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  1. Yes is called hammer, very similar two Dark Radiant but more advanced but in some ways you will feel at home with it. Btw is similar because Valve used a modified quake 1 engine to do Half Life 1 and when they made Source 2 and its new hammer editor, they kept many of the characteristics of the old Quake based editor. I've used it before and let me tell you that is a awesome tool, personally decided to go to idtech 4 only because, I loved Doom 3 and because of the better real time per pixel lighting support but there's things that hammer can do that DR still can't, like it has a advanced patch system that makes it very easy to make complex terrains.
    1 point
  2. Interestingly, over on TTLG we were just chatting about Stalker being the one FPS that's bucked the HL2 entertainment-package mold, and is still probably the most immersive one since the HL2 era. It's going to be limited with mods for the same reason most big FPS are. It doesn't lend itself well to smaller scale discrete missions like TDM. But the real issue is just that no FPS are doing what it did. And mods can't make up for that. We need a series today that's in its mold. (A series like Metro might be trying, but it's not there.)
    1 point
  3. Silent Hill: Alchemilla is just a standalone Source mod for Half Life 2. You can download it right away and play it. If you have Steam it'll recognize it as the Source SDK and run like any Steam game. Unfortunately it has no NPC's or too much of a plot in consequence. It's just a fan mod made by 2 people who couldn've found an animator to do the job. But it is a faithful recreation of the original locations and the mod has a soundtrack too: If you haven't already listened to the soundtrack of the first two Silent Hill games, you should! The combat in the original games was easily one of the weakest parts of the game and the puzzles were archaic but it was all in there just for the pacing. Today Silent Hill's legacy is in the Amnesia game and I've heard that SOMA is pretty good as well. I mean that, as in you can't fight your enemies there, which was the point of the whole thing. Besides, enemies respawn in Silent Hill so killing them can be useless sometimes.
    1 point
  4. that 20 hours long for shadow of the tomb raider is probably people rushing through to be the first to finish, if you take your time and look at all detail it be more like 35 - 40 hours.
    1 point
  5. If Garrett completes a mission and goes to the store before the next mission with the amount of money he stole in the previous mission then the landlord doesn't get their cut. This continues for several missions and landlord is complaining because Garrett doesn't give the landlord any money ever. Apparently he steals everything clothes food, etc He doesn't have to pay for anything except items for the next mission. Garrett is greedy.
    1 point
  6. Who would pay for the rent anyway, when he steals anything else. In Thief 3, you could even steal from the landlord, and he doesn't seem exactly on the right side of the law either, considering he got some money from an illegal business (which you could steal too...). Not sure what kind of business that was though, but was something shady.
    1 point
  7. in t2 it could be that basso was his landlord, and after the rescue at the start of that, basso would give garrett free rent for an extended period of time.
    1 point
  8. Yeah I could never figure that one out when I was playing. Always thought if you could steal that kind of money the least you could do is not bring the attention of the watch by minding your rent. Speaking from Garret's view anyway. I'd steal everything else but if I had to pay rent somewhere I'd at least keep that one spot of my life legitimate to keep concealment. Interesting topic nonetheless.
    1 point
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