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kin last won the day on March 28 2023

kin had the most liked content!


46 Good

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  1. It has been almost 3 months beta testing? how is it going?
  2. How about pliers for cutting wires to deactivate electric lights? That's a stealthier approach with the cost of spending time to find the cable box or the pliers.
  3. Thanks for your hard work and dedication whenever it gets completed.
  4. It's been a long time beta testing. How is it going?
  5. I love missions with big surprises. Congratulations I really enjoyed it.
  6. Only a few minutes in the mission and I can say it is very very eye pleasing. I love the clever use of low vegetation and the animated tree branches.
  7. Haven't tried 2.12 yet but I want to ask,any work done on ambient occlusion? I have found it to improve the looks of many missions but it didn't work well always. For example when changing your view some of the fixed shadows in the corners vanish. edit: Ok I tried the 2.12 latest version and I liked the leaning more than the previous versions also deactivating the mantle roll feels like an improvement for me. Movement is closer to the first two originals of the series. Also is there a way to keep settings unchanged when installing a new version? Everything resets even if i tick the box to keep the original file up on installation.
  8. I also like that idea and agree with all mentioned above.
  9. No they are not. Very obvious that most of them are computer generated if not all of them.
  10. This mission has an amazing architechture true to the orginal thief games. But I feel it needed a bit more optimization. My rtx 3060 struggles even with stencil shadows on low.
  11. Amazing! Only if that tree could cast alpha shadows...
  12. Sorry I did not mention that I never use Antialiasing or vsync. What I meant was maxed the settings that relate to shadows.
  13. I always enjoyed missions that had some detective work in, apart from the classic "grab the item and gather some loot". Also had alot of fun in missions with multiple entry points or getting out. Maybe not so gameplayinsh but I enjoy alot of sarcastic comments during a mission from the player just like the good old G.
  14. Thanks for the help I will keep this piece of usefull information for the future because I have updated my GPU to rtx3060 and now I got everything maxed out without issues. Sometimes updating a card is the only way to go. I had the gtx760 for 8 years, enough is enough.
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