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Illusionist's Tower by stumpy (2010/8/5) Summer FM Vertical Contest Entry



56 members have voted

  1. 1. 1. Gameplay: Enjoyment. Fun duration. Smooth flow, ect. Versus Bugs. Frustration, Boredom, framelag

  2. 2. 2. Appearance: Vertical use, Visual pleasure, lighting, visual style, deduct bad texturing etc.

  3. 3. 3. Story & Text: Story. Text. Briefing. Graphic storytelling

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Ah, come on Aida, for me the actual rating system is just fine, too. No need to change it now.


That's fine. I can only imagine the sure as sin far-reaching repercussions and, well, even more dangerous risk of a complete decent into chaos and anarchy should the voting system be changed. All the history... all the ages... all the books, blogs, wikis and rfcs.... needing to be updated, rewritten, revised and asteriskededed*


But seriously. I just think the system needs more nuance on the low end especially.


And doublespeak is always never good. It's wonderful that way! ;)


*Like with Maris, or even worse, the juicers!

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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I expected sth like this as an answer from you. :);)


I think I see what you mean when looking at the 'poor'-rating, it sounds a little bit rude and was chosen for this mission here maybe too often. But it´s taste. Renaming this rating in sth less rude would be fine to me. But five levels of rate to choose from should be enough, me thinks.

-> Crisis of Capitalism

-> 9/11 Truth


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you need tdm version 1.02 you only have blackjack, sword and broadhead arrows and lockpicks at start, although you can find some moss, noise, water, and rope arrows in the basement area of the tower.


but you only need the lockpicks anyway, there's a leap of faith at a place that looks like you need to use lots of rope arrows.


Basically what you managed to pick up before the landlords heavies turned up at your rooms.



the poll code only allows for 5 answers per question.

Edited by stumpy
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Okay stumpy, followed ur advice (and thanks for the spoiler, i wouldnt be able to find that out with this glitch im experiencing). My overall expressions were: you're officially my favourite author to date (perhaps landing a little behind Springheel in storytelling)! Lost City, Constantine's Mansion, Krellek's Labyrinth, Shalebridge Cradle, The Mages Tower, this one, with a little twaking, earns a place between those many of my favourites. Critique: you could do something more to earn the players simpathy, make em feel like theyre in the characters skin, thus improving immersion (not sure what would do the trick, though). And a little digressing: Did anyone else notice the backside of (red) spiders looks like a demonic face? I was more than once scared when i mistook it for a floating demonic orb LOL

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Floating demon orb, nice! ;) You forgot to vote, Igor! :)


there's a leap of faith at a place that looks like you need to use lots of rope arrows.


So, would one be able to jump over this area? I guess I only tried to get into the water. I remember this hint in the readme, but during the mission I wasn´t able to recognize sth that would have fit...

-> Crisis of Capitalism

-> 9/11 Truth


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Floating demon orb, nice! ;) You forgot to vote, Igor! :)




So, would one be able to jump over this area? I guess I only tried to get into the water. I remember this hint in the readme, but during the mission I wasn´t able to recognize sth that would have fit...



If you go into the water with the spiders in it, you fall and are teleported back to the start of that section. You need to rope up, jump, rope the side, fall on to the rope and climb up, jump, rope the side and climb up, jump, then rope down and jump to the other side.


Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080

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Yeah, thanks Xarg :) but I already did it like this. I was just wondering about the way stumpy wrote this. I have the impression that he means that you don´t need the rope-arrows to get to the other side. And the 'leap of faith' makes me thinking of jumping...


he said:


but you only need the lockpicks anyway
Edited by LEGION

-> Crisis of Capitalism

-> 9/11 Truth


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I can't imagine any way to do that section without ONE rope arrow (since you can fire it, climb up it, use the mantle key, and when you start shaking from side to side as you mantle, pick up the rope arrow again, effectively using ONE rope arrow to cross the entire section), unless theres a hidden ladder or other way to get up, in which case you don't need a rope arrow at all, I just used 1 rope arrow to do that section and carried on.

Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080

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I don´t like it when you talk in a language I don´t understand. At least I can´t see my name there so you aren´t talking about me... ;)




Look at the spiders below, and where exatcly they get stuck and have to change direction. There is an invisible solid section in that "river"



:o So that´s the trick. A shame I wasn´t able to experience that the first time, nice secret though.

Some hint more could´ve helped, hmm, lets think of one: a scripted event where a Skeleton is blown and you see its parts bumping on the invisible floor before falling down into the water.

But the spiders are nice too, maybe they were a way too much away to see that. Well, Igor saw it, how long did it took you to figure it out, Igor(supposed to be the best Thiefer ;) )?

-> Crisis of Capitalism

-> 9/11 Truth


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Heh, I never even considered the

invisible bridge

, I saw the

wooden beams overhead, pressed 6 and saw that I had rope arrows, and was across the river

20-30 seconds later. The


is cool though.

Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080

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I don´t like it when you talk in a language I don´t understand. At least I can´t see my name there so you aren´t talking about me... wink.gif


So But the spiders are nice too, maybe they were a way too much away to see that. Well, Igor saw it, how long did it took you to figure it out, Igor(supposed to be the best Thiefer wink.gif )?

Actually the "bes" there in my name is supposed to emulate pagan spelling. And it took me a some minutes to figure out that possibility, and lots more minutes jumping into nothingness till i got it right =/

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Look at the spiders below, and where exatcly they get stuck and have to change direction. There is an invisible solid section in that "river"






lol, never found a bridge, put a rop in a beam, jumped, jumped and mantled into the boat right behind the haunt. Suprised I never alerted him.


Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Well, I have a love/hate relationship with this nutty mission.


Climbing on the chests to get what's in them drove me nuts.


And I had no clue what to do here:



Got stuck in the numbered halls with the switches, and had to resort to reading a spoiler, which I hate to do. But it was either do that or abandon the mission. I see no relationship with the written clue and having to move all the levers to the right. Huh?





And here I am back again because now I'm stuck here:




At the river with the revenant in the boat on the other side. I have no clue what to do here. Jumping in the river consistently puts me back where I jumped in.




Got all the loot I need. I just need to accidentally come across the fabolous treasure.


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All in all, a good mission.




The first half was tedious and repetitious, and I needed spoilers to get past certain places.


The second half, however, when the nuttiness calmed down, was more interesting. As soon as I reached the first surveyor's room, the age of my computer showed, and the mission brought it to its knees. I crept through the remainder of the mission and finally (!) found the fabolous treasure and the elevator out. Thanks for the elevator; I wasn't looking forward to going all the way back through the craziness.



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Not sure why I seem to have problems with most Vertical-Contest-missions.

I never had issues with any of the 'older' missions so far and for sure no crashes at all.

But with these Vertical missions I manage to get at least one crash or two.


In this one I have repetetive chrashes whenever I turn around some specific corner.

It is after the 8-switch-room and going down a couple of stairs with some chest in side-rooms, followed by a couple of stairs with upside down rooms.

At the end there is a window with colored glass. One or two corners downstairs the mission will always crash.

So, from previous postings it sounds like I did not get very far or half the way in best case.

Sigh.... Anbody else having these issues ?

Edited by gnartsch
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