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Status Replies posted by Obsttorte

  1. Been away for some time again and thought some mapping would be nice; Question from a modelling noob: Is it possible/an easy/quick task to select a bunch of models/func_statics in DR, export them to an external modelling software like Blender and then save it as one model and put it back to DR? This of course to save entities.

  2. The Dark Mod is now in the Top 50 folks! Thank you to everyone who has voted, if the stats keep going as they have been The Dark Mod will be heading for the Top 20 post haste!

  3. The family member count increases by one. All hail the newest addition! With the new baby, things are super-hectic, so I'm out of the TDM scene for a while. Sorry about that! Cheers, and keep up the good work!

  4. Hmmm... Is it just me, or pagans are currently a bit underrepresented? :)

    1. Obsttorte


      You are happily invited to create more models ;)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/12/19/ham_radio_app_bad_review/ New feature for TDM? :) Leave us a bad review, and your copy of the game gets disabled! Don't you just love living in an "always connected (read: on a leash)" world?
  6. Today I made something extra, just because it was possible. Not sure if it is gonna end up in my WIP. Let's see....

  7. It seems I have a fan. :)

  8. It seems I have a fan. :)

  9. Just stumbled over something. Disabling Vsync and entering "com_fixedTic 1" (without quotation marks) in the console removes the frame cap. The game will run faster if the framereate increases, so it's not suitable for playing, but a good start for performance teests while playing.

  10. Woot! Got func_emitters to use lod_bias in SVN build! :)

  11. Even though the description says not to use it, will replacing a coinpurse on an AI with "atdm:prop_empty" mess anything up? the game seems to be fine so far but the description for the prop_empty was vocal about not using it.

  12. When you think you kinda understand graphic novel medium, you suddenly bump into Danny the Street ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_the_Street )

  13. I recorded a video of my mapping process. More than half the time went into scrolling through the assets, models, entities and textures. If there was a way to view many textures/models of a category simultaneously, I could have saved maybe an hour today. How do you do that efficiently?

  14. I went ahead and made an awfully german accented and "grammared" video tutorial for mapping starters. I don't know if this is helpful but I somehow missed a comprehensive vid tutorial for complete beginners, showing how to make a map from start to finish.

    1. Obsttorte


      I create a simple light and rename it to ambient_world, too. So It's a bit more time consuming, but not neccessarely wrong.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  15. I went ahead and made an awfully german accented and "grammared" video tutorial for mapping starters. I don't know if this is helpful but I somehow missed a comprehensive vid tutorial for complete beginners, showing how to make a map from start to finish.

  16. Mother Nature Sings! The wind against my walls is a thousand violins crying for what could have been for mankind! The wheelie bins in my street crashing is the sound of drums beating to the rythym of judgement day. Sing mother nature! Sing your sweet symphony as you eradicate us away to rthe sweet melody of your destruction!

  17. I hate pointers soooooooooo much :(

  18. I hate pointers soooooooooo much :(

  19. I need a faster pc, I need a faster pc, I need ... I need ..., I need a faster pc. (40 minutes remaining, please hang on ...)

    1. Obsttorte


      Why not opening a thread for a vote for this missions. Maybe two votes, like first and second place, and than calculate it from there (by weighting the first place times two or so).

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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