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Everything posted by Baal

  1. I need a short bit of flavour text on this guy (written on a plaque beneath his bust): It has nothing to do with the missions story, but I need a name for him to refer to in an objective. And it would be cool if it told the player something interesting about the history of the Dark Mods world, whatever that would be. Anyone interested in helping me out?
  2. The developer is Obsidian and the game is really good, much better than Fallout 3, but ok. Crysis 1,2 or 3?
  3. Thanks, Springheel and Steve. That answers my question.
  4. I have a question about the difficulty settings: If I don't touch Darkradiants difficulty editor to adjust spawnargs, is there anything done by default to change things between Normal, Hard and Expert? Like, for example AI acuity values? (or anything else). To put it another way: Are the 3 levels identical if don't explicitely change them?
  5. You can play the beta of "Sir Talbot's collateral". It is in a very playable state already. The audio popping happens there frequently. Edit: I don't know if it happens in other maps. And I'm running linux.
  6. We need female zombies. Imagine the dangling potential!
  7. Baal

    Metro 2033

    Well, then switch to the english version and hone your language skills. It's the same problem of course, but maybe the accent isn't as bad. At least it didn't bother me.
  8. Baal

    Metro 2033

    I don't like Skyrim either. The so called freedom boils down to just the choice of where to go and how to kill things there. Fallout 3 has the same problem. Fallout New Vegas on the other hand is more quest and story focused. I can only recommend it. To get back on topic: on what difficulty did you play Metro? I believe people who find shooters boring just have to choose one or two levels higher. Maybe a little asskicking will fix the boredom. I liked Metros story but I haven't read the books yet and could play it without any expectations.
  9. I think there's only one alien so you can't kill it (before the end of the game). But that sounds good to me as long as you have enough options to deal with it (escaping, hiding, maybe defensive weapons). How do aliens perceive? From the video it seems that it can hear you and you can hide behind stuff.
  10. Is anyone here interested in Alien: Isolation? It's a first person survival game that draws heavily from the first Alien movie. You're trapped on a space station with an alien onboard and no means to defend yourself. Judging by this gameplay it looks like a great stealth game.The alien patrols randomly and can turn up anywhere, anytime. The environment looks fantastic and seems to be open and nonlinear. You have a couple of nonlethal tools at your disposal: a hacking device to open doors, flares to distract the alien etc. Even sound seems to be important. I'm looking forward to this.
  11. What he meant was that every path node can be assigned to one of the two idle states of ai, alerted idle and normal idle, through the spawnargs "idle_only" and "alerted_idle_only". A guard that is in alerted idle will then ignore path nodes that have "idle_only" set to 1.
  12. It's the Gzdoom engine that's based on and evolved from the original doom engine. I guess featurewise it is propably more on the level of the quake engine. The mod looks interesting. I already have Gzdoom installed for another great mod called Brutal Doom (play it if you like fast shooters), so I'll definitely try this out when it's released.
  13. Baal

    Tricky words

    "Fan" is apparently a really dirty word in norwegian. I don't know what it means, but please don't ban me for mentioning it.
  14. I just saw them live yesterday. Unfortunately the last half of the set was plagued by sound failures but they were great nontheless.
  15. 8-Bit version of Morbid Angels "Rapture". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB9KDvAY3-Q Not my kind of music but knowing and loving the source, I find it kind of funny. Here is the original. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MS--CCNJnA
  16. The fastest way to get an epub/mobi sample of this is Smashwords. I have yet to read this but I'll definitely do that some time.
  17. That remark will rub some (a lot of?) people here the wrong way. The Thief games might be outdated in some ways but they're also still ahead of modern games in others. Times have changed, but not always for the better.
  18. I wrote above that we shouldn't judge without having played it. But beeing negative about this game is so incredibly easy. Edit: On a positive note, Garrett seems to go down pretty fast when under attack.
  19. I watched a few more gameplay vids and apparently you can deal with a number of guards one by one with the blackjack alone. They don't attack all at once but are taking turns. So you just have to time blocks and attacks until the guard goes to his knees. Then you do a takedown and repeat that with any others waiting in line.
  20. I can't say much about the audio as I have only watched parts of the stream (on my netbooks speakers). But this kind of music starts everytime an ai is alerted. Not Thief-like at all.
  21. From my own experience, I know that you (or I at least) cannot judge a game by just watching a video. It's very different from playing it yourself. He can make observations but not really give an opinion.
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