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Ooooh yeah and you thought I was gone for good! Well perhaps this little break did me some good! If you haven't downloaded it yet then wait no further. This mod is a barrel full of laughs, literally.


I especially love waiting for my special to be charged to blow up the enemy with my blunder buss. If you wanna laugh your ass off then download this mod. :laugh:


Free games rule!





I'm also playing STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl (about 12$ on Ebay) and Company of Heroes. I heard Sins of the Solar Empire a x4 RTS game is making great strides. It's becoming popular and the first review gave it 90%. Gotta love how the PC platform is getting back to back high quality titles.


Condemned 2: Bloodshot also was confirmed in a German interview to be coming to the PC after the Xbox 360 and PS 3 versions. Possible bonus content as well and multiplayer for all platforms.

Edited by Unstoppable
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Yeah ... welcome "back", haha. :rolleyes:


It's a cute concept, the PVK ...

It wouldn't have hurt to also throw in some samurai/ninja. :ph34r:


And maybe cowboys...

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I tried playing Stalker, but somehow It didn't get me caught. Another shooter. OK, I just played it maybe 20 minutes and then stopped, so maybe it gets better when it's played longer.


The only game that really caught my attention in the last few years is Overlord. That's a really funny game, and I love to watch my minions running around attacking things and the comments they make while doing it. :)


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That's funny, I just started playing Overlord yesterday! My wife got it for me for Christmas for the 360 (along with some other games), and I really like it too. The "minions" are so funny with all their silly mannerisms and when they say "trEASurrrrrre!"

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif
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Yeah. Overlord is really one of the best games I played in the last years. I always love it, when you stear them to the furniture and dishes and all the bits are flying around when they hack it up.


Or when they bring you some treasure "For the oooverlord", or "For meee!?!", "That's mine!", ... :laugh:


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Ah Overlord, I gotta check that one out now that I have a good computer to run it :). As for STALKER, it grows on you. There are many annoying bugs though that have not been fixed. Like one time I threw a grenade in a room and blew up the body I was supposed to search for the main quest.


If you do revisit stalker, make sure to have two backup saves. One with 30 minute behind your current position and another with 1 hour. Also don't throw grenades if you make it to the X 16 lab final room upstairs. That way you don't blow up what you're supposed to search, lol.


STALKER is quite creepy too. It's not that scary since I know it's just a game but sometimes stuff makes you jump. The Dynamic lightning is pretty cool but it lags the npc re spawns so I set it back to static lightning. If you wanna check out the dynamic lightning but are having the graphical glitch go to your Nvidia control panel.


From there disable anti aliasing as a global setting. That should fix the Nvidia graphical glitch. Also a variety of patches for Stalker are now available addressing more issues.

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Welcome back.


I tested that pvkII already. It's a step back from modern realistic online games, but still it is okay, not bad. I like the way swordplay is implemented, too bad the game is so fast that you never can quite use it. It's more simply running and slashing.

I also wonder why pirate skirmisher's flintlock pistols suck so bad? They are only good for shooting almost dead players, from a distance. Luckily the powder keg balances this a little.


My ranking of recent source modifications are Insurgency > Zombie Panic > PVKII.


And about stalker. I don't want to talk about it. Crappy game with many foolish/idiotic features. It could have been so much better, but they blew it.

I'd say that many game modifications and total conversions are far more better than stalker, for free. Stay away from it, is my recommendation.


-The mapper's best friend.

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STALKER's not bad. Some of its features work purely to annoy the player, like being encumbered by weight and having to carry excessive supplies for dealing with bodily irritations. Its environment though at least tries to be different from the many generic FPS titles out there.

Loose BOWELS are the first sign of THE CHOLERA MORBUS!
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I liked STALKER for the simple fact that it had huge environments to explore. Nothing was ever the same in it, unlike games like Oblivion which a lot of areas look the same as previous ones. But the bugs are really really annoying and the lack of thought out gameplay mechanics makes a lot of the stuff you do feel very pointless. Regardless, I will get the add on being released this year :)

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I liked STALKER for the simple fact that it had huge environments to explore. Nothing was ever the same in it, unlike games like Oblivion which a lot of areas look the same as previous ones. But the bugs are really really annoying and the lack of thought out gameplay mechanics makes a lot of the stuff you do feel very pointless. Regardless, I will get the add on being released this year :)


That's cool that you liked the game. Were you able to finish it? Wikipedia.org has all the endings in case you guys are wandering what they do. Currently I'm going to go back to Red Forest and I'm playing on the hardest setting. It's a pain in the ass because of the radiation spots I have to avoid and the constant brain scorcher sending illusions at me. That plus the soldiers in the fort I have to raid. This game is kinda like Halo sometimes in a good way.


The bugs are definitely annoying though as you say. I remember I was in the X 16 lab searching for one of the objectives. I lobbed a nade inside where a mutant psychic enemy was at. Not only did I damage the enemy but I blew up the body I was supposed to search.


Thankfully I had a save about an hour back but it was a pain in the ass that a bug like this still looms. I'd be wary of STALKER: Clear Sky. I'm taking the wait and see approach simply because GSC released STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl extremely buggy. Who's to say they won't do the exact same thing with Clear Sky?


Overall it's been an enjoyable experience. STALKER does what Invisible War failed to do in the "emergent game play" department. There's definitely a ton of random things to be found.

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Meh, Call of Duty 4 managed to completely own the whole entire Stalker game in just one level; with its own version of Chernobyl that in my opinion was way more fun, way more atmospheric and far better looking. I wish Infinity Ward and Activision had done Stalker, the premise was good but the developers of CoD4 would have actually made it into a proper game.


Overlord was a brilliant game though; I particularly liked how your minions could wear different hats like chef's hats and the heads of slugs :laugh:


Oh, and the flesh-eating, vampiric Unicorns too... :blink:

Edited by SplaTtzZ
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Finally beat STALKER. The ending was really good as were the answers to the plot. Main problem is getting there can be frustrating cuz of bugs. Soldiers go down to head shots quickly though and sniping is very stable which is great. After about 20 or so portals you get to the ending if you don't go to the wish granter. Gotta find the secret room and what not.


here's the guide if you're stuck.



Was a good game but held back by bugs. However the scripted sequences are fun. Had to load up like 1,000 round of ammunition before heading to finish red forest and then going to the Chernobyl reactor. It was crazy the amount of soldiers I put lead on.

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Bleh. I have a copy of Stalker I got with my video card which I haven't even opened, and never will.

In fact, I think I'll go and smash the stupid kiddie content disk up now just for fun...

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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as juvenile a game as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. may be, (and i've never played it, so I don't know, in fact i've heard good things about it,) I'm fairly certain smashing the disk just for fun is significantly more juvenile. :P

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That's right! Don't want to be label as immature? Call what you're doing cathartic; say that you're doing it for the sake of nostalgia! It's not childish if you can obfuscate it in a sesquipedalian vocabulary! :P


Stick to the puns when deriding imbeciles. It's funnier, doesn't make you look like a pretentious cock (still makes you look like a cock, though), and if they're really as feeble-minded as you believe, they won't even realize it!

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Bleh. I have a copy of Stalker I got with my video card which I haven't even opened, and never will.

In fact, I think I'll go and smash the stupid kiddie content disk up now just for fun...


-Sell it on ebay or something. Always more clever to get some profit instead of simply mindlessly breaking something.


Oh dear, selling it might result in a little social event where you can secretly or openly despise the buyer. You get that AND you get money for it. A good deal, some might say.


-The mapper's best friend.

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That's cool that you liked the game. Were you able to finish it? Wikipedia.org has all the endings in case you guys are wandering what they do. Currently I'm going to go back to Red Forest and I'm playing on the hardest setting. It's a pain in the ass because of the radiation spots I have to avoid and the constant brain scorcher sending illusions at me. That plus the soldiers in the fort I have to raid. This game is kinda like Halo sometimes in a good way.


Yea I've beat the game about 4 times start to finish now actually lol. What is amazing is everytime I play through it, I explore what I feel to be all I can explore, and everytime I find something new, like an area I missed last time.

I had played through it two times before I found out that you were the guy you were trying to kill, because I just forgot about that mission!



The first time I played through I got the money-ending, and I thought that was the 'real' ending, then I read about the one you mentioned, I was stunned to find I missed so much.


The things I really like about the game are the environments, the inventory system [i love organizing my items before a mission], and the labs. I just felt the labs were really cool, I loved all the ambient sounds and stuff they stuck in there and the special affects. I also love the customizable weapons and the fire-fights.


It sounds like Clear Skies is taking the HUGE amount of problems into consideration and fixing them though, and that should make for an extremely awesome game :)


Some things I think that would have made the game vastly better are more customizable weapons/suits, better story/English translation/full voice acting/purposeful missions (other than the main mission which was good) and a larger array of ammunition types to choose from. I even think it would have been funner if you had the option to make specific types of magazines, like half full of explosive ammunition and half full of regular.

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