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Everything posted by 161803398874989

  1. There are a lot of ways of anonymously assassinating your targets, mostly in the first game. The thing however, is, as Altaïr puts it: "A good assassin makes sure his work is noticed by the many." They need for people to know that the assassins got to the target. That is their thing, their signature move (in real life their signature move was to kill and then promptly get killed, but that obviously doesn't work well). It's possible for most targets to get close to him and only reveal yourself once your blade is deep down his throat, but the escape and tense return to the Bureau that follows is absolutely essential to the game. It just wouldn't make sense if you wouldn't reveal yourself. Assassin's Creed (especially the first) is a fantastic game, if you know how to play it (turn the minimap off). But it is not a stealth experience in the classic sense of the phrase, nor does it try to be. It's related, but different. Sadly, after Patrice Desilets left, the series went to shit, to the point where AC4 is a game about pirating (I like AC4: it has some good design ideas, and Ashraf Ismail did a great job of producing something coherent and fun, but it's just not an assassin's creed game).
  2. I was there! This looks like a great game with a great design philosophy. However, from the livestream experience, it's probably not my cup of tea. We'll see in 2015 though.
  3. Oh man, I have ton of this. 501 - VM3000 If this isn't unconvential, I don't know what is. It's really stretching the boundaries of what music is, on a different level than "harder, faster, more screaming". Not really progressive anymore since it's so old, but: Black Sun Empire - Hyper Sun This used to be what dubstep sounded like. Dark, but calm music. Of course there were different types of dubstep, but this used to be dominant before Skrillex caused a gigantic influx of new deejays who all made a bunch of noise. I don't listen to dubstep much anymore these days. Just these old songs. I have more, but I got to run.
  4. Wait, are those models supposed to look like that ingame? Becuase I was assuming they'd get some textures.
  5. Well, this sucks a gigantic amount of ass. Not the mission itself, but the fact that it's only playable on 2.01, and there is no OSX release of TDM 2.01.
  6. The bed, wardrobe, stool and bench look okay to me. Supporting stuff like that is an age-old technique. The chair on the left in the first image, however, absolutely looks way too modern.
  7. Why not pull the content from Archive.org and put it on the Wiki here? That way you have everything in one place.
  8. That's some funky code, Arcturus. Might be a better idea to calculate (time * 50)%49 +1, then convert that to a string and concatenate with "textures/water/normalmap/water00" and ".tga"
  9. Whoa, Biker! I hope all of that will be accessible.
  10. FYI they're called "Builders". Hammerites are Thief IP.
  11. Correct, though the proposed narrative fits with this proposal as well.
  12. Can't we simply explain this away by the potency of the water in the water arrow, that it only requires a teeny-tiny bit to put out fire? I think something like that was mentioned in the arrow thread.
  13. Your arm becomes part of the blackjack. Would go well with nuGarrett's eye.
  14. I feel Thiaf is more Dishonored-inspired than Assassin's Creed inspired. Xarg is right about AC though. They released the DLC as a standalone game now! They're a bunch of money-grubbing douchebags, I tell you.
  15. Are you sure you're hitting them in the head/base of the neck?
  16. I feel like a little kid now. I'm 20.
  17. This. The contextual bullshit needs to go. You're not streamlining the experience, you're not widening the array of things a player you can do, you are absolutely RUINING player agency. Example: Assassin's Creed IV. GUARDS SITTING ON RAILINGS ARE INVINCIBLE. I am NOT making this shit up. It's absolutely ridiculous how one-dimensional the combat is, even with 6 different enemy archetypes. Just because everything is contextual.
  18. I think this was addressed by Obs already, but it's the time-order in which you place them, not where (or place-order, or permutation) you place them. I meant that your time-order did not disprove Obs' time-order hypothesis. Does that make sense?
  19. Sign me up for that bug as well. I placed the golden statuette several times before the thing responded.
  20. So I played it yesterday: good job! I spent maybe an hour or so on it and had a lot of fun. A couple points:
  21. Thanks, Deadlove. It's where I thought it was the first time, but for some reason I didn't manage to get it then. Finished now. Neat mission.
  22. In regards to 2, yeah, blackjacking is really hard. I never played Thief, so I didn't come in with any expectations, but also without any skills whatsoever. You'll get used to it, using blackjacking only as a final resort.
  23. Kinda reminds me of Anor Londo from Dark Souls, Moonbo. Looks fantastic.
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