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Everything posted by HMart

  1. Saw the MDB patch and used it, reseted the shader cache and deleted the .cfg, unfortunately it didn't work. I used the patch .exe btw, the problem is the same, no normal maps and bad lighting, cut in half diagonally. This definitely made a change to the better, the normal maps work and the light is not cut off but it is very dark compared to the ARB2 render.
  2. No using r_shadows 2 makes them disappear, with r_useGLSL 0 but I assume that is the expected behavior? About svn I don't think so, I have access to the bug tracker tho.
  3. I would not call this a solution but a workaround, you are essentially disabling GLSL and returning to the old and deprecated ARB shaders, so losing the ability to use features implemented in the engine that require GLSL. Of course this does make people, like me, that also add to disable GLSL, able to play the game and that ultimately is what matters but i hope is not a permanent workaround.
  4. That question is one I don't have a answer, but a solution would be to make it so if your silhouette is visible it is visible to anyone looking at you no matter where they are? I don't know, will leave it to the lucky one tasked to implement this. And this is why IMO is a bad idea is a very complicated set up only to make the game more difficult and perhaps more frustrating. That was more or less what I suggested above.
  5. If this is really being seriously discussed by the TDM team, even tho personally I still think is a dumb idea (with all respect to who suggested it), then my suggestion (if was not already said) on a way to give feedback to the player, would be to make a silhouette show around the lightgem, whose strength is equivalent to the amount your own silhouet is visible at the time, this even when the lightgem itself is dark. Of course is another thing on the hud calling for player attention.
  6. The problem is that the broadhead arrow can kill the NPC and that could be something you don't want, specially on no kill missions, i'm with Springheel on this, use gas arrows instead. Mission makers imo could just include one or two in a mission, even if the player don't buy one on the store but make it so the player as to find it.
  7. Afaik that is a old trick to avoid youtube bad compression don't know if is still relevant today.
  8. In c++ is very easy, just use "const char * text = va("someText %i", somevalue)" in script is not so easy (because there's no script function defined for it) but to change a text or a number ( numbers in guis are really just strings ) on a gui, in real time and using script, you need to use gui variables of value "gui::someparm#", (# is a numeric value) then on script do something like: btw guis using script are accessed through the entity that hold them and the load gui is really not attached to any entity (I think) but managed though c++, so this could not work at all. To "concatenate" numbers to strings in guis you really need two windowdef's in the gui, one for the text another for the number. - pseudo script code - float value; string someText; value = 10; someText = "Map load percentage "; then do: $my_entity.setGuiParm("someparm0", someText); $my_entity.setGuiFloat("someparm1", value); hope this helps.
  9. Yes is true you save time by just using the .tga but is good to know that the jpg textures were not used on the editor, by idSoftware only to save performance, at least I don't think that was the primary reason, they were also used by them because, one the textures are smaller so the editor opens them faster, other the editor textures or qer_editorimages they used for the most part are really a representation of the diffuse texture, mixed with the normal map, this was made to represent more or less, what the texture looked like with the normal map on when looking at it on the Media browser, is done really because the Doom 3 diffuse textures are just flat colors with the detail coming through only from the normal map. Unlike TDM where many diffuse textures have detail even with a flat normal. Btw forgot to say, my warning about not using jpegs was also because one they don't support alpha and second they can sometimes crash the engine, when used as diffuse textures, I had idtech 4 crash on me sometimes because of that, why that happens with some jpegs and not others I don't know.
  10. If you omit the extension from the textures path in the material the engine will still look in the textures folder for the correct texture, if i'm not mistaken the priority is, first search for a .dds file in the dds folder, if none exist search in the textures folder for TGA, if none exist search for JPG (never but never use jpg for normal textures only for editor textures), if no texture found show a black default texture.
  11. This is one of the requests that I personally think is not a good one even tho may sound like a good idea, Springheel and others already said the problems with it, so I will not bother saying them again, I will only suggest that if the TDM team doesn't implement something you want, because they decided is not worth it and you really think it is, then TDM is a open game with a open source engine so anyone is free to implement the ideas they want and release them has unofficial mods to TDM, just my two cents.
  12. Very strange that you have no problems, but is perhaps because the RX 560 uses a older GPU chip to the Bluehawk R9 390 and mine RX 570, even tho is on the new RX family, so that difference could make it not be affected, perhaps this bug only happens on particular AMD hardware. I first saw this problem on the old 18.12.3 drivers then updated to the latest 19.1.2 to see if it made a difference, like you see it didn't. About the cache I found out how to clear it: I did it and it didn't solve anything either, it also looks like that some games save a cache on the game folder but that doesn't seem to be the case with TDM. This is a very nasty bug indeed, i'm starting to think that only going directly to the AMD driver team will solve this puzzle.
  13. repro.exe repro2.exe Why repro2 gave me different data to Bluehawk is beyond me.
  14. Ok here is the .json file https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VcrrnhnaCfl0mrHEddK1jkbElbS-qzJg Btw just to inform any AMD user seeing this thread that also has this problem, if you can help debug, please do so, if you can't, no problem, you can still play the game fine by working around this by disabling GLSL (until we find the problem or AMD solves the bug if that is the case), if you don't know how, here is a way, create a shortcut to the TDM 32 or 64 exe, put it anywhere you want, right click on it and on the "destination" put this after the exe "...\TheDarkModx64.exe +set r_useGLSL 0", this makes the game use the older ARB shaders and everything works fine (at least apparently), for those playing with the 2.07 beta, this will also disable the new shadow maps but you can play with stencil shadows just fine and they also need testing.
  15. For some reason running the exe again gives a slightly different error!
  16. No problem i'm glad to help, i'm also not new to modding or game engines, especially idtech 4 . This unfortunately didn't solved the problem, will now try the new trace, this does look more and more like a driver bug. btw this is obvious but just in case I installed TDM 2.06, same problem.
  17. Playing with that exe didn't solved the problem this is very strange indeed, I hope the original maker of this thread try this or does the traces as well, so we can see if this is really a multimachine problem or is just my machine acting up.
  18. I posted a link in the first page, is the twitter page of the AMD driver team manager he is very active on twitter and i already saw someone report problems to him there. Will try that and see what happens.
  19. Is this about creating collisions models for dynamic objects in DR? If so what Springheel said is what I would recommend also. If is not for dynamic objects then is just a matter of creating a brush hull around your object and assign the collision material to it. Btw if you are creating the models in blender you can export the collision model directly from blender, just create a collision mesh (with less than 16 polys, this is important) around your object, assign it the collision material and export your model, there's no need to put the collision model in a different layer, it can belong to the visible mesh layer, the engine will detect automatically the collision geometry by the material.
  20. Ok here is the json file https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Wtx2TV-p-z9hW-cZCGiB0cyUD_x7fic9 and here is the err file contents
  21. Here is the trace https://drive.google.com/open?id=1K81_KimhXS2UrtptNbeFmr4Jj0YaKDZ4
  22. No it renders like on my image above the lights seem to be cut off diagonally. Btw this is really not about TDM but perhaps something is really wrong with my GPU or the drivers, now Doom3BFG using the vulkan render crashes with a vk_error_out_of_device memory! Will try the new Doom just to be sure just need to redownload. False alarm, Doom 2016 works fine in Vulkan and just in case tried Thief 4 using the now dead Mantle API it worked fine.
  23. Yes I saw the file and saw no obvious OpenGL errors but i'm sure I did what you said because I saw on the console that ignoreGLErrors was zero. Yes I performed a clean install of the new drivers, that is a option on the driver instal, it can upgrade or do a clean install. About a cache there's the option on the driver control that AluminumHaste showed on the first page, I disabled it but it didn't solved the problem, I can try again tho, btw I don't know if disabling it deletes the cache nor do I know where it is saved.
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