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Status Updates posted by DeTeEff

  1. Just heard for the first time: "Now they want to raise taxes again? They're gonna drive all the honets men out of work." Exactly in time for the government shift in Sweden to the socialists... :)

    1. jaxa


      From what I read they don't have a 50% majority and are unwilling to partner with the far-right party. Your gold pieces are safe.

    2. DeTeEff


      Yes, the political standings are quite unstable as is...

    3. Sotha


      Yep, we finns are looking at our Swedish f®iends very closely. What happens in Sweden often happens later in Finland, so please make sure you do some really good decisions over there, you hear! ;)

  2. Dumped...

    1. lost_soul


      When I first saw that, software popped into my head... as in "core dumped" (aka program crashed) Then I realized... Welcome to the single world, my friend.

    2. nbohr1more


      Sorry to hear that... TDM widow?

    3. Sotha


      Ouch. But look at the bright side. This is most likely the most optimal time of year to be dumped. Lots of activities, lots of new more interesting people to meet... You'll be fine.

  3. Remember my plans on getting a skydive certificate? Well...Won't be done before next summer/season but here we go :) Gracious saltomortale! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP1AuT7quA4&list=UUDqKBhhdlDw59rLhZK0u8BQ

    1. STiFU
    2. lowenz


      Saltomortale? Why so italian (I'm italian)? :D

    3. DeTeEff


      I felt my nice backflip required a more sofisticated touch ;)

  4. Cannot see the distiller ingame...models/darkmod/laboratory/distiller.ase

    1. Sotha


      tech support section and a post to report bug so it is not missed/forgotten?

    2. Bikerdude


      +1 on what sotha said.

    3. DeTeEff


      Thread made...

  5. Why sleep after night shift when you can spend the morning building modules for a mansion...

    1. nbohr1more


      It's a better use of time than my Roller Coaster Tycoon binges in my 20's. (Worked the overnights too)

    2. Sotha


      I value sleep a lot nowadays. You value the most those things you have lost. Supply and demand, demand and supply. ;)

    3. Xarg


      Sleep is for the weak!

  6. Why do I allways go for the most intricate solutions...? Because to promote replayability!

    1. Obsttorte


      Do you refer to something specific?

    2. DeTeEff


      As a tester you'll probably find out first hand :)

  7. Just learned that one can adjust the detailness of patches in the patch inspector...Will probably save some tris in patch heavy areas...

    1. AluminumHaste


      Yeah love that feature. Orbweaver or Greebo added the ability to select multiple patches at once and change all their subdivisions at once. Very nice.

    2. SeriousToni
  8. Are there any risks to merge vertexes on patches in one? Like, taking the corners of a square patch and make a triangle?

    1. nbohr1more


      Patches don't seal so even if you create a leak somehow, it would've leaked anyway. The only issue is shadows. If the patch casts shadows the leak would make shadow silhouette calculations more complex.

    2. Dragofer


      The only downside, minor, I've seen is that the polygon normals get a little glitchy (darkened) towards the fusion point. In terms of texturing, you'd need to paste from a brush to avoid massive distortion.

  9. Didn't know that lights could be in the void without causing a leak...

    1. Obsttorte


      And as light shines through caulk, one could use this for some nice effects.

    2. DeTeEff


      I've put lights in the void before but then I automatically wrapped them with caulc walls to make a little house for the light, a light house :)

  10. I didn't know one could fix the problem with "leaking" arches when you thicken a curved patch...Then I read about "non fixed" subdivisions in the patch inspector...That saves a lot of headache

    1. AluminumHaste


      really you've never used manual subdivisions? Makes it so easy to just set your patch subdivisions to 6x6 and be done


    2. DeTeEff


      No, I just cursed silently and tried to adjust my arch to get a non leaking one

  11. Using DarkRadiant to plan model houses for Malifaux...

  12. The new update seems to be boiling with new, improved stuff! I'm feeling a bit sad that I don't map as frequent as usual...

    1. nbohr1more


      With the size of "Not an Ordinary Guest" you've earned a little break from editing. That thing is massive! Enjoy playing some of your colleagues missions with the new updates.

  13. Using Darkmod as a guide to plan a scratch built IRL-shelf...

  14. New job! After the summer hollidays I don't have to commute 80 km one way any more :) abou 2 hours a day to spend on something more useful...

  15. At last my mission is released :)

  16. Remember my plans on getting a skydive certificate? Well...Won't be done this before next summer/season but here we go :) Gracious saltomortale!

  17. Just learned that one can adjust the detailness of patches in the patch inspector...Will probably save some tris in patch heavy areas...

  18. Cannot see the distiller ingame...odels/darkmod/laboratory/distiller.ase

  19. When this much cursing has been yelled at the screem in vain and a baked graphics card, I will never leave this competition!

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