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Don't you just hate it when...


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Someone is just plain nasty which then puts you in a shit mood for the rest of the day and everything then annoys you....


Stupid bitch on reception at work must be having her time of the month, as I asked a simple question but rather than get a normal civil reply I have a downright nasty "who the fuck are you" response. To which I then ask if she has a problem with me and all I get is some mumbled bollox about not understand my sense of humor.


its all fine, I always forget I'm there to work not get along with people. So anthing she wants help with in future I will politely and firmly point out that "its not an IT issue, sorry I can't help"

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You can treat her the way she treated you or you can rise above and lead by example. It takes more thought though. The first reaction is always emotional but its best to supress that when dealing with co-workers.


Imagine to yourself after she replied like she did, {thought bubble} ...she must be fighting with someone at home...

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Yeah, maybe something similar happened to her at that day. My experience is that in most cases were people behave impolite for unknown reasons, the cause is that someone behaved very impolite to him/her. The best way to react is to stay normal and polite, with a broad smile upon your face.


Do not join the cynics. Keep smiling :smile:

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

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Anger is a very infectious emotion. Someone is angry to you then you are angry. You be angry with someone else and they become angry at someone else etc etc. However, with anger comes a great deal of energy. If you can find away to channel that energy towards something positive you will achieve impressive results.


As others have said maybe this lady has problems of her own. When people see the red mist and snap they don't realize what they are doing at the time. On the other hand some people are natural jerks. In that case don't give them the honor bringing you down. Try and channel the energy you feel towards something constructive. It will get the anger out of your system and provide you with strength to do something positive in your life. Make sure you don't pass it on to other people.

"I believe that what doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger"


The Joker

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Calling her 'a lady" is stretching it a bit and I don't let other peoples attitude to effect how I outwardly interact with other people. But my attitude to her will remain unchanged, formal and to the point - the older I get the less time I have for people like this, life is too short. And, as it turns out I am not the first person she has snapped at....

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You don't have to love her. Just stay on the bright side of life :smile:


You're such a nice person. ^_^

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

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Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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I never really have this problem. The kinds of problems I DO have, however, are when people constantly stuff my trash can outside with their shit. I'm not an unreasonable guy. I don't mind if they throw a bottle of soda or a pizza box in there from time to time, but when I go outside to empty my trash bag and I find my can stuffed with other peoples' trash, I get pissed.


As far as your scenario goes, I generally treat people the way they treat me. I'm not on some moral high ground or anything and I do not strive to be perfect.

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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Yeah, treat people the way you wANt to be treated, in other words, lead by example. Its just a better way to handle situations that will benefit you more. I guess you could even call it selfish to an extent.


You expend less energy, they're befuddled at your response, the anger is displaced elsewhere. Not sure it has anything to do with morals or perfection but those things I would put in the category of, "eye of the beholder" anyway.



As far as people using your can for their trash, give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves.


Ahhhh, it is a wonderful, wonderful world we live in full of conscientious, considerate folks. <--(sarcasm) Just be happy you're not one of them.

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Eh, er.. Obs have you been at the wine again... :huh:

To be honest, yes.

I see a love story coming there.. :P

nice means nett, doesn't it. Don't know what I've written to provoke such a reaction :blink:

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

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Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Yeah, treat people the way you wANt to be treated, in other words, lead by example. Its just a better way to handle situations that will benefit you more. I guess you could even call it selfish to an extent.


You expend less energy, they're befuddled at your response, the anger is displaced elsewhere.




Very fair and true points. It is better for everyone if you let things go and do not hold a grudge. however...


morality question: If you had a neighbor who was a real punk; i.e. playing loud music at night, out-right littering in your yard, and one day you saw masked strangers carrying TVs and furniture out of his house, would you call it in? I, personally, would not call it in. I would laugh and reason that the guy in question has been a punk for a long time and he deserves his misfortune (even if I had the ability to stop it).

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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As far as people using your can for their trash, give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves.


Ahhhh, it is a wonderful, wonderful world we live in full of conscientious, considerate folks. <--(sarcasm) Just be happy you're not one of them.



I'd think after saying this I wouldn't need to say, "yes, I'd walk away and let them do whatever". Karma is a bitch and I want to sex her up!

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How can you know that? Maybe I look like the girl on your sexy garrett shot :wub:

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Women who like computer related topics in general are quite rare. On the other hand, there are only a few men who like spending there times buying shoes :P


My little sister plays computer games though and she loves Thief. She is still playing FM's from time to time. So maybe I can draw her on the dark side once 2.0 is out. (Funny thing: on of the first 3D games she played was Counter-Strike, and she spend here time delivering headshots over the whole map using the ump45. No grenades, no armour, no nothing. Just she and here ump. No Kalashnikov could stop her :laugh: )

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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That's why I only play the classic version. :smile:

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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