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http://www.aftertheimpact.com/ Very cool


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By order of The Authority


Do not drink water except in designated area

Bacteria levels & contaminants have been found to cause:

Mutant Swine Flu

Necrotizing Fascitis

Fungal Pneumonia

Nausea, Vomiting, and Hallucinations

Restless Leg Syndrome

Hair Mouth

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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Looks mildly interesting. Unfortunately the theme has been tormentented, rinsed and repeated many times. I do expect, however, that ID will come out with something a little more then average here.


On a related note, the website loads longer then the game itself probably will...mildly ironic.

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True. That dystopian non-nuclear apoc theme (Rage blames a natural disaster: a massive comit) has been tried for over two decades since William Gibson wrote Neuromancer; It's one of the best reads I've ever had since I finished A Clockwork Orange.


The earliest game here I can recall that turned out great is the PnP Shadowrun that my older brothers introduced me to.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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When will people realize that "all flash" sites are bad bad bad bad!!! :angry:

Seriously that's the WORST site I've ever been too, just give me a tree list of everything on the site, why the fuck do I have to interpret some artists intentions just to find some screenshots or the forum ffs.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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When will people realize that "all flash" sites are bad bad bad bad!!! :angry:

Seriously that's the WORST site I've ever been too, just give me a tree list of everything on the site, why the fuck do I have to interpret some artists intentions just to find some screenshots or the forum ffs.


I didn't have the patience to find the screenshots. I did find a tire with spikes I could turn around, but what the fuck does that have to do with me finding info on the game? This is definitely flash overload. The site is epic fail.

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When will people realize that "all flash" sites are bad bad bad bad!!! :angry:

Seriously that's the WORST site I've ever been too, just give me a tree list of everything on the site, why the fuck do I have to interpret some artists intentions just to find some screenshots or the forum ffs.



I like it...



As for Rage, I'm excited about it! Looks like it will be a great game and sounds really cool :) The only thing I'm dreading is when the Fallout 3 fan boys start to make an appearance claiming ID ripped the idea off from them because of mutants and wasteland references and theme.

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The only thing I'm dreading is when the Fallout 3 fan boys start to make an appearance claiming ID ripped the idea off from them because of mutants and wasteland references and theme.

Fanboys that need to pick up a book and read, find an Apple //e and try Wasteland, Get a pentium 133 and play another classic rpg (insert title here?) What I loved and still love about the classic rpgs is that some were written like novels (Betrayal at Krondor, Albion.)


Hell, when I was a 3rd grader, I stole my older brother's Wasteland disks for playing after school (Our school still had Apple IIs in 1998). Unfortunately, My brother often came home from school wondering why everyone in his party's inventory was filled with strange items and why all the settlements were plastered with thin red pastes.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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Fanboys that need to pick up a book and read

Is there any other kind? :D

My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.
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I'm a bigfan of author William Gibson. ....But I suppose that changes the definition of "need" to "want to" rather than "Ought to".


People should read more books. Books make people less of a Judith (and God knows we need far less of those). Too bad books are so expensive. Good thing we have FREE public libraries!


Anyway: I took a look at the Rage trailer from Quake-con 2009. Very cool stuff. I'm excited to find out how they got ID Tech to make those outdoors areas looking so fantastic, and their infamous indoors environments just wicked cool.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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Misleading. Shockwave flash is 100% dependent on CPU speed; That's why it's called software rendering.


BUT: even my dual core 3.0ghz cringes on that website: and this setup whizzed through Crysis's heavy AI on full.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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The site runs fine for me, it just takes some time to load.


Same here, just a pain in the ass to wait for it to load, with the initial load being upward of 5 minutes, and this is at BI studio, where the net connection is very fast. Then only to load at each section. It would be nice to just download the whole thing to HDD and run it from there.


It is impressive though, how the sounds fade in when you get close to them with the view etc.


The game has me intrigued, just the site is a bit of a pain to investigate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lots of Rage videos for anyone interested.




I point to this video in particular because look at the animation of the guy taking a drag of the cig. Theres no ac acceleration of the arm when he reaches his mouth, it just stops instantly. In a AAA title... Thats part of the reason why im excited about my chances in the animation field, i see that stuff all the time.

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Lots of Rage videos for anyone interested.




I point to this video in particular because look at the animation of the guy taking a drag of the cig. Theres no ac acceleration of the arm when he reaches his mouth, it just stops instantly. In a AAA title... Thats part of the reason why im excited about my chances in the animation field, i see that stuff all the time.


ID has never been very good with animations. Doom 3 is a perfect example, all the movements are very wooden and unnatural. I'm losing interest in this game since all the trailors have been coming out, the quality has been dropping since the latest batch of screenshots.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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I thought the Doom3 animations were pretty good, last I thought about it anyway. Although it's been a long time since i've played the game farther than when the portal to hell opens. For example the guy that operates the scanner in the beginning is very good I think, how he raises his hand while still looking at the screen since he does it all the time. All i remember about the monsters is that i had an ass-full of the fire throwers...

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I found the animations in doom3 to be quite good but the human player animations were really bad. However the monster animations, especially in the expansion pack looked very nice like they were motion captured.


I'm really looking forward to RAGE I think it looks better with every release ^_^

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Some demo impressions:




The game looks incredible with highly detailed character models, realistic lighting, and terrific art and character design. It's certainly several steps up from id's Doom III engine technology (now known as id Tech 4)

Sounds like this guy never played one of the current shooters. The trailer show a nice presentation but character models still seem to be fairly low on poly budget and leaning heavily on normal maps compared to crysis or unreal engine 3 based characters. But i still like their style and overall feel compared to other shooters. I only wished they had stylized the characters some more.


Animation wise it's not that bad. When i first saw the shot of the guy trying on the glove i thought the fingers looked jerky but after watching it again i noticed the arm was suppose to be a mechanical arm which made sense. Compared to idtech4 it's a step up for human characters. In doom3 the human characters used mo-cap (early days of mo-cap), only the monsters were animated by hand which definitely showed.


anyway i'm excited to play this game which is finally taking place in a bright environment.

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