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Everything posted by Obsttorte

  1. I guess what he has meant is, that even if what you are doing does not seem creative or good to you, you can still continue to work on. Just keep pushing on and sooner or later you'll come up with something good.
  2. I think the problem here is that you've only have one house here, standing in the middle of nowhere. It is, so to say, completely out of context. Maybe you should try to create a little street instead, with only the things out that are visible from said street. Some good lighting, awnings, support and other models will make it look quite interesting very soon. If you want to make a street mission, don't map buldings, map sceneries. The red part is the scenery, maybe the side street, too. Try to recreate this instead of every single building. (These are advices, so please don't feel forced to do this).
  3. This radar/smell thingy should, if implemented, not make use of the see ability. The werewolf should also be able to smell you, even if you are hiding behind an object (independent from light). But on topic: I agree with Sotha that the zombies could stay as they are. I also like the idea of the werebeast smelling you quite a lot, as this creature is relatively close to a wolf/dog. The idea of making the ai invisible could be applied to the haunts. If you alert them they become almost invisible, and become visible again if they calm down or if they are starting to attack the player. This would be quite cool if you are alerting a haunt by noise, because you didn't noticed him. You then hear that one (or maybe more) is searching for you, but can only see them if they get really close, when it is almost too late. I agree that supernatural things, like said monsters, should be somehow ... supernatural, and the player should fear them.
  4. I don't see a reason why not. No need to sit on ones work.
  5. Guessing form the pictures it seems that they extented the steampunk elements quite a lot. If the gameplay stays the same and the difficulty isn't pushed towards casual too far, I don't mind that. Let's see what expects us at the end of the year (if they are keeping with the deadline). I just hope the don't use steam, as I boykott online-activation stuff (would be another game I don't play because of that )
  6. I thought it would be a good time for an status update. I interrupted the work on my contest entry as I've lost a bit motivation. Currently I'm working on the Old Habits sequel. Anyways, I'm almost done with the basic brushwork, which may take me another two weeks plus detailing, setting up AI, readables, loot ... well, any deadline shift is appreciated, but if enough authors are ready with there entry, I won't be bothered if this does not happen, as I'm not quite sure when I'll find the motivation (and the time) to continue working on it. How is everybody else going with their missions? At least Jesps seems to be ready.
  7. As long as it is not hard-coded one can stick to what demagogue said. You can move the skybox camera by binding it to func_mover. If someone is really needing it I can make some testing and provide the script needed.
  8. This is still WIP, as you can especially see in the second shot. There are still roughly 100 hours of work needed to get this map finished. Maybe even more. In the end it will be at least three times bigger then Old Habits. Can't wait to check for misaligned textures @Sotha: Thank you, it sounds great. I guess I'm going to use it (if I don't forget it ).
  9. Maybe it's just me but I think Biker exaggerated the z-dimension a bit more then it was in the painting. Anyways, I agree with Sotha. Good gameplay (rope arrows, alternative rooftop routes) is much more important then realism. This counts especially if it also allows easy optimization. If you are on the ground and cannot access the rooftops you can keep the latter on low detail and vice versa. This would indeed be very cool. EDIT: @Biker, can you upload the map file somewhere if you don't want to work on it furthermore. I guess it would be nice to take a look on it.
  10. I think it is from Springheel, so you may ask him for a high res version.
  11. Ausserwelt isn't something I would call german, at least I don't know what is meant by that.
  12. That would give us the option of some german voice acting
  13. Took me a while to remember who Deckard Cain was. Very cool.
  14. Very good indeed. I also had no problems understanding you (I'm no native english, too). Would be nice if you could show up with your "other voices" (old, young, some accents, ...). Maybe doing this with the same text for comparison (I'm just interested). And indeed, more ai vocal sets would be very cool. (Maybe also some sort of player vocal set that could be used by the mappers).
  15. Second that. I've also often used shadow casting lights that intersect each other. Never thought about their placement in terms of performance and never ran into problems there. You can think about optimization if you notice performance problems.
  16. Good things take a while
  17. You could use some scripting (zones for example) to improve this behaviour. Although I thought lights in not rendered rooms aren't rendered anyways. You could, for example turn the shadow-casting off if the player is far away enough. This helps performance and shouldn't look odd. If the lights are in different rooms, you can turn them off. (Would be a bit tricky to set up though). I guess the easiest way is to avoid excessive overlapping.
  18. I think it looks good as it is. It's a game, f*** realism.
  19. Does your pc make any beep sounds? This could be a hint about something not working. I fairly doubt the video player changes resolution/brightness theory. If this would be the case, safe mode should still work. It sounds to me that some hardware part may gone broken (although I'm not sure as I didn't had this specific behaviour yet). Good Luck.
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