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To Orbweaver


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Please remember people suffering of arachnophobia. I have to block all avatars because of yours in opera, which aparently also blocks attached pictures... It would be a gesture most generous if thou were willst to remove the avatar of yours! :)


I got used to spiders as good as possible in computergames, but in Reallife or even on pictures? OUTCH!!! ;) I even sometimes wake up at night and think there is a spider crabbling over my arm. I am no sissy in general, but Spiders? Without me!! :D

Edited by STiFU
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Don't know about Opera, but you can block it quite effectively in Firefox using Adblock with the URL




Maybe there is an equivalent plugin for Opera which allows more specific URL filtering.

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Macsen, I woun't click on that link, sry. I know just too many people who think arachnophobia is a joke and send me videos of spiders fighting frogs etc. . :) I once even hyperventilated because I saw a picture of a tarantula-banana milkshake being made in a blender...


I'm gonna check that though, Orb!!

Edited by STiFU
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I think it might be good idea to confront your fears and conquer them that way. If your fear is of the level you describe, it's probably important that you do something about it as soon as possible.


You might start with the fact that the poor spider is probably more frightened of you, and you present a more serious threat to the bug than it presents to you. Spiders are also nice, since they eat annoying buzzing insects.


I understand it might be easy for me to say, as I do not have the quality you describe. In any case, you probably should try to overcome your weakness if not by yourself, maybe with professional aid. Personal improvement is always an excellent motivator.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Yeah well, gonna ignore the blunt... ;)


What you guys say sounds reasonable though, but I ain't got the time to do a therapy about it, at least not the next few years, so I am going to have to live with it a bit longer. This Arachnophobia has its advantages though. Computergames with spiders involved feel a lot deeper for me, than for the normal player. When I think back to the t2 minifm "Deceptive Perception", when that mega spider suddenly apeared behind you, man that gave me the creeps... :D


AAAnyway, I just found that under "My Controlls" it can be specified, whether to show or not show the avatars. I somehow couldn't block the picture it self but a filter like "http://forums.thedarkmod.com/uploads/*.jpg" . So instead of not showing avatars at all, I know block "http://forums.thedarkmod.com/uploads/av*254.jpg" . The * is important, although nonsense. Ok, topic can be closed and thanks for your participation... :)

Edited by STiFU
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The "blunt" link was just to oDDity's post.

Macsen's link is the one you were correct to avoid. :laugh:


I hate insects, esp "crawly" ones ... not sure it's a phobia or not, I don't freak out, but I hate some of them with a passion. Spiders aren't that bad, the bigger and fuzzier the better. And snakes are just fine ... I mean, I think about them in the same category as animals and fish. But my brother can't stand snakes, but has no problem with insects. So the whole thing seems so arbitrary. It makes me wonder what's really at the root of some people hating some things and not others, and other people are just the other way around.

Edited by demagogue

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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The "blunt" link was just to oDDity's post.

Macsen's link is the one you were correct to avoid. :laugh:

Yeah, I got those both. But thanks anyway... :) I was actually referring to oDDity's post. It's always easy to "laugh" about stuff that doesn't touch you.


I can deal with any other animal, no problems at all. And it's even just the spiders with the big bodies and thick legs. The ones with real thin legs are no problem for me either. I can even touch them...

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So you willingly play video games with spiders in them, you'll touch certain kinds of spiders no problem, but you wanted someone to remove their avatar because you can't stand looking at a 65x65 picture?

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Exactly!! I know it sounds really weird, but it's all psychological. In a computer game I even get this slightly creepy feeling all over my body, but I know that it's just virtual spiders (just like I know that I don't backstab real humans on the pc). And yes, I can touch those thin-legged spiders, I am sure though that I'd start screaming if one of them crawled under my pullover! ;)


It's just a headthing and I know my fear is irrational and I could possibly do something about it. But at the moment I prefer simply blocking pictures like that... :) And by the way, of course my post was not a serious request, but rather an indirect cry for help, which was heard fastly. Thanks!

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