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Stool Tweaking


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Baddcog, if you have a spare minute, could you take a look at the round stool model? It's .ase so I can't open it, but I'd like to see if it's possible to smooth it out so it doesn't have those obvious sides and corners. It 's getting used in a lot of maps and it really bugs me. An octagon should be able to be smoother than that. :)

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Well, I can rebuild it, and don't mind doing so. But an octagon is an octagon no matter what smoothing you apply.

To me it doesn't seem to have smoothing issues, no weird shadows in model viewer.


The legs are 10 sided, the top is 8, not sure why it was made that way, I would've done the opposite.


IMO if you want something to appear fairly round it needs at least 10 sides. 14 is really where things start to look round IMO. This isn't the only model that has this issue, goblets, mugs, vases... alot are 8 sides. Personally I think the renderer can handle more and we should take advantage.


The main problem is that hexagons are a very recognizable shape. The bottles use 9 sides which is good, I've always thought odd sides are best 'cause they are harder to recognize as a shape. This gives them an inheritely rounder look.


Smoothing can only do so much, mainly it just smooths how the lighting on the object is, it can't do anything about those defined edges.

If you want I can redo the stool to have more polys, 12 or 14 sides is probably best. It's your call, but as this came up I'd almost suggest we redo most of the items I listed, they aren't hard to do and they would make the game look better on a whole. I hate to redo work that has been done but...



Just for the record, I have added a few items myself that are 10 sided, the ceramic pot is one example. I think that's as low as we should go on round items, 12 would be better though.



Just realized looking thru the hiearchy again.

ALL my skins are missing!!! Where'd they go?


keys, urns, gauges, blacksmith sign, pots....

add- doors, ceramic flinderz, desk lamp,

I don't wanna do them again either.


it seems as though the bc_desklamp.skin is still updated nut the extra skin isn't showing in model veiwer.

The doors show no textures at all, that's probably due to tex reorg/renaming, but the spare skins aren't showing either.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Which skins are missing? I can see the three files bc_test.skin, bc_doors.skin and bc_desklamp.skin. Where there more? If yes, we can retrieve them from the SVN history with no problems.

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Just realized looking thru the hiearchy again.

ALL my skins are missing!!! Where'd they go?


keys, urns, gauges, blacksmith sign, pots....

add- doors, ceramic flinderz, desk lamp,

I don't wanna do them again either.


it seems as though the bc_desklamp.skin is still updated nut the extra skin isn't showing in model veiwer.

The doors show no textures at all, that's probably due to tex reorg/renaming, but the spare skins aren't showing either.


The problem was, that all file names were changed to lowercase recently, but the skins still had .ASE in them. Already fixed, they should work again. :)

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Baddcog, if you have a spare minute, could you take a look at the round stool model? It's .ase so I can't open it, but I'd like to see if it's possible to smooth it out so it doesn't have those obvious sides and corners. It 's getting used in a lot of maps and it really bugs me. An octagon should be able to be smoother than that. :)


Which stool model are you refering to?


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Well, I can rebuild it, and don't mind doing so. But an octagon is an octagon no matter what smoothing you apply.

To me it doesn't seem to have smoothing issues, no weird shadows in model viewer.

The legs are 10 sided, the top is 8, not sure why it was made that way, I would've done the opposite.


Yeah, doesn't make sense to me either to have the legs rounder than the stool. If you don't mind rebuilding it, that would be great--it seems to be a commonly used model. If you can keep the origin in the same place that would be helpful to the mappers who are already using it. :)


IMO if you want something to appear fairly round it needs at least 10 sides. 14 is really where things start to look round IMO. This isn't the only model that has this issue, goblets, mugs, vases... alot are 8 sides. Personally I think the renderer can handle more and we should take advantage.


Well, I don't think we want to start going through and increasing polycouts in general until we see what kind of performance we get from the finished product. The stool has stood out as a bit of an eyesore, but I haven't noticed a big problem with most of the other models.

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Yeah, I'll just rebuild 'over the top' of the old one, it'll be exact same size, location...


Personally I'd like to see the goblet redone. vases could've been designed hexagon or octagon, ect... But generally cups/glasses are round and the fact that we'll see alot of em as we play. All missions will have them, ect...

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know if you've had time to do this already, but I noticed that the old stool isn't grid-aligned. If you could fix that at the same time, it would be great. :)

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