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Airship Ballet

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Everything posted by Airship Ballet

  1. That was pretty fun, and I don't usually enjoy this kind of platformer. I think the thing we can all take away from this is that apples pull weird 'o' faces when falling.
  2. Ugh, it's really tempting but I'm going full steam on two maps at once at the moment. Wish I could help but I'm having to restrain myself =P
  3. Interesting that you seem to always prioritize the community over the game. You need to remember that it's a community built around a franchise, not vice versa. It's always polarizing with you people, always "you're either with us or against us"; ever considered that there's a middle ground? Ever considered that we're all on the same page, that we just don't feel the need to shout about it every second thread? Nobody--and I mean nobody--on this forum has white-washed a single thing. It's exactly what every LGS Thief player here saw coming, it's what anybody with eyes and ears who can spell AAA saw coming. What's with the elitist attitude, anyway? Do you get off on pretending you're the elite sent down to spread divine knowledge over the unwashed masses, or are you really so socially inept that you think for a second we don't all feel the same? Do you need to be so obnoxious about it in order to understand one another? As in, you just read and missed all the posts of people saying "I liked this but overall it was dross"? There are threads for days of people being critically objective about the game, saying that it's terrible in most places and fun in a tiny minority. Do you just not read those? Do you just jump over here to post some creepy, polarizing cultist bullshit every now and then? You might want to quit it; look at what it did to JTR. Dude's bouncing around his padded cell jabbering like a howler monkey and you're still keeping up the pretense that the game is 100% awful and anybody who doesn't agree with you is a heathen? Lemme put it simply, even though I doubt it'll help. Maybe if I make it big you won't skim-read it or it'll catch your eye as you see it's common sense and begin dismissing the whole post: We all think that Thiaf is a technically and conceptually terrible to mediocre game and the majority are able to look at it with a critical eye and see its minor ups amidst the sea of downs.
  4. I thought it was unnecessarily spooky, but definitely inherently good music.
  5. Attention-whoring, self-satisfying martyrdom, contrived polarization... there's lots of things you can call it.
  6. Don't think he realises how utterly nuts he looks.
  7. The majority of what you're after now that doesn't involve other software can be found here http://wiki.thedarkm...uide_Start_Here For the water, you're best just making the bath model and then letting people fill it themselves if they want to, since it's easy in DR.
  8. I used to know a vegetarian like that. They were fun at parties. Some people haunting this thread are very keen on being persecuted by the community, even though no persecution existed until very recently when they've started acting like Shia LaBeouf.
  9. Would it be possible to remove the image cap in the beta testing forum? It would be a bit easier to read through annotations if they were on the same page rather than linked.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Springheel


      I can't seem to find where that limitation is set.

    3. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      Ah well, thanks for looking anyway.

    4. Bikerdude


      Drop Modetwo a PM with this request.

  10. I think automating the creation of a map would completely remove the point of having individual mappers. BG could have just made a bunch of missions and released it as its own game but instead we have the editor, open to anybody to learn and use in creating their own unique map. Every map out there has its own tone, and that tone is preserved across all the FMs one particular person has made, because it's that individuality that makes different missions worth playing. Once you automate it, we'd just have prefab missions, and nobody would feel inclined to play more than one once they saw how uniform they were. It's that kind of thinking that's killing creativity, so just go sink your teeth into mapping and spend some time getting good at it.
  11. Haha, I do that with TDM. If I get discovered by somebody in a particularly annoying way, I'll rail them with a broadhead and then load.
  12. Jeez, and to think I've been called sadistic in the past. Your calling card could be taking away the shaft and leaving the fletching on your victim's forehead. Probably shouldn't give you any ideas, actually.
  13. "Even though it gave me Lemon-Lime, I fear no evil, for Orange is with me." -- Old Builder Proverb
  14. You mean to imply that Garrett is the Thiefsus Christ? ...my God... it can't be...
  15. These things are important.
  16. There's nothing tangential about what I said, it's just that the terms themselves aren't specific: "Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. This word is a loanword from German. The literal English translation is 'Harm-Joy'. It is the feeling of joy or pleasure when one sees another fail or suffer misfortune. It is also borrowed by some other languages." Everything from falling over in the ice to having your family murdered can be classed as suffering and misfortune. There's no specified degree by definition, it's just an emotion you experience when seeing others suffer, no matter the severity. Schadenfreude has been argued to be programmed into us via evolution. We're continually looking out for ourselves and in the end all we care about on a primal level is the perpetuation of our genes. It's thought to be a primal emotion, one that you can't turn off. You can experience it briefly and then turn it off and pretend it never happened, but everybody experiences it. Bullies are the kind of people to relish it and act on/voice it without helping. Speaking of, Maybe another semantic difference between us is the meaning of the word internally and help them up. I don't mean stand there and lose it with laughter, I mean help them up while acknowledging that it was funny, because denial helps nothing. Naturally you need to stay caring and considerate as you do so, but sounding official and forcibly PC is the fastest way to make somebody feel uneasy. I can't speak for everybody but I know for damn sure that I'd rather be helped up with a wry smile and a bit of dark humor than a stony smile and a harmless countenance. I think one of the most important things to learn in life is to not be afraid of insulting people. In this context, people are far more comfortable in a time of need with somebody who talks naturally and with a bit of dark humor than ones who remain the picture of purity and alienate themselves from the afflicted in the process. In fact, dark humor has helped me through a lot, and still is doing. If somebody trying to help me is too afraid to talk to me properly for fear of offending me or making me feel ridiculed, they'll either have no effect or make me feel worse. There's nothing less comforting on the planet than a sterile hospital ward, and the same goes for the equivalent approach to comforting people. Still, like everything philosophical it's futile to debate it since it's so subjective and difficult to quantify, especially over something as unstimulating as the internet.
  17. Just my reaction to jtr being rude and facetious again.
  18. Passive aggressiveness is just a case of being really moody without being outright confrontational. It's being short and snappy and dismissive, actively grumpy but without being hostile. Everybody's passive aggressive in your sense, but that's taking it more as a contributor to a psychological profile than a short-term mood, which is what I was referring to. Schadenfreude isn't quite as sinister as you're making out, or at least it doesn't have to be. It's usually something harmless and transient that's funny both because you're not suffering and because there's no long-term downside to it. Things like watching someone rage at a really difficult game, or falling over on the ice. If they were an asshole, you'd feel free to derive amusement provided it wasn't fatal or disabling. If it was a harmless slip and they looked funny doing it, you'd derive amusement. If they were a sweet old lady and they were carrying cookies to the nearby homeless center, you'd be mortified. It's all relative to context and the kind of person you are. If you know that there's nothing wrong with the person slipping over and they didn't lose anything, nor gain anything other than a bruised butt, you'd kindly help them up and be giggling internally. When you start recreating that intentionally, you're trolling. The degree to which you do it determines how people will react. Trolling isn't by definition causing a specific, finite degree of annoyance, in the same way that Schadenfreude isn't a case of deriving humour from a specific kind and degree of misfortune. If you stick out your leg and trip up your sister when you're both toddlers, you're a sibling. If you do it at the age of thirty to a stranger on crutches, you're a monster. The entire purpose of one branch of Philosophy serves to try and draw lines in the sand around this kind of thing, but in general Schadenfreude is deriving humor in anything ranging from walking into a door to causing a 50-car pile-up, and sadism is deriving satisfaction in anything ranging from tickling somebody to killing their family and showing them pictures. That's exactly what I said: "That can be intentional trolling or just ignorance/inability to listen and consider what others have to say because your have your own opinion." =P
  19. Trolling is just saying something to get a rise out of somebody. It can be done in a light-hearted, teasing manner; just simple irony that everybody can pick up on and laugh at, basically like a celebrity roast but a little less severe. Some people will get offended by it and end up all passive-aggressive about it, but they're just the prudish type who were brought up in cotton wool. On the other hand, there are people who troll just to get people angry or make easy discussion a huge pain in the ass to pursue. They're the kind of people who can rarely be constructive, and instead default to being destructive. They'll pop up all over the place, saying the same shit over and over and never changing their approach at all. It makes people feel useless, and that futility is what gets people mad because no matter how they phrase it they'll repeat themselves. That can be intentional trolling or just ignorance/inability to listen and consider what others have to say because your have your own opinion. There's a huge difference between enjoying Schadenfreude and being a sadist. There's some overlap, but saying that sadists enjoy trolling posts is too absolute. The article is saying that people who enjoy Schadenfreude and trolling by extension are more prone to sadistic tendencies, not that they enjoy kidnapping people and hanging them by their toes with meat hooks in the basement. There's more to it than pure sadism, as that just covers one small part of it. There's always the element of people feeling that they're too cool or reserved to get involved in something, and instead are really flippant or destructive when approaching it. Some people may just be misanthropic and overly cynical as opposed to sadistic while others will feel too silly putting their opinion on whatever it is out there, and instead default to being silly about it. It's kinda like when you're ending an actual conversation and, in order to avoid sounding strange when you say bye, you counter-intuitively say it in a really high-pitched singing voice. It makes no sense but a lot of people do it without thinking. When sincerity seems inappropriate you go full ridiculous, and it's the same line of thought when people put their opinion across in the most flippant, childish way possible.
  20. Everybody's got a bit of troll in them. If somebody sets themselves up for a funny jab most people will take the opportunity because, well, it's funny. Being aggressive isn't really a form of trolling, it's just being a tool. Trolling usually just takes the form of baiting and getting somebody irritated for the sake of laughing at them, which is a grey area because it's generally quite funny seeing somebody get flustered, it really just depends on how malicious the person doing it is and whether or not it's a friendly environment. A lot of people don't realise they're doing it, actually. Some are just out for drama while others can't stand to let a debate drop without a resolution on their side. They'll restart arguments and post bait without doing it on purpose, and then usually end up feeling persecuted because people respond to it. You can tell the difference quite easily, and there are examples of both in this community. Once you can tell the difference, you can pick up on the latter and ignore the former because one is out for debate and the other is out for shenanigans. Still, the types who post bait without intending to are usually inherently childish confrontationalists anyway, because nothing happens entirely by accident.
  21. Buildsies he a house of wooders and dirt, fillers it with man-fools of stone, he tricksies thems with promisers of golds, and when their trust he winners, trollers them -- Uncredited Pagan Song
  22. Heh, these guys nabbed your guide word for word. http://guide4games.net/thief-2014-pc-crashes-fps-black-screen-mouse-lag-fixes/
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