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  1. This is continuing from a thread in the animation forum. One clarification--When we say "mitten hands" we're talking about the D3 style of a separate index finger and thumb, with the other three fingers bound together (if that's not correct, someone let me know). 1. Are we going with mitten hands (I'm now in favour of it)? If so, who is going to make them? How hard is it to attach them? Does it mess up current animations? Background: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...hl=mitten+hands
  2. Ok, now that we have a few new animators signing on, it seems like a good time to sort out some issues that could come back to bite us later. I'd like to hear from all three of you (Domarius, Solis, and Merkin) about these--I have little-to-no technical knowledge about animating, so I'm relying on you guys to help me keep us organized, and with a decent workflow. The way I see it, we need to get the following issues sorted out ASAP--we need to know which ones have to be dealt with before any further animating is done, and which (if any) can wait until later. I don't want us to be making animations that have to then be totally redone because of one of the following problems. 1. Are we going with mitten hands (I'm now in favour of it)? If so, who is going to make them? How hard is it to attach them? Does it mess up current animations? Background: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...hl=mitten+hands 2. When is the best time to remove the weapons from AI and prepare them for AF attachments? How much work is it to do this? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=4332 Seems like this is not much work and should be done now. The AF attachment system is currently being designed and weapons will be able to be reattached soon. Currently not assigned to anyone. 3. How do we prepare our models for head-swapping? How easy it is to cut the heads off (especially on models like the builder guard who has a specific neckguard), and is a new attachment joint needed to attach them? We probably need to do some research for this one. How does cutting the head off a model affect the animations? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=4331 Domarius has volunteered to cut the heads off our current AI and prepare them for head-swapping. 4. Robed characters (noblewoman, builder priest/acolyte/prelate) need feet added before they are animated. Who is going to take on that task and how much work is it? Background: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...;hl=robed++feet 5. Are we going to try and use facial animations for the first release? If so, how does that affect our models? I assume it only matters for the heads. 6. How do we go about splitting the AI in sub-meshes so that we can separate the textures into different materials? How does this affect the existing animations? Background: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=4063
  3. If you want to get full experience out of the demo then check out this link: http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/8...43/m/7691028074 My demo thoughts: -Waaaayy to short for its size. If I didn't know more about Dark Messiah this demo would have given an impression of basic hack'n slash "RPG" (something like 3d Diablo) -All good/bad things of Source engine included (physics, good HDR etc, long loading times for small levels etc.) -Good close combat, although enemies in demo were ridiculously easy to defeat (suicidical AI) -Somewhat clumsy movement like said in previous posts (good thing that head bobbing can be disabled). IMO this so called "body awareness" never works in FPS games unless they are mainly concentrated on open terrains like Operation Flashpoint. Movement precision always suffers heavily from this feature and then like Komag said, small ledges and beams become very annoying . -Object manipulation is not very precise, you can throw and drop items but putting a jar on a shelv isn't as easy as in Half-Life 2 or Thief games. -Some nice and fresh ideas like kicking enemies to spikes
  4. I'm pretty sure that our current walk/run cycles that Oddity used were from motion capture. I know some animators have a problem using them, but as I see it, the more basic animations we can get already made, the more time is freed up to create our more unique ones, or to add variety to the ones that exist. That said, any idea where Oddity was getting them from? Remember the animation from the bottom of this page? I know he didn't make that one from scratch. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=284&st=25
  5. I get the "cannot load collision model" error for candle_holder.lwo. How many faces does the CM that you put in have? It should conform to the faces/edges/verts limits outlined in this thread: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=3968 The candle itself loads okay, but I have some comments on it: 1. It has no bottom, which is okay for this particular application, but if people wanted to also use that model for a free-standing candle that can get knocked around, which is pretty likely, it should have a bottom. 2. It seems to have that smoothing problem we've seen with other ASE models in the past. Not sure what you modeling guys usually do about this:
  6. Thank you and there's a new password - just in case you didn't know. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=609 Glad you like them!
  7. There is, vBulletin introduced multi-quote abilities in the 3.6 version that was released a week ago or so. I'm about to upgrade the Black Cat Forums, but not sure when TTLG will do it.
  8. Hope you like them! I put all of them on the FTP-Server in a file called walls_gleeful.pk4 this morning. Feel free to use as many or as little as you like. Kind Regards gleeful Be sure to check out my floor-texture update right here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...amp;#entry80316
  9. UPDATED! I put the following textures on the FTP-Server in a file called floors_gleeful.pk4 this morning: Hope you like them! Kind Regards gleeful Be sure to check out my collection of walls right here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...amp;#entry80319
  10. See if you can change the misplaced origins on some of the models. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=4273
  11. The 5Gb of realtextures are on FTP? Where, when, and what is this whole discussion about otherwise if this has been the case? Is it one unwieldy 5Gb file or is it in smaller packages? I'll take a look. Edit: I don't see any new big files on FTP. Edit2: If you're talking about the veledan hosting, the problems with that were described here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...ost&p=79993 This entire thing could be cleared up by simply uploading them in standalone zipfiles, so that one doesn't have to download and unzip 5Gb to get one texture.
  12. Hehe. We've had that discussion before on the Doom3World.org forums, I think. I honestly don't know why it would or wouldn't make a difference, I am under the impression however that people not using "//Purgatory/Purgatory/..." run into problems far more often. I have always used it and have never encountered any problems. And as its a cut and paste job anyway - why not use it just to be on the safe side? Anyways, here's an example line from a model of mine: *BITMAP "//Purgatory/Purgatory/Doom3/darkmod/textures/darkmod/gleeful/black" The shader being: textures/darkmod/gleeful/black { qer_editorimage textures/darkmod/gleeful/black_d.tga diffusemap textures/darkmod/gleeful/black_d.tga }
  13. Well, neither this thread...nor recent events have anything to do with the mod...they have to do with 'opinion' and I would certainly hope that any seasoned vets would use their better judgement to differentiate between the mod and personal opinion. Regardless of whether or not we agree with the inner workings of TTLG is irrelevant, we have huge disagreements within our own private forums...yet the mod survives and is actually stronger because we work harder to get through those tough times. If the community is ready to look aside because of silly disagreements, then there isn't much hope for the future...is there?
  14. Well not from scratch, I have alot of code to work with. Yea objectives aughta to be implemented soon. I'm starting on Main Menus now. I was working 12-16 hour days so I wasn't exactly around to do stuff, but I'm OK again. Also the forum hasn't really been dead so much as we just used to texture forums for so long.
  15. I agree with that. They still think themselves as a superior, intelectual forum because they don't allow avatars. They're only for leet doodz on warez forums apparently. I've seen most of the topics in Gen Chat, and there are more intelligent discussions in warez forums.
  16. This has nothing to do with TDM and just because I happen to be on this mod, doesn't mean that each and every posting on other forums are related to TDM. The only one who had to drag TDM into it was Sneaksie for god knows what reason.
  17. Spar, I really don't care what you say on our forums, but for the sake of the mod...could you not alienate the people at TTLG? It certainly doesn't help us if you hijack a thread and piss off the very people that we would like to eventually come help us. As a senior member, I would expect you to handle yourself more fittingly. It wouldn't have been so bad if you had just made your point in a single post, but instead you continued to prattle on and derail the entire mood of the thread. Quite frankly, It's an embarrassment. This thread on our own soil was more than adequate for any venting we wanted to do and it was far more respectable. There is no need for any of us to be logging into TTLG and tossing bricks at them. You don't agree with the moderating choices...well, neither do I sometimes...but don't don't go destroying any potential good that might have been done through our work, our updates and the trailers.
  18. Been messing with some stained glass textures I did a quick n dirty job on recently and was hoping to have them semi transparent but reading up on the forums I can't seem to get the alpha channel to do anything. At the moment my shader files reads textures/custom/sglass1 { qer_editorimage textures/custom/sglass1_ed.tga // custom DOOMEdit material preview image diffusemap textures/custom/sglass1_d.tga // color and value information for the material specularmap textures/custom/sglass1_s.tga // specular highlights bumpmap textures/custom/sglass1_local.tga // normalmap for bumpmapped appearance { blend diffuse map textures/custom/sglass1_d.tga alpha 0.5 // set this to whatever you want } } I'm not too sure on the "blend diffuse" comment or indeed the "map" comment below it. Probably doing something completely stupid but any help guys would be appreciated! After searching the forums it's also become apparent that doom3 is quite limited with transparencies - textures using them aren't effected by light etc... Now it seems best to me that low lit areas with windows just have opaque textured windows as little would be seen through them anyway. Windows with bright light pouring through them could be transparent as pretty much no shadow would be drawn on those areas. The problem is rooms where a major light source isn't consistant - it can be turned on and off for instance. Is there a workaround for this? Am i talking rubbish?
  19. I'm going to stop pushing your buttons because clearly your mood has worsened since this happened: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1488121
  20. Ahhh, it's fun to see how things disintigrate into a complete slagfest. My initial post was meant to set a different tone than this. This has just turned into a black and white...mods vs. posters thread. If people are just going to say mean things about the mods at TTLG, then there is no point in continuing the thread. I don't dislike or hate any of the mods on TTLG, they're all pretty damn cool guys. I do disagree with some of their moderating practices and I think they could do far better if they weren't so inconsistent. Hopefully the forums here will be a more pleasant experience.
  21. I completely agree with Schatten. The TTLG forums are their private property. While I think the mods "should" treat people fairly (and I'll likely start avoiding TTLG as a result of recent events), they have the right not to do so. And you have the right complain about it, but not necessarily the right to complain about it in their forum.
  22. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=4269 bob_arctor's stuff is looking better and better, and while our current batch of beta mappers is apparently doing nothing, he's doing plenty. Since he doesn't have our scant textures yet, he's even making his own. Seems he would have a lot to contribute.
  23. Looks like the anonymous developer has struck again. This time, all the source files for the Thief 1 and 2 objects have been released. http://ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1487761#post1487761
  24. Sorry for being unclear. Here's a screenshot someone else posted on the TTLG forums http://www.directupload.net/show/d/781/IDTMArUx.jpg Just click the "digg it" link and that's it Thanks everyone for your support!!!! We're up to 35 diggs!
  25. Largest Thief fan forum on the internet? Exactly how many Thief community forums are there on the internet? Not many, so being the biggest one is a worthless claim. Aside fom that, Thief is a dead franchise, and I'm happy about that, I don't want to be playing Thief 12 when I'm 50. They should have left it at 2. A bunch of weirdos sitting around talking endlessly about an ancient computer game is pretty embarassing. WHen TDM is released, there will be no reason to have a Thief forum at all. I dont' know who'd still be making FMs in that prehistoric and entiely static engine when they can use this one.
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