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  1. Experimenting with TDM on Steam Link on Android. see topic http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19432-tdm-on-steam-link-for-android/

    1. freyk


      Did the TDM team removed D3's internal Joypad feature? (tdm works only with systemkey binders for joysicks)

    2. freyk


      Thanks to shadrach, i got my joypad working in TDM on steam link!

  2. So, any thoughts? I had a very mixed reaction while watching the movie, enjoying some scenes, and cringing at others. But the more I've thought about the movie after seeing it, the more annoying I find the decisions that were made. For me it's by far the worst of the 3 Disney SWs.
  3. Last Christmas, I've stolen your loot, and the very next day sold it right away, bought me some broadheads, and shot it at someone special :)

  4. Did a great find today: Quake 4 mods for dummies. Now online readable. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/5576-book-quake-4-mods-for-dummies/?p=412644

  5. Just noticed that last saturday was my fifth anniversary in the Forum. Wanna have cake :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Springheel


      A lot accomplished in that time! If there's cake, you deserve it.


    3. Bikerdude
    4. Obsttorte
    1. Obsttorte
    2. Bikerdude


      He changed ita long while back, it was so he was using the same name as he uses on other forums.

  6. That moment you log into TDM forums and suddenly feel nostalgic...

    1. Sotha


      Protip: if you never log off and stay for ever, there is no nostalgia when you visit.

    2. Melan


      Welcome back!

    3. RPGista


      Haha yeah, I feel like that from time to time. Good to see you around.

    1. demagogue
    2. jaxa


      I've found it difficult to find where TDM is listed as #1 on Greenlight. This page ( https://steamcommunity.com/greenlight/ ) has no ranked listing. This one ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=858048394 ) has no visible rank or stats page. Is it my script blocker?

  7. Hey, Every time I've try to use the Full Editor when PM'ing someone, and every single time I get an error. Whoever is in charge of the forum, is it possible that this could be fixed? Thanks Neon
  8. I installed DR 2.1 and it was all working fine until I opened the preferences and set it to load the last map loaded. Now it crashes everytime. Figured you'd want the log, so here it is. I'll reinstall, that should sort it out. The problem with the model is because I think I've forgotten the folder setup to make it load the resources from the FM folder. Reminder would be great Log as of 2:40am 22 January 2017 - I sent information about the problem. Mostly it crashes when loading textures. 2017-01-22 02:39:46 (2232) Started logging to C:/Users/Neon/AppData/Roaming/DarkRadiant/darkradiant.log2017-01-22 02:39:46 (2232) This is DarkRadiant 2.1.0 x64 2017-01-22 02:39:46 (2232) Today is 2017-01-22 02:39:462017-01-22 02:39:46 (2232) wxWidgets Version: 3.1.02017-01-22 02:39:46 (2232) Module registered: LanguageManager2017-01-22 02:39:46 (2232) Current language setting: en2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\archivezip.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ArchivePK42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\commandsystem.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: CommandSystem2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\eclassmgr.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: EntityClassManager2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\entity.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: Doom3EntityCreator2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\entitylist.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: EntityList2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\eventmanager.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: EventManager2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: MouseToolManager2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\filetypes.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: FileTypes2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\filters.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: FilterSystem2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\fonts.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: FontManager2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\grid.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: Grid2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\image.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ImageLoader2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\mapdoom3.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: Doom3MapLoader2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: Quake4MapLoader2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: Doom3PrefabLoader2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: MapCompiler2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: Quake3MapLoader2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: Doom3AasFileLoader2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\md5model.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelLoaderMD5MESH2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: MD5AnimationCache2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\model.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelLoaderMD32017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelLoader3DS2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelLoaderASE2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelLoaderMS3D2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelLoaderMDC2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelLoaderMD22017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelLoaderFM2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelLoaderLWO2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelLoaderPICOTERRAIN2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelLoaderOBJ2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\particles.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ParticlesManager2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ParticlesEditor2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\scenegraph.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: SceneGraph2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: SceneGraphFactory2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\shaders.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: MaterialManager2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\skins.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ModelSkinCache2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\sound.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: SoundManager2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\uimanager.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: UIManager2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\undo.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: UndoSystem2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\vfspk3.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: VirtualFileSystem2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules\xmlregistry.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: XMLRegistry2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/plugins\dm.conversation.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ConversationEditor2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/plugins\dm.difficulty.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: DifficultyEditor2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/plugins\dm.editing.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: DarkMod Editing2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/plugins\dm.gui.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: GUI Editing2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/plugins\dm.objectives.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ObjectivesEditor2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/plugins\dm.stimresponse.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: StimResponseEditor2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/plugins\eclasstree.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: EClassTree2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModuleLoader: Loading module 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/plugins\script.dll'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Module registered: ScriptingSystem2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: looking for XML files under C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/user.xml2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/colours.xml2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/input.xml2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/menu.xml2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/commandsystem.xml2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Users/Neon/AppData/Roaming/DarkRadiant/user.xml2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Users/Neon/AppData/Roaming/DarkRadiant/input.xml2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Users/Neon/AppData/Roaming/DarkRadiant/filters.xml2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ArchivePK4::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) CommandSystem::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) EventManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) EventManager successfully initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PreferenceSystem::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Clipper::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) UIManager::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Found toolbar: view2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Found toolbar: edit2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Found toolbar: texture2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Found toolbar: textool2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ColourSchemeManager: Loading colour schemes...2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) GridManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) FileTypes::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) GameManager: Scanning for game description files: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/games/2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/games/darkmod.game2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/games/doom3-demo.game2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/games/doom3.game2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/games/quake3.game2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/games/quake4.game2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/games/xreal.game2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) GameManager: Found game definitions: 2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Doom 32017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Doom 3 Demo2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Quake 32017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Quake 42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) The Dark Mod 2.0 (Standalone)2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) XreaL2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) 2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) GameManager: Selected game type: The Dark Mod 2.0 (Standalone)2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) GameManager: Map path set to c:/Games/The Dark Mod/fms/maps/2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) GameManager: Prefab path set to c:/Games/The Dark Mod/fms/prefabs/2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) VFS Search Path priority is: 2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) - c:/Games/The Dark Mod/fms/2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) - C:/Games/The Dark Mod/fms/2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) - C:/Games/The Dark Mod/2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Map::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) SceneGraph::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) VFS::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) filesystem initialised2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] searched directory: c:/Games/The Dark Mod/fms/2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] searched directory: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/fms/2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] searched directory: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_wood01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_window01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_sfx01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_roof01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_plaster01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_other01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_nature01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_metal01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_glass01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_fabric01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_door01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_decals01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_carpet01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_textures_base01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_standalone.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_vocals07.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_vocals06.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_vocals05.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_vocals04.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_vocals03.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_vocals02.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_vocals01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_sfx02.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_sfx01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_ambient03.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_ambient02.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_sound_ambient01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_prefabs01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_player01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_models_decls01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_models02.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_models01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_gui_credits01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_gui01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_game02.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_game01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_fonts01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_env01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_defs01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_base01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_steambots01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_base01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [vfs] pak file: C:/Games/The Dark Mod/tdm_ai_animals01.pk42017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) MaterialManager::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) OpenGL::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ShaderCache::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) RadiantSelectionSystem::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) RadiantModule::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Camera::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) MainFrameLayoutManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) OrthoviewManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) MainFrame::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) AutomaticMapSaver::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ConversationEditor::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) UndoSystem::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) DarkMod Editing::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) DifficultyEditor::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) EntityClassDoom3::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) searching vfs directory 'def' for *.def2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ZAasFileManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Doom3AasFileLoader: initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) BrushModuleImpl::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Doom3EntityCreator::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) MapInfoFileManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) LayerSystem::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) MapFormatManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PatchModuleDef2::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PatchModuleDef3::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Doom3MapLoader: initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Doom3PrefabLoader: initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) EClassTree::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) EntityListModule::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) [filters] Loaded 16 filters from registry.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) FontManager::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) GUI Editing::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/andrew_script/fontImage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/andrew_script/fontImage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) LanguageManager::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2912) [GuiManager]: Found 259 guis.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/andrew_script/fontImage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Found 2 language folders.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/bamberg/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/bamberg/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) MD5AnimationCache::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/bamberg/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) MapCompiler: initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/camberic/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/camberic/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) MapResourceManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/camberic/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderASE initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderLWO initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) MD5Model::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton_bold/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ModelCache::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton_bold/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton_bold/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PicoModelLoader: ModelLoader3DS initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton_condensed/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderFM initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton_condensed/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton_condensed/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMD2 initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton_glow/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton_glow/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMD3 initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carleton_glow/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMDC initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carolingia/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMS3D initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carolingia/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/carolingia/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderOBJ initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/chrishand/fontImage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderPICOTERRAIN initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/chrishand/fontImage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/chrishand/fontImage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Doom3SkinCache::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2912) [skins] Loading skins.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/ellianerelle/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) NamespaceFactory::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/ellianerelle/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ObjectivesEditorModule::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/ellianerelle/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ParticlesEditor::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/everett/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ParticlesManager::initialiseModule called2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/everett/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Quake3MapLoader: initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/everett/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/gothica2/fontImage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Quake4MapLoader: initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/gothica2/fontImage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/gothica2/fontImage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) RegionManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/jd_hand/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) RenderSystemFactory::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/jd_hand/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) SceneGraphFactory::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/jd_hand/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/lotharus/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ScriptingSystem::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/lotharus/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ScriptingSystem: Python interpreter initialised.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/lotharus/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/mac_humaine/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/mac_humaine/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Registered script file commands\ase_export.py as aseExport2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/mac_humaine/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/mason/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/mason_glow/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/medusa/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Registered script file commands\ase_export_blend.py as aseExportBlend2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/medusa/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Registered script file commands\check_for_invalid_visportals.py as check_invalid_visportals2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/medusa/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Registered script file commands\convert_to_ase_and_replace.py as aseConvertAndReplace2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/nancy/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Registered script file commands\example.py as Example2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/nancy/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/nancy/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Registered script file commands\export_obj.py as objExport2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/popsies/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/popsies/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Registered script file commands\patchsplitter.py as SplitPatch2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/popsies/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Registered script file commands\select_all_models_of_type.py as SelectAllModelsOfType2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Registered script file commands\shift_textures_randomly.py as ShiftTexturesRandomly2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/rapscallionpirate/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Registered script file commands\shift_textures_upwards_randomly.py as ShiftTexturesUpwardsRandomly2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/rapscallionpirate/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Registered script file commands\test_targets.py as test_targets2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ScriptModule: Found 11 commands.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/rapscallionpirate/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/shoppinglist/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/shoppinglist/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/shoppinglist/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/stone/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) MenuItem: Cannot find associated event: ViewTextures2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/stone/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/summertime/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/summertime/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/summertime/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/treasure_map/fontimage_12.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/treasure_map/fontimage_24.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:geode_lit_red' tries to attach 'glow' at non-existent position 'glow'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) FontLoader: fonts/english/treasure_map/fontimage_48.dat loaded successfully.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) 25 fonts registered.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] attribute attach_pos_origin_4 already set on entityclass atdm:stove_small_square2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] attribute attach_pos_origin_5 already set on entityclass atdm:stove_small_square2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] attribute attach_pos_origin_6 already set on entityclass atdm:stove_small_square2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) SelectionGroupManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) SelectionSetManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) SoundManager: initialising sound playback2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) StimResponseModule::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) TextureBrowserManager::initialiseModule called.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Default screen has 2 monitors.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Monitor 0 geometry: 1920x1080 at 0, 02017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Monitor 1 geometry: 1680x1050 at 1920, 02017-01-22 02:39:50 (5172) Found 235 particle definitions.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] attribute inherit already set on entityclass atdm:moveable_staff_decorative2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2912) [skins] Found 1019 skins.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:moveable_lantern_oil_hand' tries to attach 'light' at non-existent position ''2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:moveable_lantern_oil_hand02' tries to attach 'light' at non-existent position ''2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] attribute editor_DisplayFolder already set on entityclass atdm:mover_gear_base2017-01-22 02:39:50 (8156) 2989 sound shaders found.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:prop_lantern_on' tries to attach 'light' at non-existent position ''2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] attribute replace_anim_idle_sit_tap01 already set on entityclass atdm:prop_winebottle_sit_and_drink2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:weapon_blackjack' tries to attach 'meleeweap_r' at non-existent position ''2017-01-22 02:39:50 (6628) 3911 shader definitions found.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:weapon_shortsword' tries to attach 'meleeweap_r' at non-existent position ''2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_undead_skeleton_armed' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_townsfolk_beggar_armed' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_townsfolk_commoner_armed' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_townsfolk_commoner_archer' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_townsfolk_commoner_archer' tries to attach 'missile_weapon' at non-existent position 'bow_holster_pos_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_townsfolk_wench_armed' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_pagan_common_armed' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_pagan_common_archer' tries to attach 'missile_weapon' at non-existent position 'bow_holster_pos_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_nobleman_armed' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_nobleman02_armed' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ToolbarManager: Instantiating toolbar: view2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ToolbarManager: Instantiating toolbar: edit2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_citywatch' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_citywatch_archer' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_citywatch_archer' tries to attach 'missile_weapon' at non-existent position 'bow_holster_pos_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_citywatch_elite' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] attribute editor_usage already set on entityclass atdm:env_ragdoll_citywatch_elite2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_guard_elite' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_guard_archer_01' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_guard_archer_01' tries to attach 'missile_weapon' at non-existent position 'bow_holster_pos_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_moor' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_moor02' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_proguard' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_proguard_archer' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_proguard_archer' tries to attach 'missile_weapon' at non-existent position 'bow_holster_pos_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_guard_thug' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_thief02_archer' tries to attach 'missile_weapon' at non-existent position 'bow_holster_pos_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_burglar' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'hip_sheath_l'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_burglar_professional_archer' tries to attach 'missile_weapon' at non-existent position 'bow_holster_pos_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_female_thief' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'slung_across_back_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) MainFrame: Activating layout Embedded2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_guard_female_rogue' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'slung_across_back_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_builder_guard_ghost' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'slung_across_back_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_builder_guard' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'slung_across_back_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_builder_guard_lesser' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'slung_across_back_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_builder_guard_rusted' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'slung_across_back_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class 'atdm:ai_builder_priest_combatant' tries to attach 'melee_weapon' at non-existent position 'slung_across_back_rl'2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) ToolbarManager: Instantiating toolbar: texture2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Loading map from C:/Games/The Dark Mod/fms/briarwood_manor/maps/briarwood.map2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2232) Open file c:/Games/The Dark Mod/fms/briarwood_manor/maps/briarwood.map from filesystem...success.2017-01-22 02:39:50 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class atdm:damage_fireballdirect_major specifies unknown parent class atdm:damage_fireballDirect2017-01-22 02:39:51 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class sprgs_decompress specifies unknown parent class sprGS_splash_small2017-01-22 02:39:51 (2340) [eclassmgr] Entity class sprgs_recompress specifies unknown parent class sprGS_splash_small2017-01-22 02:39:51 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discards any geometry data not in Layer 1 (2 layers found)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discarded a polygon because it has != 3 verts (2)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discards any geometry data not in Layer 1 (2 layers found)2017-01-22 02:39:52 (2232) PICO_WARNING: LWO loader discards any geometry data not in Layer 1 (2 layers found)2017-01-22 02:39:53 (2232) Failed to load model models/darkmod/kitchen/food/u_sourdough1.lwo2017-01-22 02:39:53 (2232) PicoModelLoader: Could not load model << models/darkmod/kitchen/food/u_sourdough1.lwo2017-01-22 02:39:53 (2232) Open file c:/Games/The Dark Mod/fms/briarwood_manor/maps/briarwood.darkradiant from filesystem...success.2017-01-22 02:39:53 (2232) Parsing info file...2017-01-22 02:39:53 (2232) [infoFile]: Parsed layer #0 with name Default2017-01-22 02:39:53 (2232) Sanity-checking the layer assignments...done, had to fix 0 assignments.
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    2. Bikerdude


      Its a cookie thats keeping you logged in.

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      Another visitor! Stay a while; stay forever!

    4. Tarhiel


      We´re like a Shalebridge Cradle: what comes in must never leave :)

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