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Everything posted by HMart

  1. Tornby let me ask you something is modding something you would like to support on your game? If yes then forget Unity, it has no modding support out of the box. To make a Unity moddable you would need to make tools for it yourself and reverse engineer the compiled files (something that the Unity guys would not like), Unity is a very easy engine to work with is true, everything is script based no need to go deep on the engine code, i know because i worked with it, but because is so easy it is also very closed and you are stuck on waiting for updates from the engine developers if you find some bug on their end. On the other end idtech 4 is totally open, you can do with it what the hell you want, no need to wait for updates, if the engine has a bug you can fix it your self, you can implement extra effects without needing to wait for the engine developers as well and modding support is a breeze. You want to sell your game that is understandable and the idtech 4 engine let you do that because of the GPL licence you can sell your game without needing to pay id any dime, you just need to release to the public for free any change you do to the engine source code, but all your game content including game script code don't need to be released for free. If your game was free then using the TDM base would take from you months of work and speed the process considerably, making your game more a reality, but that is something that you need to think about. Oh and good luck with your game.
  2. Please enlight me and tell why my lwo models don't work on BFG? What did you do to make it work on your end? And why making geometry func_static makes them invisible ingame? I'm not saying you are misleading people at least that was not my intention i'm just saying that you make it sound like it is easy to make stuff for the BFG engine, it uses the same assets as doom 3 is true, but from my tests, small as they were, BFG doesn't treat them exactly has vanilla idtech 4 did. TDM is a different beast to Doom 3, first the TDM AI is much much more heavy, second doom 3 was mostly corridors and small levels, TDM has some missions with bigger vistas (much hard to visportal), third Doom 3 uses fewer lights and less poly's.
  3. Motorsep without trying to start a fight with you or something i find your claims about BFG a little misleading, i don't know what you did to make it all work on your end but my tests with the RBDoom 3 BFG was not a walk in the park, none of my lwo models works on the BFG engine, i only see black boxes ingame and a simple map with a simple script that works fine in vanilla idtech 4 doesn't work at all, then an even more simple map with only worldspwn geometry didn't worked fine as well, i converted some of the geometry to func_static (just to test) and add all of them turn invisible ingame, but collusion was still working so i was colliding against invisible walls. So even tho i would love to see TDM evolve to a much modern engine i can see how New Horizon is cautions on this and imo with good reason, from my small tests porting TDM to BFG would be a big undertaking because i'm sure many things would not work out of the box. This is the same thing that happened to the chinese room guys developers of the Dear Esther game, they ported their episode 2 source version of the game to the Portal 2 version and add many problems. See this blog http://www.littlelostpoly.co.uk/porting/
  4. I think i will wait for your version of the BFG engine to play with, because right now making anything with the vanilla BFG or with the RBDoom 3 version is totally frustrating, my lwo models don't work at all and any world geometry you make func_static becomes invisible in game even tho the collision still works, don't know why is so hard to make custom stuff to bfg if it works with the doom 3 assets directly.
  5. AFAIK other games are faster at loading time because they use streaming to fetch stuff from the HDD at run time, but imo they become limited when you need to reload the game fast, for example when dying, idtech4 instead puts the entire level on memory so it takes time to load at first but when you die it reloads almost instantly.
  6. Is a projected light, if it works here and you guys didn't changed something on the engine then it has to work for you, to work like mine you just need two textures, a small horizontal falloff texture going from black to white and a alpha tested shadow texture, the shadow needs to be black so just make a full black texture and use the alpha channel to bring out the detail you want.
  7. Don't know about the TDM version of the engine but on vanilla idtech this material i made works fine for shadows. lights/tree01_shadow { blendLight lightFalloffImage makeintensity( textures/colors/falloff_bw.tga ) { blend blend map textures/shadows/tree01.tga zeroclamp alphazeroclamp colored } } Here is it ingame https://www.dropbox.com/s/2m69izzdq28mref/shot00001.jpg
  8. On my map above i don't see a error on the BFG console it just goes straight to the menu. I did a small test map has you said and it worked, but only the brush geometry worked, all my custom lwo models were shown ingame has black boxes, will try importing one by one and see if they work instead of a bunch of them. Btw to test the new shadow maps on alpha mapped surfaces i used the fence texture from Doom3 and it worked, but they were so soft and blurred that you almost couldn't see the fence pattern, if we add a way to control the shadow maps detail would be nice.
  9. Is sad but true, is the problem with some Open Source projects and because of that they stay stagnate for years, i just hope is not the case with DarkRadiant, i love it.
  10. Yes I deleted the script and it didn't work, afaik the script is only creating at map start a fog light so if i delete it then it should not matter if the script is present or not. I will try making a simple test level but until now this has not give me any hope. Does materials in BFG also need to be different? I have a bunch of custom materials on this map.
  11. Just copy pasted a .bat from a doom 3 mod it had that command and BFG also has it i looked on the console what it does i don't know. Toke it out made no difference still no playable map. Yes i did, and i have that files next to the original map as also a script file with the maps name, perhaps that is the culprit? It is a very simple script just creating a fog light attached to the player. void setup_objects() { entity foglight; //creates a new entity foglight = sys.spawn( "light" ); //spawns light foglight.setShader( "fogs/basicfog" ); //creates the foglight. replace blendlight with the name of your foglight/blendlight foglight.setRadius( 16384 ); //sets the size of the foglight foglight.bindPosition( $player1 ); //binds the foglight to the player foglight.setOrigin( '0 0 0' ); //exact spot from the players current position foglight.setLightParm( 3, 5000 ); //shaderParm3; 250 is the density of the fog //color of the fog for the red, green and blue channel: foglight.setLightParm(SHADERPARM_RED, 0.1); foglight.setLightParm(SHADERPARM_GREEN, 0.1); foglight.setLightParm(SHADERPARM_BLUE, 0.1); } void main () { setup_objects (); } Vanilla BFG has a very nasty texture compressor (that you can't turn off afaik) that makes the textures look ugly so no matter if you use the Wulfen and Monoxead texture packs they will not look exactly like they do on the original Doom 3 engine. Don't know if this RB version improved that.
  12. Don't know what i did wrong but that didn't worked. The steps Made a folder mymod in the BFG root outside of base, inside i put all the assets for the map with the same naming convention of vanilla doom3, maps, textures, materials, sounds, etc. Made a .bat file to launch the mod using "Doom3BFG.exe +set fs_game mymod +set fs_basegame mymod +set developer 1 +set com_allowconsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 1", when ingame used the console command map mymap but nothing it starts the loading process but quits to main menu without any error on the console or anything. To Motorsep how do you create the .resources package? I know of the console command but the console help for it is not very helpful.
  13. Motorsep to me it runs great with shadow maps for most of the time just some particular scenes add some slowdowns, i have AMD HD5770 in crossfire so that may be why it runs well. You seem to know much about the BFG engine, so if you don't mind can you give me some enlightment, i tried to play a custom test map, made on Dark Radiant using custom textures, but BFG refused to play it, the console sees the map but when i use the command "map mylevel" i just see a black screen with no sounds or movement, i did dmapped it using the vanilla engine and put the materials and the textures on the BFG base folder, i would love to play with this engine and make some test levels and import some of my models but the vanilla doom 3 way of doing don't seem to work right away.
  14. HMart

    Lost Alpha

    Yes It has bugs and unfinished features because it is not really finished, the developers decided to release the game after a tester leaked a old version. About the game, it is a rethinking of the first Stalker using the very old leaked GSC alpha version has a base, so the story was expected to be similar in some respects to the first official game, but this free addon is more than that, this new game has all the features that were cut from the stalker games, some features from all the official games has also totally new gameplay systems like a belt system, a new faction, new enemies, i even found a funny midget zombie,etc. To the ones running out of bullets quickly, i was also strangely running out of bullets so quickly even tho i add them on my inventory, first i thought the game add bugged but then i realized that i needed to add them manually to my "belt" space to be able to use them. To me Lost Alpha with some patches will be a fantastic stalker game, i find it impressive that they are able to release it for free and totally standalone.
  15. Can you send me the blend file with the original skeleton without any change? I have some basic understanding of rigging so i could try to see what purpose does that bone have. Btw Is that bone in or out of the mesh? If out then it could be a simple IK vector bone what some call up vector control, it is used to control the direction of the elbow when moving the bones using Inverse Kinematics (IK), if true then exists similar bones on the other elbow has also both knees, it works like a viewpoint control used on some rigs to control where the character eyes look.
  16. That would be cool but unfortunately that is not how things work on game engines based on material shaders, idtech 4, just like source, Cryengine, Unreal Engine, Unity3D etc, use shader based materials, this means you write a file that describes the surface properties of objects, that goes from indicating not only the surface textures, like diffuse maps, normal maps, specular maps, but also what sound the surface emits, if it is a reflective or refractive surface, is it transparent, does the texture animate, etc, so you can't just drag and drop a texture to a model and it will have all the features that you want automagically. Having said that a more artist oriented material editor (with drag and drop features) would be something that would benefit this engine, i know the doom 3 version of the engine has one but is very artist unfriendly (no drag and drop) very complicated to use and it does not create .mtr files from scratch it only edit's exist ones. Of course if you don't want to make a simple .mrt maker but a full blown material editor with preview window and all, then this would require a more profound integration of the Darkradiant editor to the game engine render so we could see the material just like it would look ingame, but i'm well aware that this is wishful thinking with the coding manpower you guys seem to have now.
  17. That means two things or you didn't made a idtech 4 material file with the extension .mtr for the textures on your model, DarkMod and DarkEditor require that, you can use a single .mtr for all your textures or you can make one for any single texture you use. Or the material path on the .ase file is wrong so darkradiant can't find the textures, you can change the path's easily by opening the .ase with notepad or any other text editor. Example simple material .mtr textures/objects/wood_street_lamp { wood noSelfShadow unsmoothedTangents qer_editorimage textures/objects/wood_street_lamp_ed.jpg diffusemap textures/objects/wood_street_lamp.tga bumpmap textures/objects/wood_street_lamp_local.tga Specularmap textures/objects/wood_street_lamp_s.tga }
  18. This discussion is silly and the two intervinientes saying TDM is not a game or for some reason has sold itself not has a game just need to realize they don't know what they are talking about, for example if i say in my opinion the sun is not a star because is bigger and gives heat compared to the other stars, that do not make my opinion true, just makes me an ignorant of scientific facts, in the same vein TDM is a game because we play it, especially me because i don't make fan missions i just play the fantastic work this guys do. And to the ones that matter, as a wise man once said "Ignorant people will drag you to their level and then beat you on their field" enough said, so guys stop this crazy debate and lets continue making TDM the best thief like experience.
  19. If all is well with the vis portals and you have no leak, then you can try this: - delete the geometry and make it again, perhaps is some strange error on the dmap process on that particular geometry. - If deleting is not an option you can make the geometry func_static then disable shadows on it, if shadows are really needed then make a new brush around the original with the shadow texture applied, it will not render ingame but will cast a shadow.
  20. I have both Rapture3D and Razer Surround, Rapture3D makes better positional audio then the razor software on Doom 3 and TDM, the last one uses HTRF's to simulate how a true head percebes audio, i can even ear sound in the vertical axis (below and above) but is not free and only works on OpenAL games (are becoming very rare by the minute) the later is free simulates more or less 5.1 or 7.1 horizontal axis directional sound and works on all sound API's.
  21. Fantastic intro, if that is the quality for the TDM campaign also then i'm happy.
  22. I assume you guys changed something on the C++ code for that to be true on TDM?
  23. Thanks nbohr1more for the reply that helped me! Seeing the 6th Venom's menu on the gui editor i was able to pinpoint the code i needed, and now i feel like a moron because that was so logic that i thought "why didn't i saw this before!" . The code to start a level from a button on a gui is, set "cmd" "startgame mymapname", you need to include the folder name with myfolder/mymapname if it is not on the root maps folder. edit : Hum it works but with a catch, it does not start the map right away, like map mymap does, it first plays the doom 3 intro "UAC is the largest corporation...etc etc" then goes to the map, is also strange that i didn't found any mention on the "startgame" command anywhere, on the command or script reference. It does work so it must be defined in some place perhaps is hardcoded?
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