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The Black Arrow

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Everything posted by The Black Arrow

  1. Was to recommend Pirates, Vikings & Knights II, but this is a non-SP game, still is FP though.
  2. I suppose you use f.lux as well? I tried out that option, seems that now the Gamma&Brightness in TDM are affected by the game. Thanks for the suggestion.
  3. f.lux seems to keep on setting the brightness to normal, 1. Not just brightness, gamma. I don't know why it does that, but then I noticed that, changing my gamma also changes my own monitor's gamma, so apparently it doesn't change for the game but the monitor itself.
  4. Have any of you ever heard of f.lux? It's a great Computer application that makes it so your monitor's brightness and light lowers down during night, so you won't see that "strong blue light" that is detrimental for our "Sleep Hygiene". I use it as I have issues with sleeping. Thing is...'f'lux' is a terrible pair with The Dark Mod. Windowed or Fullscreen, f'lux will just change the brightness of my monitor and not let TheDarkMod do it. Thanks to that, I see even "blackish gray" darker than the rest, which I don't want. So I was wondering, do you guys have any idea on how I can use f'lux with The Dark Mod? Maybe there's actually a way better program than f'lux when it comes to videogames? The only thing I can do is shut it down, but then I easily forget about it, which is normal as this is (almost) an "Install & Forget" program.
  5. The last map I played was "Full Moon Fever", maybe he should be informed about it despite being apparently a small issue.
  6. While this and the HRTF Filter works for me, they both give me a constant looping "beep" sound on some locations. Any explanation as to what this is?
  7. Interesting, I like the last two shots, looks very detailed. I love tight city streets, they're more challenging, although I don't know if realistic. As long as the mission is great, Horror is not something I mind. But glad you decided to keep some of it, just like Sotha's Thomas Porter series (Mission 1 and 3, as far as I can remember). Say, knowing your next chapter is gonna be "Lord Edgar's Bathhouse" as well, is there any chance we get to travel there again? I love it when a "series" has a comeback or keeps up with the story in such a simple way.
  8. So, I'm actually trying to figure out just how the combat system works in TDM. From what I can see, it actually looks great, but I tend to be very bad at it (yet people think I'm good in PVKII, Condemned and Chivalry, just not an expert). It seems to work just like the Doom 3 fists; Sometimes you know you hit him because the hands pretty much "passed through", but you just didn't. So...The hit detection is actually terrible? I have noticed that each part has its own damage, for example, hitting the head will deal more damage than hitting the arm, while hitting the torso deals more damage than hitting a leg. The shortsword, as I said before, acts like a "stabber". You can swing, left or right, but there's a chance you might not hit or hit the wrong "part", so the stabbing itself and the overhead is actually better than that. Now, whenever I attack and hit a human, there's a blood mark, this helps a lot knowing where I really hit him, since I'm aiming at the head and apparently I hit his chest. But one big problem is when I fight the rest, especially undead. I try killing a Haunt (Yep, I'm that stupidly reckless. By the way, that's his name?) and when I stab his chest, I think I stabbed his...Arm, butt or even head, but I'm not too sure. tdm_show_health, 220 to 210. Undeath are harder to kill than humans, but still... A zombie at 160 HP, I hit him, I think I hit his torso, and he loses 40, reaching 120. I don't get it, did I really hit the torso or I hit his head? I know this is a stealth game and combat is not something that should be focused a lot, but is there no way to improve it or learn it better? Also, I play it at a normal difficulting. Another thing; If I remember right, the "attack moves" are mouse-dependant and not move-dependant or button-dependant. That means that if you aim up, you'll do stab, if you aim down, overhead (Or the other way). Same with the swings, you aim left or right. Nothing to complain, except, can we get an optional "marker"? If you guys ever played PVKII with the attack moves being Mouse-oriented, you'll understand what I mean. A small circle appears when you're about to attack, and then a dot is in the centre, you'll have to move it left, right, up or down. It's very fast so you don't have to really look up.
  9. Yes indeed. Say, you play this mission which has 1682 loot max. You play it on High difficulty which requires 1200 loot or more, and you get 1279. Then, knowing this is a campaign, in the next mission you get to buy stuff before starting the 2nd mission itself. For example, you can buy two fire arrows for 200, ten water arrows each for 50, fifteen broadheads for 25, a gas arrow for 300, etc. It's expensive, but I'm sure you guys understand why. Exactly like in Thief 1 and 2, but not Thief 3 (TDS). Although the concept of in-game shop a la TDS is interesting too, just needs more "ideas" so to say for The Dark Mod. Sounds overly-realistic. Does Garrett pay the rent/tax/everything in Thief 1 and 2 before buying Thieving gear? I don't think so.
  10. I made my vote, this short/medium mission was great, nearing Thief 2 quality for sure. I'm waiting for the 2nd part, you said it will be "Horror", I could wait patiently but then that makes me into a real thief.
  11. I'm actually talking about the "menu store", but the ingame store a la TDS sounds interesting too, although I wonder how possible that really is.
  12. Right now the only Campaign I played was "No Honour Amongst Thieves" if that information is needed. Is there actually a Campaign that has a shop in which you can buy Thieves' Gear from the start AND on the consecutive missions? Very similar to the Thief games. That would be great. Or is that, for now, not possible?
  13. I know a lot of maps that have some very damn annoying enemies, you'd just rather kill them since you can't knock them out (Yep, undead), so a longsword would be nice, or at least I think so. For the knife, well, as deamgogue said, aesthetic variety. Besides, as I said before too, the knife seems to be very matchy for the "Not an Ordinary Guest"'s Assassin difficulty. But that's only for one map...For now. I can't make a counter-argument about this in general. You are right. This weapons idea is not really that good for the core game, might as well just be a total waste, but it is for an external file I suppose, that is, a modders'/mappers' resource. That's true. I'll need to try making at least two maps that use those two weapons on each. I'll have to find some time to do it. I can only do textures, no modeling, animating or scripting yet. Though, I'm sure I can learn scripting easily enough. Didn't do much modeling nor animating, I only got Blender and use it for OMD2's model's for viewing.
  14. Isn't the idea I put rather "core gameplay" significant though? If we have these two, let's say, "replacer" weapons, then all mappers could use them since it is in the main core files, no need to download external files or maps or so. Still, I don't mind if it's not in the main core files, I just hope it does get implemented, at least in an external file or so. Other than that, an example of a map would be that one about "Not an Ordinary Guest". The Assassin could have a knife.
  15. So, I had an idea which I hope it will be implemented if possible, hopefully it's not against lore, balance and the like. I got this idea from playing all Thief games (except Thief 4) by the way. Right now, TDM only has one weapon for the protagonist; The Shortsword. It's not really a bad weapon, it is very nice indeed, but of course it is not always "cool" going with it, so I had made an idea of adding two new weapons; Knife and Longsword. Of course, I also added some characteristics about it, to try to balance them out and such, and they are; Knife Slightly faster to hit than Shortsword. Less reach than Shortsword. Less damage than Shortsword. More "Headshot" damage bonus. Has a bigger "Backstab" bonus, might even instantly kill a lightly armoured enemy. Easier and faster to ungrip. Since it's a small weapon, you can easily NOT hit corners unlike the shortsword and longsword and hit the target if you can reach him, of course. Either, has a very small or no weight at all. No "Overhead Swing", instead, replaced by a "Backstab" Has no way to parry. Longsword Slightly slower to hit than Shortsword. More reach than Shortsword. More damage than Shortsword. Less "Headshot" damage bonus. Either, has no "Backstab" bonus or a very small one. Could PROBABLY ONLY instantly kill an unarmoured enemy. Slower and not too easy to ungrip. Since it's a big weapon, it is easy to hit corners but has a better reach, so outside fights will be more efficient than inside fights. Has a large weight. Animations will be the same. Parrying will be possible and probably even better than Shortsword's, but slightly slower. For specific damage, let's say...Well, I don't know the damage mechanics for TDM, but for now I'll take it as points, yep, "Damage Points". Maybe the person who knows it a lot better than me can improve it. Knife Backstab will instantly kill unarmoured, lightly armoured and sometimes medium armoured ones. Will fatally wound heavy armoured, but they will always survive and will take 5 more "frontal" hits to kill the armoured one. For medium-armoured, 2 hits. (With this in mind, the backstab deals 8 damage points) Normal, frontal (Body, no limbs or head) or "Aware" attacks will be: Unarmoured - 3/5 hits. Lightly-armoured - 5/8 hits Medium-armoured - 8/10 hits Heavy-armoured - 13/15 hits "Headshot" damage would be; Unarmoured - 1/2 hit. Lightly-armoured - 2 hits. Medium-armoured - 2/3 hits. Heavy-armoured - 2/4 hits. (Now, this Headshot damage might seem rather unbalanced, but if you think about the reach and parrying...You might as well be a Reckless Lucky Thief, especially if you kill a Heavy-Armoured one.) Longsword Backstab is pretty much non-existant. Could probably instakill an unarmoured target, but not always. (With that in mind, the backstab deals 2 damage) Normal, frontal (Body, no limbs or head) or "Aware" attacks will be: Unarmoured - 2 Lightly-armoured - 2/5 Medium-armoured - 5/7 hits Heavy-armoured - 6/9 hits "Headshot" damage would be; Unarmoured - 1/2 hit. Lightly-armoured - 2/3 hits. (3 being high chance) Medium-armoured - 3/4 hits. Heavy-armoured - 3/4 hits. (4 being higher chance) (As you can see, this is indeed a very strong weapon, but it's not easy to use unlike the Shortsword, or at least hopefully not.) I bet I actually made all these weapons badly balanced, but well, if you got suggestions for this suggestion, you sure as hell can put it here
  16. When there's trash, you take it out and not TALK every day about it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sotha


      ..aand sometimes talking trash is very recreational!

    3. jtr7


      Gotta send a message. Can't stop the signal! It ain't over! Gotta fill search engines with the right kind of hits!

    4. Lux


      Consider the message sent. Dead horse kicked, beaten, and mutilated. Then the remains sliced in to squares and emailed to the 4 corners of the intratubes.

  17. There are some grammar errors that I noticed myself, strangely it is very easy to confuse "its" and "it's" even for native-speaking English people. It's on the first paragraph of the mission briefing's, I'm sure you actually meant "its", right? The mountain "possessed" something indeed. By the way, can you add (No killings) and (No blackjacking) in those objectives? I didn't know what conking is, and sometimes I'd rather just read two little words. (Also, I hate my DSPD.)
  18. I see, but it is somehow still kind of strange. If there's an Inventor's Guild, that not only has engineers but alchemists too, then why would there be an Alchemist's Guild? It just feels strange at how alchemists are against alchemists. I guess this is just like real life doctors, Pavlov VS Bekhterev. You guys should try making an article about the Alchemist's Guild.
  19. Inventors Guild made the Fire Arrow by using some form of liquid fire, then the Alchemists Guild tried to make a better one with improved formula, all they got was a mild liquid fire for small arms. Hold on a moment, Water Arrow...The Inventors Guild were doing it, but their Alchemists did it? There are alchemists in the Inventors Guild even though there's an Alchemists Guild?
  20. Any news? I see, so the Fire Arrow is an Alchemist's Guild invention, while then the Inventor's Guild made another "liquid fire" in which it was good for small arms, something the city defences needed. Is that how it is?
  21. But you said the Alchemists made it (or at least the explosive parts), isn't that wiki quote implying the Inventor's made it then the Alchemists wanted to make another one with "improved formula" that wasn't successful except for small guns?
  22. That apparently either, makes the Inventor's Guild a bunch of thieves themselves (Alchemists sure love that name for them, huh?), or the feud between them both a complete hypocrisy. I see. Pretty much The Dark Mod's "lore" about arrows. Yeah, custom arrows, would be great if you showed how. You mean about modelling and texturing (or maybe not) it, right?
  23. There are many types of nihilists, even political nihilists which, in my view, should have appeared a lot in those funky Steampunk-ish movies with an Emperor-Dictator or so. People always argue over stupid things, same with politics/politicians arguing about very stupid things like abortion. There's no need to be political about abortion, just allow it and that's it. Besides, many don't know it but I do; it is a pregnant woman's choice, not anyone's else. The father's is just a suggestion. And the rest? Well, not gonna say since this going political already. Other than that, I got an argument about Thief 4; Don't like it? Play "The Dark Mod"
  24. So, in summary; Fire Arrows Made by the Inventor's Guild, it was made with a liquid fire in which it burns even on water and can't be extinguished. When its tip hits a contact, it explodes. Also made by the Alchemist's Guild but not good enough for bows, instead, they're used for small arms. Water Arrows Made by the Inventor's Guild, this type of arrow was created to counter their own Fire Arrows just in case an enemy faction ever steals it. It is also used by the Fire Brigade, due to the effectiveness of this type of arrow, also by Noblemen to extinguish flames just in case they ever get out of control. Even though it looks small, this water arrow is stronger than the typical water people use and drink, making it potent even for medium-sized fires. Noisemaker Arrows Thought to be made by the Thieves' Guild due to the simplicity and their own manner of works, easily misinterpreted as an Inventor's Guild invention. The arrow is very simple to make and use, just by strapping a clockwork toy on top and shooting it. Moss Arrows Magical Arrows, makers unknown, thought it is made by wizards and/or Pagan shamans. Sold through the black market by the hedge wizards and Pagans. When the arrow hits contact, it quickly starts to reproduce moss arrows around the area, making the terrain mossy which in turn makes it quiet to walk on, perfect for thieves. Rope Arrows Made by The Empire, the original copy was much larger and bulkier, used to pull the ships into a trap or close to it in order board it. The modern design was made into an arrow, which hunters, construction workers, loggers and of course, thieves, use it. Gas Arrows Unknown. I think the Gas Arrows were apparently made by the Alchemist's Guild, for the Empire's Spies. Some crooked alchemists also sell them on the black market for thieves. That sound good?
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