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Everything posted by Lux

  1. likely too that reviewers aren't playing on Expert difficulty so they don't look daft on video
  2. Its always refreshing to do what you want instead of what you're told regardless of pay.
  3. Heh, its a rule I use because of my nature. By no means am I saying its for everyone or even anyone else. It comes from a place of personal consideration for others. A masochist may or may not have much consideration for others. Masochistic behavior in general is something one usually reflects upon themself. It may not be how the act openly to others. There are plenty of "what ifs", its just how I try to govern myself not always successfully I might add.
  4. I've spoken to Merry at length in PM and there are reasons she exibits this behavior that you may be unaware of. I'm not defending her as she can defend herself. I'm just saying the old toem, "don't get wrapped up in the messenger and miss the message," applies here. She has good things to contribute as we all do; sometimes we just don't present them in the best way. I've enjoyed what both of you have contributed to the conversation. Personally my main objective is to treat others the way I want to be treated, whether in conversations or in actions. I am guilty of sometimes treating others the way they treat me, or at least the way I feel they're treating me at the time. This is a defensive posture and only causes the other party to become more defensive as well. We're all guilty of "pushing other peoples buttons" at times though it is a bad habit to convey information. I've found the best way to convey information is not to involve the other person at all. That way nothing is directed at them and they can freely listen. Such as telling the person that I understand where they're coming from because I also once felt the same way and then going in to a story about a life experience that changed MY mind and, how and why it changed MY mind, and how I think differently now because of it. Then others can listen without being a target and that message plants a seed they can refer back to individually and relate to future experiences and grow from without being told directly, "this is how you should think".
  5. Which bit was trivial to you? Just curious, and yes, lets please get back on topic. Children in TDM, seems like a pretty black and white issue for most people. Its just that the blacks and whites are sometimes reversed. It certainly seems like a sensitive subject similar to Religion, Politics, etc., so it seems best just to avoid it unless its handled gingerly.
  6. She's my sister, I don't ignore her but yes, I am a child and will remain so my entire life. Free to accept new ideas even if they differ with what I believe to be true.
  7. Saying someone is "incorrect in their thinking" because what we think to be "correct thinking" doesn't jive with it, is kinda funny to me. I get in these conversations all the time with my sister who has her Masters in Psychology and listening to her recite stuff endlessly to me about this and that is like listening to a church person at my front door trying to sell me on lord. They will not be swayed! ...and they have this wealth of knowledge behind them so you'd do well to listen up and change your views. Reminds me of an old Mark Twain poem we had on our bathroom wall for some 30 odd years - ----------------------------------------------------- When I was a boy of fourteen my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around, But when I got to be twenty one I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. ----------------------------------------------------- We can't tell people anything to the point. They have to learn it on their own or they won't accept it.
  8. Lux

    Children in TDM

    Yeah, sorry, that was sarcasm. I figured you'd recognize it when you saw it.
  9. Lux

    Children in TDM

    Akin to setting people on fire with gasoline and then pissing on them to put the fire out and watching them vomit because of the urine in their mouth, in Running with Scissors classics, Postal and Postal 2.
  10. Lux

    Children in TDM

    Anyone is free to create assets for their FM that they want. I personally don't think they should be part of the core mod because there are far too many abuse possibilities and then all the negative press, connotations, controversy, that follows. Along with the fact of what Sotha said, unless its a daytime mission,
  11. I actually feel completely the opposite on this. No map means the player is forced to use spatial abilities and memory and gives the player the "feeling" that they are lost, don't know where to go. In some FM's such as this one, that is a feeling the player, IMO, shOULd have because the author is conveying that feeling from the main character to the player and this is one of the devices/tools to do that with. "I feel helpless with out a map"., "I feel like I don't know where to go.", "I feel like I'm lost." No one made these comments, but because the player is not given a map this is the feeling conveyed to the player and it is part of a powerful immersive experience, feeling these things. Overcoming it makes the FM great, IMO. Not all FM's need a map and not all FM's should have a map. It depends largely on what the author is trying to convey and it's my feeling that Melan and Biker did that brilliantly here.
  12. Just a small heads up if you were unaware, you can bind lockpicks, keys, readables, health potions, spyglass, and holy water to their own key so you can quickly bring them up or change your inventory over quickly. Press the same key to cycle items after the first press. I use "X" for lockpicks so when I pick up a health potion or mine, I can hit X to swap the inventory to something that, if I accidentally press "use", won't use the item I just picked up, and cause undesirable results.
  13. ....but that would require a multiimeter...
  14. I fought with myself over it for over 6mo. but I'd already spent more than this in last 10 years on chairs and its just a PITA. I mean seriously, a thousand dollars for a chair?? hehe... but yeah, I'm glad I took the plunge, 6yr. and going strong, like new infact. ^ ThAT is funny.
  15. Yeah, it only seems expensive but that's short sighted. They last a long long time. Another instance of that would be computer chairs... man, I freaking hate computer chairs from Office Max, Staples, the dept. stores. They're anywhere from $150-$250 for a decent one and I used to go through computer chairs like 1 every 2 years or sooner depending on how much a piece of crap it is. Finally I decided, you know what, I'm going to save a bit and make an insane purchase because I'm sick of buying garbage uncomfortable chairs and replacing them every 1 to 2 years. I bought a herman miller aeron chair for around 900 bucks. Yes it was insanely expensive but then again I've had it now for 6 years (that's probably $750 in chairs I would have bought or more) and it feels like the freaking day I bought it. Its so comfy to sit in, isn't hot, there's no foam to collapse after a year, the castors roll like they're on ice, and it looks literally like the day I bought it minus a bit of dust. I can sit in that chair for 12hours straight and not even need to get up. No circulation issues, edges of boards cutting off blood flow etc. It wAS crazy expensive but it was worth every dime and if anything happens to it... in home life time service. You never think you'd say something like, "its a magnificent chair", or "its a magnificent keyboard", but it is true. You get what you pay for isn't always true but there are a few cases where it is.
  16. I've got a Deck legend with mx blacks and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love the audiory feedback. Like the IBM keyboards or yore! You don't have to press the keys all the way down btw, a couple millimeters and they work and make no noise but when you're clackin out 60wpm, it really helps me get in a rhythm. Wouldn't trade it for the world. Buyer's remorse? You're funny, Merry. I wouldn't show it off but I'd buy another in a heartbeat if anything happen to this one. Neat keyboard, AH. I really need a new flash drive and that's a nice one. I remember buying my first 4GB flash drive, it was $250 bucks!! Freaking redonkulous Moore's law, ain't it. Haha, what's really funny is that the keyboard with all the mechanical switches, usb ports, knobs, cord, case is $10 LESS than the Daskeyboard messenger bag... lol.
  17. Bummer dude. Never had that happen or heard of that happening before but nice to be aware of.
  18. lol, make sure to denote sarcasm!
  19. I actually quite enjoyed the cramped space and I tried for the life of me to climb on everything and tried hard to get stuck but it never happened The ship was very well realized, excellent lighting, mood, and audio. The audio was a really great. I did search and search and forbid myself from checking the forums to progress and eventually I did encounter a couple issues. One where I was on the deck of the ship climbing on things and looking at the captains quarters outer door from the deck, up to the top right corner of the roof above a barrel. The first time I tried to mantle there I don't know if I clipped out of bounds there or what but the first time I jumped to mantle there above that barrel, I got gibbed! aka... instant death landing on the deck 5 feet below me and red screen like I'd fallen 5 stories. So overall, yeah, tons of detail everywhere <3, excellent atmosphere and audio and a lot of fun and intrigue in the story that makes the player want more. Well done and for a first FM... wow, amazing and creative work. Thanks!
  20. A good first mission. Just needs some work on lighting and architecture/detail stuff, and I'm sure that will come with time and practice. Overall though, some of the areas felt extremely good, lived in, and authentic and I look forward to your next FM. Congrats on your first FM and thanks for the experience!
  21. I think they all look like sheets covering furniture execpt the large square one on the left... the sheet draped too sharp and edgy and not smoothed enough but you probably are already aware of that. Look great for the most part! Excellent work.
  22. You could probably just do this and sub the notepad++.exe but maybe that won't work if the exe isn't in the system directory. Try it. You could uninstall Notepad++ and then reinstall it and check that option or you might be able to "change" the install and it will run through again and you can check the box. Link to some solutions
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