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Arx: EoS fish


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2 minutes ago, STRUNK said:

I got them to break the game. When one explodes they get very angry!


Doing the lord's work. These should make bodies of water a lot more interesting. Thanks Vanished, can't wait to try this out myself

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Maybe turning af_push_moveables off has just made my mine better at killing them all because they're no longer so good at pushing each other out of the way. With enough survivors I get a crash too, and assigning a search anim in the model decl doesn't prevent it.

Edit: updated download is live.

Edited by VanishedOne

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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Thanks for the help. I imagine they might be missing something that the search internals expect; I didn't give them an AIUse value, for example, but they inherit visual and communication S/R so maybe they ought to have one.

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Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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And I've discovered why my initial attempt to disable searching had no effect: the spawnarg is canSearch, not can_search as in can_drown or can_unlock. And I put the wrong one in the updated def, so I'll need to change the download again. Coming momentarily.

Edit: done.

Edited by VanishedOne
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Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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