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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/24 in all areas

  1. Even though I've been absent a long while, I still find myself dreamily wishing for the free time to do TDM mission development. When working on new research projects I'll find myself involuntarily thinking, "hee hee this could be a fun texture or readable or bit of map architecture." Or I find myself absentmindedly responding out loud to odd noises with a drunkguard-like "must've been rats!"
    3 points
  2. So this online store I bought a pair of headphones from decided to gift me 12$ today. Since the voucher would expire in in two weeks unless used and I had nothing else to get, I decided to spend it on a 17$ gamepad so I'd have one of these as well. I understand they should work fine under Linux these days, plus it supports both dinput and xinput so I'm not concerned. I never played any FPS or most games using something other than the keyboard and mouse, this feels like an interesting opportunity to try it out. TDM is one of the games I might enjoy playing with such a thing, especially since it doesn't require super-fast reactions till I get used to it like a deathmatch shooter. So until the device arrives tomorrow, I figured I'd ask how well I can expect TDM to run on such a thing! Especially now that we have a new rendering and input management system for the upcoming TDM 2.10. There's a few things I wanted to know. One is if both looking around as well as movement using the finger pads is supported. I remember some games allowed walking more slowly if you only pushed the pad slightly; Does this mean it's possible to sneak by only moving the pad a bit, in a way that affects how much guards hear you? Otherwise I was curious if force feedback (vibration) is implemented and used. For TDM this mainly makes sense when you take damage, are in radius of a sound that has the shake effect, and other potential situations I might be missing now. Is gamepad vibration a feature in the engine at least?
    1 point
  3. Here you are, plus the Gimp template. Let me know if you need anything else. subtitle_location_ring.xcf subtitle_location_ring.tga
    1 point
  4. ...and if the model of your fan should also have a rotation (as for example in the greenhouse in HH VF), then proceed as follows: 1. convert the unrotated model of the "real" fan into a func_rotating (A) as described by dragofer. 2. depending on the orientation, select the x or y_axis property (if you enter zero for both, the fan will rotate around the Z axis) 3. now give A the desired rotation 4. clone A, place it in a blue-room and convert it into a func-static (B) 5. give A the property "bind" - B"
    1 point
  5. This is done by converting the fan to func_rotating via the classname spawnarg. Once converted, check the inherited properties to see a set of spawnargs that control how it rotates.
    1 point
  6. You can buy a displayport to hdmi adapter very cheap.
    1 point
  7. Normally the aiSee property is set on the light entity, and in this case the property has been set on the light's material. The property sets whether the light makes things more visible to AIs, so its not meaningful to set this property on model materials. If you want to stop AIs from reacting to an object you need to disable its visual stim, and if you want AIs to be able to see through it you need to give it a material that doesn't contain visual clip. Id say we can be grateful someone had the foresight to implement this as a material keyword, too, in cases like this one where you probably can't set spawnargs.
    1 point
  8. Thank you very much, Geep. Not in my samples but mind you: I consider this a visual exercise to evaluate what looks best and decide what works and what doesn't. No guarantees in the code. Gui values must be properly reviewed once you settle on something. Find attached to this post v3 "Yellorange". Text is centered and the font color is a yellow leaning to orange, that looks like yellow in the game but it actually is more orange than yellow (for me anyway). EDIT: Download removed. Check this post for the latest version.
    1 point
  9. Thanks, @Wellingtoncrab. Yes, @Geep, @stgatilov and @datiswous are doing a great job with the subs. Having no background to rely on one may argue yellow is the worst choice since yellows are supposed to be more common in the TDM world however, from my limited testing, I detected occasional interferences with both white and yellow colors. White feels colder and yellow feels warmer. I, for some reason, find yellow more welcoming and less out of place. We could try with different shades of yellow. Find below v3 in white color for completeness sake. EDIT: Download removed. Check this post for the latest version.
    1 point
  10. How about something like this (now in yellow for a change). v3 below. EDIT: Download removed. Check this post for the latest version.
    1 point
  11. No, I find the controller the ideal way to play Thief games regardless of whether it's for VR or not. I game and compute from my couch with a wireless KB/mouse and a DS4Windows Xbox controller emulator setup. For Thief games, I use the Xpadder controller scheme someone posted on this forum almost 10 years ago, originally for TDM, but I use it mostly for Thief 1 & 2, and it feels nearly perfect. The trick is to get what feels ideal for you in the re-mapping. I saw one poster here implying he spent an entire day getting his controller configured just right for him and TDM (I didn't like his cfg though). However, the native TDM controller feature has analog movement at its lowest that's faster than that for the TG/T2 games (adjusting in_padDeadZone mentioned above didn't help). I like to creep.
    1 point
  12. South of the Circle 100% off on GOG https://www.gog.com/en/game/south_of_the_circle https://www.gog.com/giveaway/claim
    1 point
  13. Bought Xbox One controller in anticipation of Starfield next year on Steam. Trying this in Dark Mod, some of the controls work automatically, move, mantle, etc. To config the buttons there is an app but I don't want to use the Microsoft Store (I don't like using Microsoft for ANYTHING if I can help it.) Is there any way to config a file? Alternatively I could use the Steam controller-config which I did with mixed success with the PS4 controller, but I want to keep that as a last resort. I guess another way is to config the dark mod file to suit the controller default but I'll need to use the keyboard for many non-urgent features and I... well I guess I could just the keyboard entirely as before but I've kinda got used to using a controller now. Suggestions?
    1 point
  14. DarkmodPadbinds.cfg contains the bindings. You can compare it with the keybind file and an explanation is given here: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Bindings_and_User_Settings EDIT: You can also use JoyToKey to bind joypad input to keyboard bindings. It's a versatile program and may be easier than editing the config.
    1 point
  15. Got the controller working perfectly with TDM! The issue appears to be that joysticks based on the older D-input architecture aren't recognized by our engine: You need to use the X-input (xbox controller) architecture. Currently there's a bug in the Linux kernel module which causes the controlled to not be initialized accordingly and require a script to fix after it's plugged in; With this script I can successfully use my new gamepad to play TheDarkMod on Manjaro Linux
    1 point
  16. "so I'd imagine support for gamepads might have existed in vanilla idTech 4" No vanilla idtech 4 has no gamepad support, is possible to go around that by using some emulation/translation software, that maps gamepad cmds to keyboard cmds but the code itself has no idea about gamepads. (that can be easelly changed today) idSoftware were not fans of those for FPS's when Doom 3 was made (that I totally agree), they were openly against gamepads (that has of course changed now) the game was also PC exclusive for years, they were a very PC centric company in the past.
    1 point
  17. Seems gamepad support was first added in 2.09 and there's an article about it on the VR branch. I'm assuming this isn't a VR version only feature: Such gamepads have existed for ages for standard games. I actually have one that's 15 years old, stopped using it because some buttons aren't making proper contact any more and it otherwise felt too ancient... USB and even has force-feedback! I got it before Doom 3 was released if I'm not mistaken, so I'd imagine support for gamepads might have existed in vanilla idTech 4.
    1 point
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