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  1. Yep, go here to download our first OST release. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=1975
  2. I didn't mean that there is a technical problem with Steam. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=886
  3. That's the email I got, so if you have any more doubts as to his origins, let them rest. He is just some random script guy who targeted random forums. I don't even think he probably expected to get any money - just kicks, I expect. I'm just confused as to who this 'PETE' he mentions is.
  4. First off I'm back. I've been over-medicated the last month or so that has caused me to be unable to work on texturing at all, and now I have forgotten most of everything I had learned about texturing. For those that don't remember me, you can check out this post here http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=1996 On that note I would like to say that I am having my medications brought down to the FDA guidlines. When this happens I think i'm going to work on coding for the doom 3 engine instead of texturing. Now that I have gotten that out of the way, I would like to wish you all the best of luck on your project. I hope that your deal with being able to use hundreds of new textures goes well. Last thing I want to say is, thank you, for everybody who has helped and complimented me on my brick texture, and that I look forward to using your tools in the future. Outlaw
  5. Wings is purely a modeller, so by exporting to .LWO instead of something generic like .DXF, you dont' really gain anything. Except vertex painting, but I've never used that side of it. But go to the wings3d forums, they will help you out in that area. Lots of people use it in conjunction with other apps, importing and exporting stuff all the time.
  6. Ok, here is the list of prop models needed for the next Model Milestone (Sept 1st). update: July 11th CITY ****Done-- Store Signposts (generic symbols/names would be more useful than specific ones) http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_...ard__round_.jpg http://www.ncsigns.com/shop%20sign.jpg Cart/Wagon http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/246734 http://www.rusticlogfurniture.net/images/r...que_cart_th.jpg http://www.geh.org/ar/strip59/m198700480004.jpg http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/250309 ****On FTP -- Well http://www.cmcsb.com/images/ourhouse/well.jpg http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/simplyflo...Well%20Yard.jpg In Progress -- Fountain http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=985 *** WIP Lamp-post http://www.mylittleworld.co.uk/acatalog/Bl...treet_Light.jpg http://www.mindplaces.com/darkmod/modellamp.jpg CATHEDRAL Pulpit http://www.carvingonline.net/images/orname...ulpit%20lg2.jpg ****On FTP -- Pew http://www.dakotachurchfurniture.com/Pew70C-CE.htm Standing Candelabra http://www.cowboyindian.com/waai1540.jpg http://www.aoweb.com/images/2622600-R1-043-20.jpg ****Done -- Holy Water Font http://www.sjbnewburgh.org/parish/tour/xfont.jpg Holy Relics (loot items--golden hammer, chalice, small statues, etc)
  7. I thought about having different mage looks for the different elements at one point. Fire mages, Earth mages, etc. But that's a lot more models for a faction that's kind of rare as it is. We should discuss different mage powers here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=2126
  8. Ok Mike, there is a thread in the animation forum to discuss specifics about the first set of animations http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=2159
  9. Actually it is better argued here then in our dev forums.
  10. Spiders: YES. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...=738&hl=spiders
  11. http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97225
  12. Ishtvan, ghostability is as subjective as everything else. Just search the ttlg forums for examples of some of the wacky things that people have tried in order to ghost a map that the FM author never intended to be ghostable. It's not cut and dry. How can you say its either ghostable or not? Its as subjective as saves. DIfferent people can ghost to different levels of abilities, and the place where one person needed to use a flash bomb, someone else had another way around it. This is not an argument against limiting saves, since it aplies to every single aspect of the game! An FM author puts as many guards in one spot as he or she thinks will be difficult enough for the people they are aiming their mission at. Some people will say there are too many guards, some people will say there are not enough. Hopefully the main target audience of the mission will agree in general that there is just the right amount. This is no different than saying how many saves should be required to complete the mission.
  13. Fingernail - easy enough, however where are the save games located (are they in their own folder?) So its probably an idea to scan the PK4 to be on the safe side then. I have added these items to the GarrettLoader enhancements list on the TTLG forums. I'll start on them now.
  14. Hey, New Horizon, sorry for not putting this on TTLG forums, but I thought this might be a quicker way to get to you. I'm strongly considering installing the Minimalist Project mod, but I'd like to know something about the visual/sound/tactile acuity of the guards. Do you think you could give me an approximation? I use Thiefbot, so if you could try using that scale, I'd appreicate it.
  15. We need to mobilise and get some animators. Post E3 convention, this is the perfect time, because 3 major titles are lined up to use D3 technology, and people are likely to want to get familiar with the tech and animating md5s and stuff for future modding and game development. And people are beginning to see the lovelyness of the engine, too. So, we need to hit all the forums, polycount, cgtalk, everything really.
  16. I have very limited experience with GTK radiant, but what limited experience I do have suggests that you havn't set it up to find the textures of whatever Quake 3 engine game you plan to edit with. I tried GTK to play around with MoH, and found it to be a very awkward and unintuitive piece of software, with a very steep learning curve. If you don't have any Q3 engine games installed, you could try making your own texture set, not sure how you would do this. To my knowledge, GTK Radiant does not come with any textures, they are supplied by them game(s) you are editing. Doom 3 support for GTK radiant seems to be at the alpha stage at the moment, so don't expect too much, and I don't honestly think it would be any better than the native D3 editor (but I havn't used either, so that is a bit of a guess). I would suggest that you go to the quaradiant website and see if you can post on their forums, I have a feeling that everyone here is either using the native D3 radiant, or have only used Dromed or UnrealEd if they have been messing about with Thievery. Sorry, that's all I can tell you, unless you want to know about UnrealEd
  17. Definitely kickass. We should get these up in the screenshot section of the website for people that are too lazy to browse the forums.
  18. Macsen

    Episode Iii

    I frequent two other forums beside this one, Politics Forum and Maes-E, and pretty much everyone on both of those loved it. Maybe there's something about this project that attracts the hypercritical. :lol:
  19. hehe...fair enough! Maybe we should start international forums..... or not
  20. Hello "Régebben irtal egy topicba, ahol modellezésről volt szó." hol? *Edit : jah leesett:)itt két lukkal arréb a jelentkezési oldalon.. "A beszélgetésünk megszakadt" tényleg nem emlékszem:) nah mindegy.. *Edit: Már emlékszem az SG.hu-n a Tds topicban szokott lenni szó a modrol,ott kérdezhetsz ugyis is járok oda. Ez az a topic amugy a forumon lehet privát üzenetet küldeni And for the others: This guy says we once spoken on a modelling related forum,and he wants to know some things about the mod but he is not too good in English..thats why he wants to speak with me. in my reply i told him about a hungarian forum where there are other people interested in the mod and that there he can find information translated.. also told him there is a Pm service on these forums..
  21. @ topic starter get off my forums plz
  22. According to GBM over on the T2X forums it's already on it's way up. All we have to do is wait for them to finish the upload and find a few dozen mirrors to help host it. That could take a little while, so, like GBM said in the same post, expect it about midday tomorrow.
  23. Ok, I'll make another file that's got no compression (still a JPG so you can just copy it off the forums)
  24. thx finger you posted the normal of the thief 2 style wallpaneling on the beta-forums - is this the final version? if it is I'll pick it up and combine it with the photoshoped normalmap.
  25. I don't really have a problem with a poll, but most forums don't take it well if your first posting is a poll.
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