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Hi everybody




comp-music, are the source files louder?


you have the source file indeed !



Use the T2X footsteps as a guide and make your footsteps the same volume



T2X footsteps guide me :D I had some work with "Sound Ideas" we are the "guide" ;)


I REupload the Stone and grass 1 Soon





Hi pak and everybody,


If you need louder grass sounds there are some really good ones


Thanx pakmannen,i need to know something first did you hear "Grass2, Louder REupload"

If yes"It does not make sense to write the line above! " If no plz "hear it" you can take"Spectrum"and compare..........plz let's talk away from Grass 2 now,believe me that file 1 of the best i'm not "Conceited"

But i'm sure from myself,and my work too.



-indep2..........hit33 to hit37 Good impact

Sound 3000 Series collection and Sony



(All steps is not Good there are alot of:

(AIR Noise,room effect,background noise,dull...etc) therefore steps in not Good enough

-pak..........water_drips03_loop.ogg (AIR noise)



-Theo..........with a little adjustment The Footsteps Is "GOOD" and the next question is why if we had footsteps need another !


-when i made the stone footsteps "Schatten" wrote they're really quiet,and yes i mean it.

because It does not make sense we have a thief here try to sneak in the dark when people sleep And here is the one TAK TAK TAK i'm here guys i'm thief let's make some good Noise!!!!!!!!!! big mistake,

Because the character is already this..........try to sence the body and his movment..........

we can make the sound louder when only he Run away that's Make sense.







-when i made the stone footsteps "Schatten" wrote they're really quiet,and yes i mean it.

because It does not make sense we have a thief here try to sneak in the dark when people sleep And here is the one TAK TAK TAK i'm here guys i'm thief let's make some good Noise!!!!!!!!!! big mistake,

Because the character is already this..........try to sence the body and his movment..........

we can make the sound louder when only he Run away that's Make sense.

We have to be a little unrealistically high with the step volume, because in real life there's no ambient music playing that you have to hear the footstep over. :)

because in real life there's no ambient music playing that you have to hear the footstep over


I don't think So..........when we walk in our homes "no ambient"around us :"TV"sound maybe or ringing my phone......etc

when we walk in the street:"cars" etc..... all these sounds "kind of music" the life itself BIG Ambience around us.

No problem with that.we can adjustment ambience volume,

we can make Balance with footsteps and amb>that's realistic

When you are in the dark or shadows what the most important thing you need?plz answer


When you're in the darkness moving, I'd say the most important thing is to know how loud your footsteps are. You won't get this feedback if you can't hear your footsteps over the ambient music. :) I'm not a sound person though, so my opinion doesn't mean much. Better ask the sound people why they chose to go with louder than real life footsteps.


I don't think it's so much an issue of how loud the footsteps are relative to other noises, it's about making sure that all of the OGG and WAV files have the maximum possible volume which can then be tweaked by the sound shader declarations. There is no point in having sound files which use a fraction of the available volume range because this just reduces the effective bit depth and hence the quality.


Most points have already been made, so I'll just sum up:


- If the sound is recorded at maximum, we can adjust it to the optimal volume without quality loss


- The footsteps need to be slightly louder than it would be realistic, because they convey game information to the player. What material I'm walking on, how loud is this material, etc.


- Some AI will share the footstep sounds, and common people usually don't sneak around


Also, keep in mind that the volume we are hearing isn't the same the AI is hearing - for them, it arrives as a number set in a def file. I could define it so that the sound of an explosion that busts the player's ear-drums would sound no louder than the fart of a mouse to them.


That said, I must say that LGS overdid it in the classic Thief games with Garrett's tap-dancing shoes.


comp-music, I understand your concern and I'm sure most people here wouldn't like a KLONK KLONK-ing Thief, myself included. :)

it's about making sure that all of the OGG and WAV files have the maximum possible volume which can then be tweaked by the sound shader declarations.


If the sound is recorded at maximum, we can adjust it to the optimal volume without quality loss


No problem with that,we already have maximum volume sound but notice "There is limit for maximum"you wouldn't like get "Distortion" sound.


- The footsteps need to be slightly louder than it would be realistic, because they convey game information to the player. What material I'm walking on, how loud is this material, etc.

Like a Garrett said "Careful"


-Some AI will share the footstep sounds, and common people usually don't sneak around

OK what's problem with that,AI share steps with common people that's completely different from the player footsteps.are you Hinting to say the common people can share with the player footsteps?!!!!



I must say that LGS overdid it in the classic Thief games with Garrett's tap-dancing shoes.

Yes totally right "We have to learn from the mistakes of others"

experiment the best proof


There's a difference between real ambience (dripping tap) and the sort of unreal creepy ambience you got in Thief. I know it was included for effect, and you sound guys aren't going to like this, but the first thing I do in every game is turn the music to zero. I want nothing but real environment sounds while I play. I have no idea why they put so much effort in to game soundtracks.

This is especially true in Thief. There are times in Thief 1 that you have a hard time hearing your own footsteps because of the 'ooh it's scary here isn't it?' ambience playing.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


character models site


I appreciate the ambient music quite a bit, but we should probably look into a separate menu slider for ambient music vs sound effects if one doesn't already exist (I can't remember, though I doubt D3 required one). Is it difficult to distinguish between the two, code-wise? That will take a lot of the onus off us to perfect the volume balance between music and sound fx.


A lot of games have a separate slider for sfx, ambients, music, cutscene volume, voices etc

Thief 2 just had a general volume slider and an ambient slider, which killed the creepy asides. That's fine by me.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


character models site

the first thing I do in every game is turn the music to zero


even MAFIA :)


I know >>>>>>>>>>alot of my friends doing this,

i think If music has become part of the game we make attention and then you can't turn the music to zero


Yes, of course, but if you have to turn on a Victrola to play gramophone record like in some FMs, that's a real in-game sound effect, not ambient music, it's clear where the music is coming from in that case, not like in some games like Oblivion where you seem to get followed around everywhere by an invisible 80 piece orchestra. I've never understood what that is meant to add to the game.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


character models site


Music in a game serves the same purpose as it does in a film, to induce emotions in the player more effectively than could be achieved solely through visual elements. This will obviously not appeal to a "realism purist" who prefers an accurate simulation to a game, but that's what the volume sliders are for.


It's not the same. Film, like music, is a passive experience which is handed down to you, and which you're not connected to, and have no input towards, so they go well together.

A game is meant to be the opposite of that, you're meant to be part of it, the central part in fact, and arbitrary, incorporeal music only serves to alienate and abstract things even further than the limited human-computer interface already does by default.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


character models site


Just to touch on the footstep volume myself. As long as any new footsteps we create, are the same volume as the T2X footsteps, we'll be fine. The volume of all the footsteps are tweaked much later, in the sound files.


I've never understood what those progressive funk and techno tracks had to do with medieval cathedrals. Music like that simply didn't exist in those days, and doesn't evoke anything for me, expect generic creepiness which would fit any scary movie or game.

The only reason you think different, is because they came with the game, you liked the game, so you associate them with a game you liked.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


character models site

Which one is that then? It sounds familiar, possibly one of the Keeper areas.

It's from Assassins I believe, but it might be used elsewhere too. To refute the idea that creepy background music (especially this kind, not an orchestral score or "song" - those don't do it for me) can't possibly help a scene, we could of course upload any thousand of the other brilliant tracks from both games, but that'd be silly and probably wouldn't change any minds anyway. :) Sometimes it's appropriate and adds to the mood. Other times, silence makes the mood. That's been exploited in movies, too - I think Gladiator was one of the first (or at least recent - I'm no movie expert) to purposely use silence (that is, no music) often in big battle scenes, and it certainly made them extra gritty and nasty feeling. Depends on the intent and content, I say.


...Ah what the hell, here's another. ^_^ That's Bafford's, of course. Browsing the sound CRFs for Thief is simply a delight. Should be a mandatory exercise for game sound design.

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