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  1. We already established we need the icons to stay. I don't want to have to switch weapons to find out if I selected broadheads or water arrows ten minutes ago. Nor do I want to throw my last flashbomb when I thought I had healing potions selected. I'm sure it will be easy to remove them in the .ini files, but they should be there by default. Ish: I'm starting to agree with you that moving them back to the corners might be better...we won't know for sure until we test it.
  2. I'd like to propose putting the health bar above (or below) the light gem, as shown here. I don't understand why it would need to be a big bulky health bar wasting space in a corner, as the earlier proposal shows: I'd actually like to take things a step further and put a rotating (in perspective) "half-"compass on the right side of the gem. And put the selected weapon with quantity of remaining ammo on the left side -- as shown in the next mockup (water arrow). Note changed ornamentation around gem also: Close-up: Actually, we could even take things a step further by moving the half-compass to instead be directly above the light gem/healthbar, and putting the selected alternate weapon (e.b., flash bombs, health potion) on the right side of the gem. Thus, it'd be easy to see what your left-mouse weapon is by looking at the left side of gem and what your right-mouse weapon is by looking at the right side of gem. Clean, concise, intuitive, your eye only needs to go to one part of the screen to see all your vital info, and no more need to keep big icons in the far-right and far-left corners of the screen like the way they were in Thief 2. EDIT: This last idea should be self-explanatory, but let me know if you want a mockup. Side note: The big weapon/ammo quantity icons would still initially be in the left and right corners (for a few seconds) while you're making your weapon selections, but after you've decided on your weapon, have that big weapon/quantity populate to the center of the screen as small icons by the light gem, as my mockup shows.
  3. A few more buttons have been updated if you want to empty your image cache. The last update should be in a few days.
  4. Hey guys, I had a great time at my birthday party last night. Had lots of fun. Some pics for you. Mmmm, the chocolatey goodness of the free birthday choco-pudding from Pat and Willy's. Got a little too enthusiastic about it. Think I may have been trying to compensate for the impending loss of youth. Entering the 30's speed zone. To zoom or to putt putt...that is the question. Kristin and Nancy - Janelle - Jancis and Blaire - Mary - Tara - Ernest and Janelle -
  5. I figured. Cheers! And one more time to NH, Happy Bday dude! LOL Okay, that's the last time I'll say that for a year.
  6. Alan... you made a place in the last Jean-Paul Gaultier contest...? strange colors... but cool... thumbs up...
  7. ***SPOILER WARNING*** Well, just played thru the Splinter Cell Chaos Theory first person demo. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Pros: -No bullet time (it was just a slomo effect used in the trailer.. whew) -Not forced to kill anyone (in this mission) -The choke outs that you see in the trailer are actually non lethal KO's; he's not breaking anyone's neck with his bare hands. Also, you can't just run up to someone and choke them, you have to grab them and put the knife to their throat first. -On Hard difficulty, if you get shot twice you're dead, or if you're unlucky enough to get shot once in the head, also dead. -Hard difficulty guards have very good sight and hearing (the slowest "creeping" movement is still completely silent as far as I can tell though) -Guards sometimes light flares and hold them aloft if in a dark area. -Basically this means that on hard, if a guard carrying an automatic sees you, and you give him time to draw his weapon, you're dead. -Stats screen at the end is very conducive to ghosting; It keeps track of number of times spotted, enemies killed/ko'd, non-combatants killed/ko'd, bodies found, etc. It also gives you a percentile rating, and I only played thru once but it seems like ghosting (or only ko'ing people the game forces you to ko) is 100% a rating (I got a 95% because I KO'd two guards that were torturing a guy in the mistaken belief that I could save the victim, which was the original goal of the mission -nope, scripted death. One of the guards saw the other guard go down before I got him, so that was a body seen too . So the message to take away is: it's better to just sit and watch someone get tortured to death than to break ghosting rules. ) -New EMP pistol attachment is pretty cool. While not quite realistic (lights taken out with an emp would not magically come back on again after a time), it works as you'd expect, and does not work on gas lights. (lol, there will probably be some console gamer trying for hours to get it to work on a gas light and crying 'why isn't it working??') -As in the previous two games, the graphics make good use of the PC and are not consolized crap. -They SEEM to have upped the distance at which you trigger the AI patrol routines, so AI don't seem to appear in the same place every time (scripted conversations and events aside). 'Bout freakin' time after 2 games. -Realistic levels of zoom (no super-zoom) -Shooting is still pretty hard on hard setting -It still "feels" pretty realistic (minus the crazy inverted hang takedowns that would make an olympic level gymnast green with jealousy). Good amount of tension, dynamic lighting, guards notice things well and can kill you with one shot. Cons: -I still hate third person -These people do not know the definition of 'nonlinear gameplay.' I saw a dev interview where they talked excitedly about how they had listened to the fans and are incorporating more nonlinear gameplay. What this amounted to was a map that is still one huge linear track, going from point A to point B. The "nonlinearity" comes from 3 instances there were 2 separate paths to "get forward" a short distance on the track. Also, there were 5 2ndary objectives that could be completed in any order, but all this amounted to is going backwards along the linear track to complete any that you missed. Still nothing like realistic architecture or multiple entrances/exits on large buildings. (As I recall, the CIA building in SC1 had some good nonlinear play and realistic architecture, but apparently they forgot how to do that). -Game forced me to KO at least two people (one to get information from him with interrogate, and the other one at the extraction point; wouldn't let me call for extraction until he was ko'd. That makes sense in a way, because he would see the chopper and run to warn others, but I still don't like being forced to KO.) -Ghosting in the traditional sense (no 2nd stage alert) is often not possible, since you have to dim a light or something to get by someone, and that alerts them. -One of the new gadgets is pretty useless; you point it at certain objects like generators, propane cannisters, etc, and it suggests that you shoot the object, or interact with it, or something. Why someone needs this gadget I do not know. It's basically "puzzle solving for retards." -Anal realism point: You can switch hands to shoot with your off hand, but there is no accuracy penalty for using your non-dominant hand (I guess the protaganist suddenly became ambidextrous since the last game). Overall I'll probably buy the game, but I'll wait for reviews to see if it ever gets ACTUALLY nonlinear, or if it is all this 2 branches that lead you to the same place in a linear track BS. That's it. I welcome the angry responses from fanboys!
  8. oDDity


    I'm not against load zones, I just can't see how we'd need them if Doom can handle LotP or Ambushed sized maps already. Making an interconnected city is one use, but like I said, that's far off in the future. THe absolute last thing I'd want to see in any map are load zones if it can possibly be avoided.
  9. That's right people! I'm probably the last person on earth to be able to play this game, but I finally did, and I'm amazed. Regardless of what you think of the subject matter in the game itself, or the story element, it's just a damn fine game. RPG elements (hunger, upgradable weapon stats, upgradable character states, etc.), tactical and strategy elements (multiple ways to complete a mission, lead a team of gangters into rival territory, gain or lose territory on the map, etc.), super interactivity (buy drinks and snack from a vending machine, play pool for money, tow cars, pull trailers, respond to peoples comments to you on the street, play arcade games, bet on horses, workout, swim, dive...omg), and all of the vehicles.... More than just all of the stuff they let you do, is the way the implement them. It's rare that a game that tries to do so much ends up doing it all well. So what with the thief bit, you ask? Well, if you haven't played the game....I was amazed when at one point in the game, a certain mission requires you to sneak in and steal something. My initial though was, "Great, another game with a stupid stealth mission...". Of course, that was until the helpful hint at the upper left corner of my TV directed me to a nearby shadow, intructed my to duck, and lo and behold, I was invisible! They have a crude indicator on the map portion of the hud that darkens when you're fully "shadowed", but it works, and can be done anywhere there are shadows. If you have a knife, you can even stealth kill ANYWHERE on the map. Please feel free to comment, retort or flame. I just needed to share.
  10. My point is that this actually works...and more to the point, it works in a game of this genre. Sure, Splinter Cell did it....but it's a stealth game. This is third person crime simulator, whose main focus is stealing and driving cars, and creating general mayhem. My amazement is not due to the fact that they've implemented a never before seen stealth indicator, but that they've implemented an oft used stealth indicator effeciently in a game of this type. Not only that, it's used in such a way that it gives a hard nod to thief and the games it spawned. The last thing I expected from this game was to SEE this type of game dynamic, let alone enjoy USING it. What's the deal? A good game is a good game.
  11. I just checked the map out... As it turns out, in my tiredness and confusion last night I released the version that didn't have the doors caulked...so you have 3 holes in the map where the doors are. I'll update it here in a few.
  12. I haven't got the mod installed AM. I reformatted my HD last Thusday, and then the CVS was down over the weekend, and now Sparhawk is away until Saturday so I can't send him the new putty key I made. I have the thief model finished now, so I'll be getting his arms ready to stick into the weapon anims and sort all of this out then.
  13. Corth

    The Houseguard

    ok, so I didn't get the hair done tonight. tomorrow normal mapped body: it's not a last minute picture, I've fixed a few things with it, but I'll put more up tomorrow.
  14. oDDity

    Familiar Face?

    Yup, it's a necessity I'm afraid to avoid being blowjobbed to death by all those drooling teenage girls who just can't get enough of us CG artists. I had to shoot three last week alone.
  15. http://graphics.csail.mit.edu/~rjagnow/research/ That first entry on the page seems to be about taking a photo of some rocks, feeding the photo into some program, and it spits out a procedural texture - for use in volumetric rendering (wrong term), I mean how you cut away a peice of the geometry and you see exactly what you would see if you cut into such an object in real life - not a stretched texture of what was outside instead. We know procedural texturing has been around for some time, but this is the first time I've read anything about automatically generating a procedure by showing the program a photo.... There is some other cool stuff on that page to, that oDDity might be interested in, like "Stable Real-Time Deformations" which is about using bone type animation but when you bend things to extremes, they don't look wierd, like they normally do. More cloesly deformingn things the way they do in real life. Oh boy, this one blew me away; scroll down to "Real-Time Simulation of Deformation and Fracture of Stiff Materials" (last one on the page) It's got an animation of a brick actually breaking appart in real time because it hit something!!! Apparently thats the real physics at work, its not a pre-made animation!
  16. First one is myst. Didn't recognise the second one and realised I don't have enough time for this. ...ah what the heck. I'll give it a go I like this stuff. Me and my brothers invented the "Video Game Head" game when we were bored, travellng once. Equivelant of "Celeberity Head", but you chose a specific video game character, and not nessecarily the lead roles. You'd be surprised how much fun it is. 2: Never played it 3: Scorched Earth, who could forget? 4: Sky Barons or something... I forgot 5: Jill of the Jungle, many fond memories 6: Hexen, one of my most favorite games ever! 7: Blake Stone, gave new life to the Wolfenstien engine 8: Earth Worm Jim - anyone seen the cartoon series? They are hilarous. 9: Crusader- No remorse/regeret, can't tell which. 10: hm... someone introduced me to that recently I think. Never played it though 11: BIOFORGE!!! I LOVE THAT GAME! I still have the original CD - I got it when it was released as a classic, years ago. 12: Dune 2 - the game that introduced me and my brothers to the concept of the RTS. So many hours spent on that. Also I got to show my brother's friend how having a sound card enables you to hear narration and people speaking in the game - grr, bad memories of so many people thinking sound blaster was some new fangled thing that made your PC speaker louder or somethng and it was a waste of money, without even HEARING IT! 13: Dark Forces - that one does'nt seem so old. I read the novel of that. The last chapter follows the first level down to the polygon, and still makes it realistic and entertaining! I was really impressed. 14: I think that is system shock. Kick me for never having yet played it, to this very day. 15: Tomb Raider. I'm sure some people still care about tombs... and the raiding thereof. 16: Commander Keen EGA - the only good platform game on the PC at the time. 17: I don't know but it sure looks cool. I want it. 18: That would have to be Blood or ... Shadow Warrior? The one starring Lu Wang or something 19: Looks like my roll has ended. Never played this one 20: Or this one. Looks like an Elite clone. 21: Ultima Ascension? That was a game that didn't rely on ambient sounds. If you heard a wolf howling in the distance, its because there really was a wolf howling in the distance... 22: Don't know. Looks cool. 23: Ditto 24: Ditto 25: Don't know but doesn't look that cool. 26: Half Life? I see a pattern. I'm not playing as much games as the years go on. ... 30: Is Thief Can't tell if its 1 or 2, so I failed that. 31: Looks like a LucasArts game, but I never played it. 32: Giants, one of my other most favorite games. MP is awesome.
  17. I've spent the last few days searching the net for Doom 3 editing tutorials. Whilst there's a plethora of mapping video tuts, which were extremely helpful, I failed to find any weapon modelling/editing tutorials. Character production (in Max) and implementation tuts were equally lacking. I decided to ask for help on this board because I'm very impressed with the work that you're all doing and am hoping that you might be able to pass some wisdom on to me. So how about it? Any aid for a wannabe modder?
  18. sparhawk


    It's kind of strange to click through this photoalbum. I know many of these places from the shot because I grew up there, and this guy even took a shot which is very near the place where I spent the last ten years before I went germany in 2000. I forgot to mention. The interactive floorplan is in german language, but there are some boxes you can click on to see different shots and floorplans of various floors. You might just have to try it.
  19. My posting was not aimed at you, as I understood you psoting in such a way that you are not of this opinion. Could be. But I think that in a ny fanforum this happens. Not just TTLG. Yeah. Matrix is really a good example. The second part head at least some very good SpecialFX but the story was already dragging and the last one. Well ... Yup. Well. That's life.
  20. I'm not saying I agree with the sentiment, nor am I downplaying or underestimating any of TDM's prowess as professionals. Underneath all of the adoration and praise that the T3 devs get from TTLGers is the marked sense of dissapointment that a franchise that was so loved and supported is met with a mediocre reply (namely T3). A game that is only still remembered because of it's PC fanbase, is given to the console gamers in such a way that even the console gamers turn a nose up. I mean really...how stupid does Eidos and Ion really think X-Boxer's are? But in the end, T3 is the only other "official' continuation to the story, and just like the Matrix Trilogy, die hard fans are willing to swallow anything handed to them as long as it has farmiliar names on it. People still defend last Matrix movie, even though it was so obviously sub par at best. Just like the Wachowski Brothers, Eidos and Ion manged to fuck up an unfuckupable franchise. All I guess I'm saying is not to take it so personally. Alot of people over there have made thief thier lives, even if just on a subconcious level. It must hurt to realize that a game can end up sucking just as much as real life does. Hylix.
  21. Much appreciated. We're all very happy to see it released at long last.
  22. Macsen


    Does Doom 3 save information from the last loadzone when you go into a new area? If I killed a man in loadzone A, and went to loadzone C, when I returned through loadzone B would that man still lay dead?
  23. I've come to realise that the way our current directory is set up is a bit....counterproductive. You can blame it on me considering that it was originally my idea, but I was more of a stark newb then and I now have a better idea of how to approach this. The biggest problem with the current directory is that it's a pain in the ass having to jump from folder ot folder just to load up specific textures that you need. None of the other editors out there, be it vanilla Doom 3, Unreal, Farcry, or whatever, are set up this way. I'm thinking of modeling it around a theme specific setup rather than the set/subset dealie we have now. For example, instead of: Mansion/walls/stone/mansion_wall_stone01 Mansion/doors/wood/mansion_door_wood03 or Crypt/doors/metal/crypt_door_metal01 Crypt/Floors/stone/crypt_floor_stone06 ..it'll be designed to load up every specific texture for that theme and organized by name. Like: mansion/mansdoor02 mansion/mansdoor04 or crypt/crypfloor06 crypt/crypwall07 That way a mapper won't have to jump back and forth between folders to have access to all the specific theme textures. If he wants to get to the door textures all he has to do is scroll down the window til he reaches em then jump back up to the walls later. Easy as that. Plus we have to consider that we're wasting tons of space by having an extra _ed file in there when we can just use the diffuse for both. This is how Id has it set up and we could easily cull an extra 60 meg from the mod by doing this. It'll take alot of material rewriting and texture renaming, but it won't be as difficult as last time thanks to Blackthief reorganizing all the materials into seperate files. The only problem I see with it is if we get ALOT of textures, as in more than 200, in a specific folder....but overall this is a much better setup. Your thoughts?
  24. Except the zombeh they were all made last week specially for this reason. Macsen - the older ones are not that great and yes, most of my artworks for the HI are useless, as there aren´t many new models and objects being created. Here at the DM it´s the other way round.
  25. I honestly haven't seen you around evilavatar, so I'll ignore the last comment. Everything else is fine with me really. qxD is my signiture, and there's nothing wrong with laughing a lot Hahaha have a lot of <_< folks! Peace out, Liquidize105
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