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Ok, trying to learn how to use the editor to do more than make hollow cubes. I've been able to load a painting model into the game, but as you can see here, the texture is messed up. This is painting02, which has one of Oddity's textures, so it should work. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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Ok, something is weird when I load any of the textures I did. They are extremely dark, almost black until the light is moved directly in front of them. The light doesn't seem to hit the painting the way it should. I'm using the same specular that you used for yours.


Any idea what might cause that?




Here's what yours looks like in the same spot:




The editor also crashed twice on me while trying to switch models in the span of five minutes.

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Once you rotate something, is there some trick to get it to align to the map grid again? Every time I rotate the painting it always stops at a slight angle so I can't put it flat against the wall.

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Another question. I assume that model files themselves must point to the appropriate .mtr file so it knows what textures to use. How much knowledge/software would be needed to make duplicates of existing models that point to a different .mtr file? In other words, if I didn't want to rely on Odd to make another ten blank painting models for me to texture, what would I need to know to do it myself?

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I think we should make the frames in ASE format. Then we can easily insert additional paintings just by replacing the texture. Of course if the frame is a seperate model, this is bad, because the texture for the frame and the picture would be one single image, which is not really a good idea.


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Another question. I assume that model files themselves must point to the appropriate .mtr file so it knows what textures to use. How much knowledge/software would be needed to make duplicates of existing models that point to a different .mtr file? In other words, if I didn't want to rely on Odd to make another ten blank painting models for me to texture, what would I need to know to do it myself?


you don't need any knowledge - just either deepexploration or lightwave. there you can change the material name with one click.

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I can make as many blank ones as you need. THey're very small.

Spar, there's no point making them ASE, since all you have to do to change the texture with these lwo versions is to go into the mtr file and change the image name.

IF we have about 30-40 painting models, no one is ever going to need more than that for a single mission, and they can change the mtr images names to whatever images they want to use for them.

If they're not changing the frame image and just the canvas part, they don't even need to make a normal or spec map.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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I can make as many blank ones as you need. THey're very small.


Thanks Odd, I'll hit you up for some more, definitely. But I'd also like to start doing extra skins for things like the plate and goblet models...we'll need more than just a gold version. And it will be easier if I learn how to do it myself rather than trying to track down whoever made it and bug them for another copy.


A couple more noob questions--how do you scroll around the grid window? I can zoom in but then I can't seem to scroll to get to where I want.


Also, is there any reason why, when I delete a model, it continues to show up in the realtime render window? It isn't there when I turn realtime off.

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scrolling = RMB, just like in the render window, also in the render window if you hold dow ctrl while RMB scrolling, it pans insetad of dollys.

You have to refresh the relatime render to see any changes.

So you're goignt o get a copy of lightwave then?

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Here's a few more paintings. I don't seem to be able to put them directly against the wall though. When I do, the frame is visible but the painting part clips through the wall. Zooming in on the grid didn't help any.



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It may be quite easy once you have the software, but how exactly am I supposed to have learned how to do it without having lightwave?


edit: I'm not talking about making textures, I'm talking about duplicating models, which requires modelling software.

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What's the command to compile a map? I'd like to test out the paintings in game but the map I put them into won't load now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You have to refresh the relatime render to see any changes.


How do you refresh? Right now I have to shut down and reload the editor every time I want to see a new skin, which is highly annoying.


edit: also, can someone tell me if this is related to the frob code? If so, does it have to be included in the .mtr for any object that can be highlighted?



if ( parm11 >= 0.5 )

blend add

map models/props/textures/pages1.tga

rgb .60


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