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Everything posted by kingsal

  1. @ObsttorteOkay! My custom blackjack has a fully rigged hand so it's not compatible with the core, but that's okay. Once you get the prototype working we can go back and do nice animations and model updates. I've attached a duplicate of the idle animation with a higher pose. If you need more frames to work with just let me know. I imagine the final ready animation will be about 10 frames; so roughly half a second but it just depends on what looks and feels right . EDIT: Added a 10 frame version if you need it. ready.md5anim ready10.md5anim
  2. This is a much needed improvement! I can probably get you what you need. I started making new animations for the black a while ago so I'll dig them up and see if my set up will work with the core content. At the very least, I can get you something simple to start with.
  3. Thank you! Im looking forward to shaping them up for everyone to use (probably in 2.11 or as an asset pack) . With regards to models on the internet, if you can find a group of authors who want to split the price to buy assets and put them in their missions, that's totally fine. However, license issues are tricky so unless they are CC0 OR we can confirm they were made by someone here- we cannot put them in the core mod, at least not without a bunch of scrutiny
  4. The animated grass demo is not actually using SEED. Its using a giant bespoke animated model so its only useful for that demo. Grass is actually fairly complicated to get it to look right and perform well. I started building some animated grass models that are more friendly for authors to use; different sizes, skins, lods, ect. although I won't be done with them for a while: Still WIP but here's a little video https://www.dropbox.com/s/f6cwq5ahy8jg7ud/The Dark Mod 2.10_64 2022-05-14 17-04-15.mp4?dl=0
  5. Thanks! Yeah I originally planned to make more use of the rail system but I didn't have enough time to develop it. I've been playing around with the idea of a sequel someday, utilizing a full on rail system similar to half-life.
  6. Good to know! The addons is left over from my TDM development space . Ill look into it.
  7. @chakkman @Shadow Glad you liked the mission! Hiding the items in this mission was definitely tricky, we obviously want players to find them but not feel like we just gave them away. Tough balance there.
  8. I am little late to the party but congrats @greebo , thanks for the dedication and keeping DR rockin!
  9. Oh interesting, I assumed nosound was an actual shader because it shows up as one in DR- I guess that's just a placeholder for the script. I know that using silence.ogg instead of silence_stereo.ogg for stereo ambient tracks used to mess up the bit rates. I haven't tried removing the silence line all together to see if the popping effect still persists in 2.10. Good to know!
  10. Haha, I would say that's definitely not the intended experience, but its a valid one no doubt. I for sure fumble my way through building these missions, so its not always crystal clear what my *exact* intentions are despite all the effort. Maybe ill do a kind of post mortem write up on this mission. The deadline forced me to streamline my process a bit and have slightly more concrete goals up front. With regards to how I intend a mission to play out- I definitely have some idea of a loose fantasy I'm trying to sell (in this case some mix of Indiana Jones, Resident Evil and DnD dungeon crawling). However, I try not to be overly controlling in how players experience that fantasy. Its a weird dance; it feels like being a hopeful shepherd sometimes; "Please find this key, please use a rope arrow here, please sneak around this guard " There are definitely tools in the author's toolbox for wrangling a player, but in the spirit of Thief, I think a lot of TDM missions try to obscure the author's hand. They strive to showcase the player's actions, creativity, or skills while funneling the player towards a goal. This is a good reason for why I wouldn't spawn more monsters in this particular mission. I want to keep the player focused and feeling like they're making progress. Not saying spawning monsters is bad by itself. I actually think it would support parts of the fantasy in Hazard, but I suspect it would require reworking huge parts of the mission to make it work. Like changing the main objective to kill all the zombies vs collect all the loot. You know what I mean? All that being said, I actually love watching people play missions in crazy ways I never expected. The mission still needs to *work* on some level which is a whole other topic, but I love that a mission can be approached in so many different and even whacky ways. Once again, thanks for playing and making suggestions. I'm taking away a lot of thoughts and ideas from this.
  11. It would, but they require different properties in the sound shader and therefore need unique names. The ambient tracks need a silent "buffer" sound played when the player transitions from one location to the next. This prevents audio popping.
  12. Hello! yeah you can use the following spawnargs: "snd_open" "nosound" = when button is activated "snd_close" "nosound" = when button reaches its destination (probably nosound by default) "snd_move" "nosound = when button is moving (usually a looping sound, probably nosound by default) Just for future reference: "nosound" does not work for ambient tracks. Use "silence" instead.
  13. In this mission it takes 1 headshot to kill a zombie on normal/ hard and on expert it takes 2 ( or 1 to the head and 1 to the body). I appreciate the discussion, but I'll be keeping the headshot rules as they are. As for adding new mechanics and AI to my missions- I like doing it and will continue to do so!
  14. You're on Linux though. So they could be two unrelated issues.
  15. @McPhisto2051Hmm I'm stumped tbh. I would suggest doing a clean install of TDM, delete it completely and reinstall just in case. @ObsttorteThanks for looking into this! @snatcherThanks for giving it a try and giving notes on the save mechanic. I'm thinking of making a sequel someday where I refine and balance the idea
  16. Alright just double checking. Would you mind PMing me those save game files (unless they are both 0kb) and your fms/hazard/qconsole.log if it exists.
  17. Yeah sorry about that . The only reports Ive had about corrupted saves where on Linux. It's odd that its 0kb. Unfortunately, there isn't much help I can offer here. If you have the energy you could play it on Normal or Hard. Thanks for giving the mission a shot though. EDIT: Something is definitely broken- the mission should not be creating saves named "Save_1" - Just double checking you are using TDM 2.10?
  18. @McPhisto2051Ah damn. Are you playing on Linux? There is a known bug with the save system. The saves should be labelled and not generic names like "save_1" Otherwise, I am not sure what happened here. The save system is still very new to tdm.
  19. Well, guess its a bad mission then since bad games restrict players EDIT: In all seriousness, I've had lengthy discussions about the save room mechanic. The only way to really do it is to commit to it and balance the level and objectives around it. Or find a clever way to make it optional- through items bought in the store, optional objectives, whatever. I like some of @snatcher's suggestions.
  20. Thank you! Glad you liked them. You know that sound might be a part of the ambient track. To be honest- I didn't really know what I was doing with ambients back then. Also send me your save game and Ill have a look. Thank you, thats very high praise. I have two more volta missions in the works; one should will be done by the end of summer and the next probably late this year depending on my schedule.
  21. Thats it! Its just to hint at a faction you'll encounter later on in the campaign and give another little area to explore. Big vibrating noise? A lot of the secrets and extra items are there for additional replays- I don't expect players to find everything in one play through. That key should unlock the gate if its the one I am thinking of. Might be a bug actually
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