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Everything posted by DeTeEff

  1. The binding works, but still not muted
  2. I'll just noclip out in the void before switching...
  3. As a sidenote, the sounds are still present, even when the game window is unselected...any fixes for this? In 2.05 the game went silent when going back to DarkRadiant so to speak...
  4. Ahh, nice...too bad I'll have to switch between the modes to see the nice soft shadows Thanks
  5. How do I run TDM in windowed mode...It won't change when I set Fullscreen to "No"... This is a big deal for me when I map and jump between DarkRadiant and TDM...
  6. Hello folks! It's been a long time since I mapped in TDM but now it's time to rerelease this mission from back in 2011. It started as a speed build contest with some prior work. Now it's released as a slow build with a lot of prior work I say this because the prior work was made by me and my friend Ziggun but a lot of additional details and tweaking has been added by BikerDude! And it has taken a looooong time... As it's originally a speed build (and my friend, who likes intricate storylines) some things in the mission may come out as rather cryptic and may not make a whole lot of sense. There may surely be some glitchy textures but the main thing is that the mission is at least playable and the inhabitants of the mission should now work as planned. Anyhow, I feel I must let this mission go from my chest so I can continue on my other projects (some of them are actually other TDM-missions!). Thanks to the team for making this mod and these missions possible! MISSION DOWNLOAD https://www37.zippyshare.com/v/jwTLVJnH/file.html BRIEFING Diary entry, 20th of October, 1721 Say one thing about Sir Henry Doyle, say he's a taffing idiot. Yes, I admit that. Only a taffing idiot would try to rob Lord taffing Cromwell, much less do it while being his honoured guest. I came out here to enjoy the quiet countryside and to study under the great inventor so that I could forget about all the troubles back in Bridgeport. But I suppose they didn't forget about me, nor did the Lady Terevaine. She must've found out I was staying at Cromwell's estate somehow, seeing as she had a letter delivered to me right in the middle of supper. Could barely keep a straight face as I read it. The nerve of that woman... Thankfully, my fellow guest at the mansion, Father Tellam, had another heated argument with Cromwell about the whole Gottfried II project. Called it a great sin against the Builder and all that. Ironic, considering what Lady Terevaine wrote to me, but it did give me the perfect excuse to retire for the night. Still, it seems I have yet another job to do for this little shrew. And like always, she promises that this one will be the last of them before she finally helps me with my debts. For the life of me, I will never understand what she gets out of these oddjobs, but I suspect it might just be some form of deranged joy at seeing me stumble around robbing everyone I know. And this time, she wants me to steal Lord Cromwell's very passion, the blueprints for his beloved airship. That in itself will not be a hard task, given that Cromwell doesn't allow any guards indoors. From what he has told me, I suspect the blueprints to be in his study on the second floor of the east wing. I'll need to be careful, however. Cromwell is a dangerous man and should my hand in this be known, he will make my money problems seem like a pleasant afternoon stroll. I'll need to mask this theft as a robbery, so I should try and steal as much as I can, perhaps smash a window or two along the way. With any luck, I'll find enough goods to actually pay my debts and get free of that taffing Lady Terevaine... UPDATE: @Frost_Salamander has been given permission to fix some outstanding issues with this mission and has posted Version 2.1 Proton Drive: https://drive.proton.me/urls/T5FH1VVMXC#jG2TkL9YVdTY Github: https://github.com/FrostSalamander/antr/releases/download/v2.1/antr.pk4 Should there be some sort of announcement somewhere? fix DMAP errors (dropped visportals, missing location_separators) fix broken skin on butler corpse in kitchen fix z-fighting in doorways make candles frob-extinguishable remove duplicate flames on wall candles in dining room fix wall candles clipping into cabinet in dining room fix wardrobe that was acting like a door entity fix non-solid shelf fix note on conservatory door that was blocking player from exiting make knife and butler corpse in kitchen frob-highlight together replace ghost damage aura triggers with damage stims because the triggers sometimes didn't work fix wrong number of health potions in player start inventory This has is now available in the missions database and in-game downloader.
  7. When complaining about crap in the void that creates leak, but you cannot see, try turning all filters off... ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bikerdude
    3. Epifire


      This really makes me wish models had their own filter! xD

    4. Bikerdude


      You can filter FS already, but if you want to hide .LWO, use the info provided by Obs - http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19355-how-to-create-a-filter-to-hide-a-specific-model-type/

  8. Thread lightly after using light bulbs...!
  9. So you have been working on this?? Wicked! Feel bad that I haven't prioritized TDM in my life much lately...
  10. When I did this I believe I used the whole AI-person and made the skin of the guy nodraw... A bit haXXor though...
  11. Using DarkRadiant to plan model houses for Malifaux...

  12. If everybody else's going to show their beautiful missions, I can't resist so show some of my work... Can't decide upon making a hotel or a museum...
  13. Several unfinished projects yet here I'm starting another mission...Gonna try my home made modules :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Diego


      What's that? starting a new project while you have a lot of unfinished ones? Nope, never done that before.

    3. DeTeEff


      When you finish every started project and paint all your unfinished models you will die ;)

    4. Sotha


      On second though... maybe I leave some unfinished FMs lying around my HDD. Cheap life insurance! ;)

  14. Don't know if that is applicable in a skin file though...
  15. One way could be to create a surface INSIDE the model with a certain texture that you stretch as you see fit, then change it to a nodraw-texture and keep the stretch. Then you create a skin file that changes the stretched nodraw-texture to the one you want. And then change the 'regular' texture to a nodraw-texture...It feels a bit haxxor though... Example
  16. Hello I'm fiddling with modules and try to change the skins on my interior pieces. When I change a texture I use the 'old texture - new texture' method but is there any way to manipulate the stretch of the textures when creating different skins? These are some of the skin defs and these are working perfectly because all of the wallpaper textures are aligned similarily and are the same size so there is no seam (they all align perfectly when I change skins). But how do I do if I want to, for example tile/scale a texture differently? Is it possible without going into some model software and create a speciffic UVmap? Skin file
  17. Why sleep after night shift when you can spend the morning building modules for a mansion...

    1. nbohr1more


      It's a better use of time than my Roller Coaster Tycoon binges in my 20's. (Worked the overnights too)

    2. Sotha


      I value sleep a lot nowadays. You value the most those things you have lost. Supply and demand, demand and supply. ;)

    3. Xarg


      Sleep is for the weak!

  18. Mapping while listening to Sothas soothing voice with his lovely finnish accent, explaining how awesome modular building techniques are :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sotha


      Please do! TDM accent-o-galore, for great justice!


      Serves them native english speakers right... :D

    3. DeTeEff


      Not gonna happen with mapping, but I might stream some TDM missions and use a phat swedish accent, littered with finnish curse words though! ;)

    4. Sotha


      I look forward to it! ;) For that purpose, I should make you a special mission full of unfair insta-kill traps, teleporting flaming (area damage effect) revenants, deadly jumping puzzles and a save functions disabled. "Pärkkele, finne!" ;)

  19. ...and patch splitting...
  20. Possibility to resize models??? Greebo, you are an ACE!
  21. Been away for some time again and thought some mapping would be nice; Question from a modelling noob: Is it possible/an easy/quick task to select a bunch of models/func_statics in DR, export them to an external modelling software like Blender and then save it as one model and put it back to DR? This of course to save entities.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Obsttorte


      You can export brush and patchwork using the DR ASE exporter. But you can't combine worldspawn and models.

    3. DeTeEff


      Okay, but is it an easy task to (in Blender) to import the same model, say several bottles and then arrange them to look like a bunch of bottles, on the same z-plane and then save it as a unique model? Instead of using up several entities in DR...

    4. Epifire


      Yeah, you can totally do that with Blender easily. Though it can be slightly problematic to get smoothing right on a prop with a lot of hard edges. I've found you really just have to split edges manually for it to translate over correctly. Which can be kinda a pain if you don't use Blender often.

  22. And in my current city mission, I build more like a person playing the mission, meaning no plan more than a general idea of what kind of section the player will encounter/walk into (will this be an alley, a small town square, a garden?). Then the mission expands as my mapping goes on, as a player who is exploring, with no idea of what he will encounter. I haven't even any direct idea of where the player will start. But I guess that can easily be fixed later when I add guards and lock doors and stuff... This building tecnique may not be the most efficient, but sometimes I struggle with the motivation to build and I believe it's better to build these things I find interresting than to just give up. A small citysection can always be modified/adjusted to accomodate lots of different mission approaches; follow this NPC, go to that nice house and break in, escape the city, or just roam around like the FM Business as usual. Perhaps I feel like building a nice mansion interior, okay, that can be added to the city, too bad my city section is rather slummy (which is another "problem" I run into from time to time; Try to keep to one class (slum, average, noble etc) as I believe the people of this day and age didn't mix classes too much)
  23. Some interresting/frustrating thing with my mapping style (that could perhaps be fixed by proper planning) is that I often end up with a nice looking house with some decent interiors (not furnished yet) and then start to wonder..."Hmmm, what should this building be for? I had a tavern in mind but the layout isn't much tavernish..." Also I tend to hollow out more than I planned to do..."Oh, look! This house looks nice...Hmm, this is a nice place to position some pipes so the player can get up to that window...Let's hollow out the house!"
  24. For the record, it was this entity atdm:moveable_holder_tall_plus_candle3
  25. I noticed that the smoke that emmits from a snuffed candle is bound to the candle. It follows as the candle is moved about. Is it possible to unbind it just as it goes out?
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