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Everything posted by rich_is_bored

  1. How do you guys feel about the blackjack leaving faint marks wherever it strikes? I suspect the problem is that it's not clear when you're aiming too high, low or hitting an obstruction. A small detail like that may help people get acclimated.
  2. There is a full package for version 1.8 up on ModDB and downloading that first would give you a bit of a head start over everyone else. However with you sitting at 80% you may not be much better off.
  3. What incentive is there for Valve? From what I can tell, all the games on Greenlight are for profit. I don't know of a single FOSS game being distributed on Steam.
  4. I realize you're just tinkering but how many polygons are we looking at here? If the silhouette and the self shadows are any indication then we are all doomed. Tri'lyeh, eater of frames hungers. Hide your GPUs.
  5. Here's something less boring for you Biker... http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/09/11/steam-family-sharing-announced-enters-beta No it's not selling games but it's a step in the right direction.
  6. The best you can do without a custom fragment program is fixed function blending modes like addition or multiplication. The light interaction shader handles the diffuse, bump, and specular stages of a material shader. All other stages are composited in a fashion similar to layer blending modes in an image editor. I'm not terribly familiar with all the blending options available but you can google "glBlendFunc" if you're curious. Those same parameters can be used for a stage in a material shader. Multiplication is passable for things like dirt because black pixels stay black. Addition is good for things that should glow. I have yet to find a suitable combination for something that should brighten the underlying pixels but not glow in the dark.
  7. I acknowledge the state TDM is currently in and the commitment to focusing on bug fixes for the sake of a 2.0 standalone release. I'm talking about a future beyond that point. I figured the open source nature of TDM would make it a living project with a moving goal post. Otherwise all we've really done here is trade away the constraints of one game engine for a set of new ones imposed by legacy maps. The number of missions is only going to grow and it seems it's already a problem for even the simplest of additions. Perhaps there is a way to bundle maps with the version of the mod they were designed for? Maybe the engine can load up a separate game library? I don't have the expertise to say if either are viable long term solutions. But without one I believe a backwards incompatible TDM is inevitable. It will be history repeating itself.
  8. The role of a good coder shouldn't be relegated to bug fixing when they have so much more they can do creatively. We should be a bit more receptive to new ideas and welcoming towards people that experiment with the code. Level editing should not be the only playground nor should the number of missions be the only measure of growth. I hope given the right feature you'd be willing to add a clipping brush or two to your maps.
  9. Sikkpin wrote a mod for D3 that included color grading.
  10. He won't get paid. There are no cowboys or bikini clad ladies in that shot.
  11. Why not just make a custom light shader for lights against an interior wall? You can blacken out one half of the texture and then it won't matter if the light volume passes through the wall.
  12. Here you go Fidcal. This is what I'm hinting at... http://answers.oreilly.com/topic/1088-how-to-build-a-simple-web-crawler/
  13. I wouldn't object to the option but Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. are as you've said commercial enterprises. If these providers decide to change their service to cut costs or make larger profits so be it. They are not the Internet. Your usage of the web may be affected but it is not dictated by what results a search engine spits out. The Internet is a dataset. Odds are the machine you're sitting in front of right now is programmable. You can complain about the software and services others provide you but you're only a slave to them so long as you choose to be.
  14. Even with an endless list at some point the quality of the results is going to degrade to the point that it's no longer useful. You have to keep in mind that these lists are compiled by computers and not people. Any page that has a word you're looking for in it will get indexed. It doesn't matter if the context is relevant or not. A good example is this forum discussion. It's now a "result" and counted against that X billion total when you search for "Siberian tiger" or "limericks" and yet you'd be no more clued in after having read this. That said, for anyone reading this who is looking for Siberian tigers or limericks, at this point in your search you're better off typing a random URL or IP address into your address bar.
  15. You may be right jaxa. I recall seeing cutscenes in Doom 3 where an external camera was used and sound still worked. I wonder if it's something weird like the head model occluding sound?
  16. With all the manual painting Tels put in editing the existing raster fonts to add previously unsupported characters, I imagine it would require a lot of effort to use custom fonts in an FM. If the process can be made easier, code freeze aside, I don't see why anyone would be opposed to it.
  17. No problem. The goal wasn't to single you out. I just want to make sure everyone understands that in order for this kind of functionality to work with brushes and patches, the map format itself would need changed and thus changes to both TDM and DR would be in order.
  18. No it's not possible to work around the problem that way. Neither DR nor TDM expect to find vertex color data when parsing a map file. TDM/DR will view this unrecognized data as a sign that the file is corrupt. Vertex blending works with models and only models at this point and time.
  19. That's vertex blending. The only hurdle here is that brushes and patches don't have vertex color data to manipulate.
  20. OpenAL has an extension called EFX that encapsulates all the functionality of EAX without the hardware requirements. Scroll up a bit and you'll see that some work has already been done to integrate it into TDM.
  21. There may be an error in the console that would give us a clue. Try bringing down the console with CTRL+ALT+~ and typing... condump moonbo.txt
  22. I have a confession to make. I never beat the original SMB. I could make it all the way to 8-4 but no further because the level branches and loops back onto itself. I made it to Bowser once but couldn't manage it. And when losing is the same as resetting the system I can't be bothered. A lot of NES games are like that too. I had a much better experience with the SNES.
  23. I don't consider polygon count an issue. There is certainly a point where you can have too many but it's not the polygons you create that are the problem. It's the resulting shadow volumes (constructed with polygons) that kill performance. The engine has an easy fix for that though. Disable shadows on everything that doesn't need them and for those things that do, use a shadow mesh. If you built that scene in all it's glory minus textures It would work just fine. Or again minus lights. All this without a single visportal. It's when you have lots of lights and textures in view that it starts getting taxing. You can reduce the number of both lights and textures in view by shuffling doors and windows around to accommodate visportals. If you can't compromise on that you have to reduce texture count, light count, or come up with a crafty way to cheat like cube maps. The only problem with cube maps is that they don't handle parallax well and if you get close you'll be able to see that it's just a texture. There are some that could be used in the future though. Didn't TDM recently get some work done on sky portals so it moved around with the player? That might be one way to fake it. You could create a version of the interior that's really just a camera mapped cardboard cut out. Texture it with screenshots and you wont need any lights for the added detail. But there are always downsides so you'll have to experiment to find out what they are. At any rate it's all a matter of how much work and thought you want to put into it. There's always something that can be done.
  24. The architecture of the PC is constantly evolving. A game that runs today may not ten years from now, nevermind DRM. And when you look at all the unoffical bugfixes and resolution hacks people have come up with to keep their favorite games running, DRM is a small hurdle. It's a hoop you're more than willing to jump through if you've ever used DDFix. When these companies have gone under and their authentication servers are offline you are not shit out of luck. Bigger budgets require a bigger security blanket. There aren't many options here. You endure the hassle of DRM or you stick to indie games like Minecraft.
  25. As a mapper you can't really do anything about this. What you're looking for are "soft particles" and the renderer needs an update before this solution can be employed. You won't be able to find or create a particle effect that doesn't clip into nearby surfaces. All you can do is pull that light out away from the wall until the effect is diminished.
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