshock, but the fact that they snubbed Ken Levine so pointedly, and *now* they come back ready to "care" about remaking it ... the whole situation just smells bad. (By the way, that article you posted was just repeating the now-debunked PCGamer article from last year (you can tell by its date). There has been some recent buzz about SS3, but I haven't read anything "official" coming out of EA yet ... although granted I haven't really looked for it. But anyway I'm not sure whether SS3 is an official "go" yet, or all this buzz is just built on the same bad article from a year ago, in which case EA hasn't publicly committed to SS3 any more now than then.)


But, in any event, I have to agree it's energizing to see all this attention on PC gaming all coming together ... and with all those great titles. It's nice to feel appreciated now and again.

Edited by demagogue

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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A sequel to X-Com is also going to be developed by Irrational

Awesome. It's about time, and I couldn't choose anyone better than Irrational to do it. :)

My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.
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Anyone know of a 100% free converter from WMV to DivX video codec? That would rule. I'll have Act 1 up soon for you guys to give your truthful hard hitting comments. It's gonna be 80 mb download though unfortunately. :laugh:


I"ll be editing my post in 12 hours or so. Going to catch zome Z's.

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IGN has some really interesting videos of SC2 up, it's worth taking a look at. After watching them, I think that the huge terran battle ships are only medium sized units now, because protoss have a new giant powerfull ship :D

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Whoops, I posted in the wrong thread earlier. Going to check out those IGN videos. That's a colosus btw. I know I mispelled that. From the Protoss. The ships are called Battlecruisers. That's the standard size. It's not reflective of it's actual size. It's kind of like a joke. The captain says "make it slow" in the original game, when you click him.

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Oh so their actually going to be bigger? How big?! *imagines giant battlecruiser.


That's the thing. They can't be big cuz it would cover up the whole screen and more. They're small and it's kind of like an inside joke I think. The captain also says "make it slow" cuz they move so DAMN slow.


Watch this, the first ship you see I believe is a battlecruiser.


That's the Starcraft Intro movie by the way. Say hello to professional 1990's computer graphics. Back then they were rare :).


Wait I just noticed something. That ship is no a battlecruiser. Let me find you a video with a battlecruiser in it.

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