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Everything posted by STiFU

  1. STiFU

    "etc" or "ect"?

    ... Sparhawk, I just checked wikipedia on what you are saying and those buddies also call 100€ a "kilo". Interesting! It seems like we finally found a big difference between some languages. I am going to ask an austrian friend of mine about this.
  2. STiFU

    "etc" or "ect"?

    Since we are talking about english here, I've got a question. Where does "for pete's sake" come from? A friend of mine said, it was very common to say this. Is it maybe from a TV series? Like "praise the Fons"?
  3. STiFU

    "This is Phun"

    Springs can be dragged from object to object. The best way to deal with chains is to add a fixpoint to the end of the chain, start the simulation and then drag the chain around with the drag tool as you wish. connecting the chains in the end is done via the Hinge tool, at least that's the way I did it. It's not perfect, but it works. If you find another way, let me hear of it...
  4. STiFU

    "This is Phun"

    Hehe yeah it sucks a lot as well as the overall handling, but you can create a lot of funny things. Me and some friends (and two chest of beer) were building a weapon with automatic pullback and reload. But the alcohol was catching up way too fast! Dom, I don't know that sand simulator. Link? I have built a funny robot called Freddy yesterday and an obstacle course for it. It's actually quite tricky, but with some practice you get used to it's handling. If you drive, the hinge to the "one-wheel" is blocked, but if you release the buttons it can bounce around freely. This way you can perform certain moves, like summersaults etc. . I was trying to also introduce a suspension to the one-wheel so that you can jump higher, but aparently the physics engine still apears to be a bit too buggy for impulses of that high strength. Just in case you want to try it...
  5. STiFU

    "etc" or "ect"?

    Hehe, I partied where you live last year on the Love Parade... I'm from Dortmund, which is as good as "next door" (for the non-germans). The world is small! Have you played Medal of Honor Airborne? I am asking because one level is located in Essen and I wonder whether you did recognize anything from reality. I didn't but then again I was the first time in Essen last year although it's so close. (Hilarious, isn't it?)
  6. STiFU

    "etc" or "ect"?

    Hehe yeah, I'd say that too. But I come from Nord-Rhein-Westfalen, so no!
  7. Models and lights can be combined, but currently Dark Radiant doesn't quite support it. What you have to do is change the func-class to "light" and add all the proper light parameters to it. (of course you could also just create a light and add the model parameter to it) The Lightorigin is moved via the parameter light-center. This is not a dirty hack, no it's actually intended to do it this way and it works nicely in Doom 3, but since you don't have anyway to preview it, it's a little bit hard to tweak it right. I actually opened an issue about this already on the bugtracker: Issue #529. It's going to be fixed (hopefully). It's much more comfortable to move one object around instead of two. Supergrouping of objects (brushes, models) and lights does not work either yet, afaik.
  8. STiFU

    "etc" or "ect"?

    Phew, this was a lot of catching up to do! And if I imagined all this was written in everyone's personal accent it would've used up triple the time I guess. Writing is a way for communication and it's purpose is to deliver the message as good as possible. So in the context of this forum, phonetic writing would be sheer foolery, since it's a source of information and nothing with a deeper message that could be delivered via special pronounciations. In a chat it's ok to do it, because you can ask directly if you don't understand something. I still wouldn't apreciate it in a chat, because it takes longer to read it and time is the most valuable ressource in my life. It's interesting that I would have written Sparhawks text differently, even thought we live in the same country. Let me do my transformation: "Ar ju schur ju kän ried sis? Mäeibie ju ken, bikos it is ä simpl exahmpl, bat eim schur ju wut häf mor problems uis mor komplex sentenses. Sam of se käräkters äbaf mäei not iewen schou ap on jor skrien bikos ju mäei not häf se fonts installt." When I went through this I noticed that Sparhawk interestilngly still left some "english thinking" in it. (e.g. "bicaus" and "wuld") It's indeed really hard to write this way. Another common mix up: life / live . I would have done it wrong myself in this post, if I hadn't locked it up!
  9. STiFU

    "This is Phun"

    "This is Phun" is a nice little 2d physics sandbox. You can draw about anything your self, add hinges or strains etc. to it and build your own robots or incredible machines. (The active ingame controls are limited to the arrowkeys though) There is also water simulation and many other things, you will soon notice that it's still a beta, but I spent the last two days on it anyway... Here is the link!
  10. Here is another awsome Doom-modification...
  11. Oh boy, you really got a knack for patches! Very nice work on those Arches. But there is still one thing that could be done better in my oppinion. The pad of brighter stone seperating the arches from the columns could be a bit more massive. Currently it looks a bit like it could break of any minute. So make it maybe three times as thick and perhaps also make the caps threesided. That would look better in my oppinion.
  12. STiFU

    "etc" or "ect"?

    Yeah well, you were actually the kick-off! But nevermind. Again, I was just wondering, whether there was an alternative acronym. And Odd, I think there are two mistakes in that sentence. Numbers below twelve have to or should be written out in letters (at least in germany) and the other thing whould be the plural of "to be" I guess.
  13. STiFU

    "etc" or "ect"?

    uhhh yeah, I hate that last one!! And the worst thing is people who are not capable of speaking proper english trying to hide it behind the massive use of slang expressions. I don't mind if someone can't speak or write english very well, but wrong "slangtalk" is just a pain in the ass!!
  14. STiFU

    "etc" or "ect"?

    Thanks for clarifying! There was a dot missing on the link and I fixed it. Copy paste must've eaten it... But I do that "loose" typo very often too, but in most of the cases I realize my failure. Edit: Well aparently you cannot fix it, because the forum always places the dot after the link tags. Just go ahead and add the dot on the URL!
  15. We all know the acronym for "et cetera", which is latin for "and so forth". In Germany, people use the acronym "etc." or "usw." for "und so weiter" , but on this and other multinational forums I see the t and c flipped very frequently to "ect". At first I thought it was just a typo, but since I have seen it so often by now I am starting to wonder whether the acronym is really spelled differently in english or other languages and more important: Why do you do that? Not that correct spelling is actually important to me, but I figured this is fairly good off-topic talk! Edit: According to this.. (german) page, the acronym is the same everywhere, besides maybe languages that don't use our typeface. Well, I can't read it. Browsing that page for "ect" didn't present any answers either. Is it maybe really just prevalent typo?
  16. Currently it looks more like a quake 3 Deathmatch map, but I guess by the time you start filling it up with details it will become thievy. But grats on the amazing patchwork...
  17. Fidcal, I just read your tutorial about the Texture-Tool and I'd like to make a suggestion on the Patches chapter. It would be much better understandable if you uploaded a picture of the texturelayout of that chimney as well. You could select all normal brush surfaces in the Texture-Tool so that it becomes absolutely clear were the transitions between patches (white) and brushes (orange) are. I think I got it right, but it still looks a little bit weird, if you use a normal brick texture on it, but from my cognitive visualisation it can't be realized any better.
  18. There are way too many Star Trek parodies. There is a german one called "Star Dreck" (Dreck is german vor dirt) which just presents new voicerecordings over the older motion picture. In one episode the spend about half an hour talking about black coffee. Hilarious!! I have spent more time watching this than the real Star Trek aparently. We just didn't receive the right TV-channels at that time. (Maybe we should move this thread to off-topic )
  19. Maybe he is just not too familiar with the hetero sexual manners. Who knows?
  20. Just scale the whole uv layout down a little and then drag the verts so that the scaling is right for you. In case you don't know: unwrapping a uv is a provess for manual uv-twealing! Just look at your 3d model, select a vertex (or a group of vertices) where the scaling doesn't seem to be right and drag it on the uvlayout so that it fits. In this context the use of a checkboard texture is always usefull, but I guess you know this technique already. If you want to seperate some faces from the rest of the uvlayout, you should select them in the 3d view and the perform a function similar to "detach edge verts". (I am a 3ds max user, so I don't know how the functions are called in blender, but the basic mechanics should be quite the same).
  21. The surfaceinspector works nicely, but there is a bug with the texture dimensions. Posted a note at the bugtracker.
  22. Denny Crane! (Boston Legal. Never been much of a Sci-Fi fan)
  23. I recently tried Episode one and I am quite enthusiastic over it. Didn't finish it yet though, because I don't have time for playing at the moment, so don't spoil it for me!!
  24. You should also check the proportions. The ceiling looks very low on the first screen and the texture on the beams should be rotated by 90 degrees. Also try introducing some patches to the walledges. Looks always smoother...
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