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Reinstalling Windows


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So! I have been putting this off since years, but I think now is a good time. I started to have some issues with some games, and I already considered to do a switch to XP. I wanted to wait until I have a new machine, but this will still take quite some LONG time, so I decided to reinstall now.


So I wonder if there is anything you might tell me in advance to take care off. Some pitfalls I might avoid. I never used XP. I expect that it will be pretty similar to Windows 2000 though, so I hope that there will be no problem. I fear that it will take several days though until everything works as (almost) as before.


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So I wonder if there is anything you might tell me in advance to take care off.

- Use a slipstreamed Windows XP CD including SP2.

- Don't connect your network to the internet until you've installed a proper firewall.

- Turn off automatic downloading and installing of Windows Updates, set it to "notify only" and hand-pick them.

- Watch out for "Genuine Advantage" crap.

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So! I have been putting this off since years, but I think now is a good time. I started to have some issues with some games, and I already considered to do a switch to XP. I wanted to wait until I have a new machine, but this will still take quite some LONG time, so I decided to reinstall now.


So I wonder if there is anything you might tell me in advance to take care off. Some pitfalls I might avoid. I never used XP. I expect that it will be pretty similar to Windows 2000 though, so I hope that there will be no problem. I fear that it will take several days though until everything works as (almost) as before.


From year-long experiences with computers, I would suggest you better buy a new machine and install everything there so you can use your old machine as backup.


If you are still running Win98, that machine must be ancient :)


if you find a new computer too expensive, at least buy a second harddisk and install XP on that (and disconnect your old disk while doing so).

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


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- Use a slipstreamed Windows XP CD including SP2.


SP2 is included. Don't knwo what you mean by "slipstreamed" though. ;)


- Don't connect your network to the internet until you've installed a proper firewall.


Ugh! Is this really neccessary? I installed a PFW on my machine and discarded it. It didn't tell me anything usefull, and used up only resources. I'm rather relying on my Linux/Router combo for doing firewalling.


- Turn off automatic downloading and installing of Windows Updates, set it to "notify only" and hand-pick them.


Definitely. :)


- Watch out for "Genuine Advantage" crap.


What's that?


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I would even suggest using Server 2003, it takes a little extra time to configure as a desktop...but probably no more than half an hour. I just find it way more stable, and less bloated than XP.


Isn't Server 2003 based on W2K though? Or is that the XP Server edition?


Since I want to run games on it, I don't know if that would work though.


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SP2 is included. Don't knwo what you mean by "slipstreamed" though. ;)

Nevermind, I meant exactly that. :) Unless I picked up the wrong term, "slipstreaming" refers to incorporating the SP2 into the original XP Install CD.

Ugh! Is this really neccessary? I installed a PFW on my machine and discarded it. It didn't tell me anything usefull, and used up only resources. I'm rather relying on my Linux/Router combo for doing firewalling.

Ah, forgot that you have a router anyway. That's safe then, I guess.


What's that?

There is a so-called "Windows Genuine Advantage" notification tool, which might get installed through Windows Update. It is the most friendly tool on earth - it is so kind that it checks whether you are running a legit copy of Windows XP and in case it (god forbid) finds an illegal serial, it notifies you about the advantages of having a legit copy, each time you boot windows. And every 4 minutes on the desktop. And possibly when you move the mouse. It's too nice of a tool, you'd better not install it.

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There is a so-called "Windows Genuine Advantage" notification tool, which might get installed through Windows Update. It is the most friendly tool on earth - it is so kind that it checks whether you are running a legit copy of Windows XP and in case it (god forbid) finds an illegal serial, it notifies you about the advantages of having a legit copy, each time you boot windows. And every 4 minutes on the desktop. And possibly when you move the mouse. It's too nice of a tool, you'd better not install it.


Uh! That's to sweet for me. You know, diabetes and such ... :)


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So, yesterday I actually did it. Installed XP. So far it needs a a bit of, erm, getting used to.


Can't say that I like it, but I guess I will adjust to it. So now comes the long and boring task of installing all the stuff that I need. I'm sure I will miss hundreds of little tools, I completely forgot about, but I guess this might be also a good thing. :)


At least Thief works now again. Not that I really thought it is a problem of W2K, because it used to work. I guess this is simply as it is in Windows. With all that updates, installing and removing, over the years it gets corrupted, even if it works most of the time. So you really need a fresh install every now and then. And since I thought it would be now time for that, I thought I could just install XP, as I already planned to do this anyway.


I'm quite curious wether blackheart_manor will now work on my system (even if it will be slow like hell). :)


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I try to keep a running list of all the little programs I use, so that if I get a new laptop or my hard drive blows up or if I migrate to Vista or whatever, then I can hunt them down or find replacements.

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Does anybody know how to disable these annoying popups? Everytime I start Windows XP, there is some shield in the lower right corner which tells me that my computer is insecure. I know that! I installed Windows after all! :)


I want to get rid of this, because it's simply annoying like hell, but I haven't found any options for that. Only to activate or deactive it, but not the popups.


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I'm currently thinking of doing a format of my PC and reinstalling Windows and am curious about how much hassle it is to do?


I assume it's harder than just doing a fresh install of Windows, though I've heard that doing so can work. Is that true? To get my PC back to an 'as new' state, would just reinstalling Windows do the trick? If not, what else would I have to do?


Googling it seems to suggest that I should format first. If I do, do I then need to install the mobo drivers again and stuff? What plan of action should I take?

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DOn't know why you make such a big deal out of it. I reinstall every few months. It's not that much of a pain.

At least I used to with XP, but it doesn't seem necessary with Vista so far.

Why didn't you just go with Vista, instead of installing a and 6 year old OS.

Vista is very stable, I haven't had a crash or blue screen since I installed months ago, and I'm a heavy duty user, you can run Thief, even on 64 bit. The only problem is with the latest nvidia cards and drivers making the textures a bit ugly, but it's not a vista problem.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

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Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I'm doing a reinstall. My PC is getting on and my hard-drive is getting bloated with shit from the past 3-4 years and it's running slower than it used to, so I want to format and start fresh. I just want to know if it's a major hassle or if it's relatively painless. You say you did it often, but was that full formats or just reinstalling Windows?


I can't afford to upgrade at all at the moment, and when I can the next PC I'm going to buy will probably be a Mac due to a lot of music software going solely to that platform.

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My experience with nuking the HD and starting from scratch is that it's very difficult and scary and you're nearly bound to forget something. You need to think of so many things, such as all the device drivers. For instance, you need to make sure your freakin' cd-rom drive will work to be able to read the Windows disc!


Then again, I haven't tried this in quite a few years, so maybe it's easier nowadays

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Isn't Server 2003 based on W2K though? Or is that the XP Server edition?


Since I want to run games on it, I don't know if that would work though.


Yup, both XP and Server 2003 share the same code base...but Server 2003 branched off a little bit. I've been using Server 2003 as a desktop since it came out and it's far better than XP. I haven't had any issues running games on Server 2003, although I sometimes have to alter the installation files of some programs that feel it's necessary to 'protect me' by not allowing me to install their software on a server OS. GAH, It's the same damn OS essentially. At any rate, I've had no trouble with games. The latest Adobe suite has locked out Server 2003, but I bypassed that foolishness too.


Vista is based on the latest Server 2003 code base, so it 'should' be stable too.

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Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I'm doing a reinstall. My PC is getting on and my hard-drive is getting bloated with shit from the past 3-4 years and it's running slower than it used to, so I want to format and start fresh. I just want to know if it's a major hassle or if it's relatively painless. You say you did it often, but was that full formats or just reinstalling Windows?


I can't afford to upgrade at all at the moment, and when I can the next PC I'm going to buy will probably be a Mac due to a lot of music software going solely to that platform.


No, the full thing. There's nothing to it. Save all your save game/config files etc from apps and games, restart, f8 to bios, set your Cd drive to boot first and HD 2nd, insert your windows CD, restart, it boots form the Cd, there are a lot of obvious questions it asks, you just delete the current partition, make a new one and format it (NTFS full, not quick) takes about 15 mintes, it reboots and windows starts to load (have your Cd key handy, unless your sing a pirate copy with no key needed), the whole thing takes about 30-40 mins, and another couple of hours to reload all your games/apps and adjust your settings how you liek them.

The only essential device driver yo uneed is the one for your modem, but you should have that on a disc anyway. Anything else can then be downloaded, including motherboard drivers. sound/video card etc

You end up with a computer as fast and responsive as they day you bought it.


Oh, and obviously make a backup of your windows disc to make sure it's all readable.


My current setup of vista was more complicated than that because I have two HDs and had to set up RAID 0 and a dual boot of Vista 64 and 32, but even that turned out to be quite simple.

It's always a lot more simple that you think it's going to be.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

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Seconding oDD on the "Why XP?" question. Vista was an utter arse when I first got it but that was because out of the box, pre-updates, it seemed very unstable (and was reportedly so). But I had no net connection then. Once I go broadband back and it updated it's been less crash prone than XP was and TBH I prefer it.

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Just seems a bit weird to be 'upgrading' to XP for the first time, now that it's 7 years old and being phased out, like those people who were still using windows 98 in 2004.

Vista is a better OS than XP, but you do need a decent system to run it.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Well, I'm always happy that there are enough early adoptors which will test systems for free. I prefer to use a stable systen. I've switched to W2K also when it was considered to be dead already, and I still did quite fine for about four or five years with it. So I have no problem running XP now, as long as I know that it's more stable and I'm not a free alpha tester for MS. I have better things to do with my time than that. ;)


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