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I have a door with an object bound to it, and I'd like the object to highlight when the door does, just for aesthetics.


I thought frob_peer would work for this, but it isn't.


Could it be that I already have a frob_peer spawnarg on the door? The description says you can have multiple frob_peer spawnargs with numbers (frob_peer1, frob_peer2, etc). But my frob_peer1 doesn't work.


Anyone tried this before?



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I used frob_peer for several items in House of Locked Secrets...there was some secret, I think it involved making both objects frobable (but with the peer object having a frob distance of 1 so you couldn't actually frob it).

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


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It's a material that does highlight...I tried adding "frobbable" "1", but that didn't help either. I'll have to see if I trying another entity works...that will tell me if it's my syntax or the entity itself.


edit: I just tried binding a movable mug to the door, but it didn't highlight either.


Is there anything obviously wrong with this syntax?


// entity 16
"classname" "atdm:6panel_104x56"
"name" "safe_door"
"frob_peer" "bar"
"frob_peer2" "func_static_2279"
"immune_to_target_setfrobable" "1"
"lock_peer" "bar"
"lock_picktype" "-"
"lock_pins" "0"
"locked" "1"
"model" "models/darkmod/containers/openable/metal_safe01_door_small.lwo"
"move_time" "2"
"origin" "808.98 -725.208 15.75"
"rotate" "0 -90 0"
"rotation" "-1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1"
"snd_close" "door_metal01_close"
"snd_locked" "metalbounce_1"
"snd_move" "door_metal01_move"
"snd_open" "door_metal01_open"
"snd_unlock" "frob_lever_metal_small_01"
"target0" "atdm_target_set_frobable_2"
"used_by" "-"
"frob_peer3" "atdm_moveable_beermug_cheap_1"

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        if ( parm11 > 0 )
        blend       gl_dst_color, gl_one
        map         _white
        rgb         0.40 * parm11
        if ( parm11 > 0 )
        blend      add
        map        textures/darkmod/fabric/cloth_baize_green
        rgb         0.15 * parm11

For frobhilighting to be visible, the material definition requires these lines. parm11 is a shader parameter that gets set to 1 if the object is currently frobhilighted, and is 0 otherwise. You normally have two such stages, one adds a light white over the texture (the first one), the other adds a light version of the diffusemap (so it does not look too washed out). If the material you are using does not contain those lines, you cannot see whether an entity using it is hilighted or not.


The frobable spawnarg only controls whether an object is frobable, not how it looks like in the hilighted state.

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I think only one highlights, but both get frobbed from it. That's how I recall frob_peer'd chests working now that you mention it. It looks weird but players still get the idea.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I think only one highlights, but both get frobbed from it.




Huh. The definition of frob_peer says otherwise: "Name of the other entity that should also highlight when this entity is frobbed."


But you're right that chests don't frob together. So is the definition wrong, or is something bugged?

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My guess is the definition, since even the name suggests it's only about transporting the actual frob signal from a frob (on highlighted thing) to other linked objects, not all the baggage of highlighting. And that would be a very simple mechanism compared to the latter. And then the definition writer misunderstood. But I don't know this. Just a guess.


What I do recall is we had a discussion on exactly this problem before in a thread about trying to get both sides of a frob_peer'd chest to highlight together. You can search for that and see if it has any insights, but I think if it'd had an answer, the chests would have been fixed and they weren't...

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Frob_peer does cause the peered entities to be hilighted. Just tested it.


The chest you are referring to does not use frob_peer, the lid uses frob_master to pass the frob to the body, which is a completely different mechanism.


Springheel, pm me an example map with the desired setup and I will take a look (and than explain what you did wrong in detail :P)

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Springheel, pm me an example map with the desired setup and I will take a look (and than explain what you did wrong in detail :P)



Will do when I get home. For reference, it's the combination housing model that I'm trying to get to highlight. I'll send you the whole safe so you can see how it's working.

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