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Quark Support?


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Quark is delicious, I eat a lot while mapping with DR:





"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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If it edits Doom3, it might work fine with TDM, but it won't have all of the TDM-specific functionality DarkRadiant has built in, so there's a significant disadvantage.


Because most ppl prefer Quark to DarkRadiant

Among which community? I think I might remember it from original Quake (unless this is a new project by the same name). But TDM isn't even released yet. Maybe you meant GTKRadiant?


Edit: no I don't think I know Quark; I was remembering Quest by Trey Harrison and Chris Carollo. :wub:

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I bet you could do all the brush-work and placing a lot of objects and AI in another editor, then go to Dark Radiant afterwards just to take advantage of some of the Darkmod specific things if you have to. (edit: Apparently you can't do that; so scratch that.) But Doom3 is generally so tailored for modding, I wouldn't be surprised how far you could go in another editor.


By the way, though, Dark Radiant has evolved a lot over time and keeps adding functionality; it's not as limited as it's been in the past. It's certainly leaps and bounds more advanced than vanilla Radiant. It's worth another (or deeper) look, unless you're just a Quark fan for life.


Edit: I thought this topic was going to be about support for Particle Physics and Quantum Mechanics in Darkmod... ^_^

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Biggest problem with QuArK right now: It only reads and writes Doom 3 maps in the old BrushDef format. DarkRadiant reads and writes in the new BrushDef3 format.


I tried QuArK at first because it was so similar to Hammer. Then I realized that I couldn't edit my new map with DarkRadiant (adding objectives and convos) and got mad. Then I read Fidcal's tutorial and now I dislike both hammer and QuArK.


So...no. Don't use QuArK. Yet. Lest many swears escape thy pie-hole.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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Sorry to say that FOR NOW:

Use QuArK for texturing, geometry, lights, and a few ents; then add objectives, conversations, etc. the HARD way (Edit the .map by hand). DarkRadiant cannot open QuArK's old brushDef map format yet. Only the newer brushDef3.


UPDATE: OK, so I discovered that 0.10.0 of DarkRadiant has been released, so I downloaded it, and, well, I'm gonna have to report this to the bugtracker... AGAIN...


You can open up your old bug report, and edit it to say it pertains to Version 0.10.0.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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DarkRadiant cannot open QuArK's old brushDef map format yet. Only the newer brushDef3.

But should DR have to read the old format, or should QuArk have to write the new format? ;) (Either way works in principle of course.)


Anyway, it sounds like Albert can't use DR at all, so this method won't be very helpful beyond brushwork. He either needs DR to work for him (and it's hard to say why it's not working now) or QuArk to have full DarkRadiant support.


As long as QuArk can be used to make working D3 maps now, I reckon there's nothing stopping him from using it. He'd just have to enter various complicated schemes of spawnargs by hand instead of using the special editors which are built into DR (objectives, stim/response, etc.). It'd be a pain but it'd work.


The Dark Mod will be released when it's done. ;) The release date we're aiming for internally is... speculative.

My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.
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Oh, goodie! Guess I can just build evironments in the game, and not actual missions...



Anywho, I just reinstalled vista on my computer (and Doom 3, obviously). Now, I know Doom 3 works like a charm (though ironically, I only bought the game to play TDM :P ), though St. lucia loads into the game, but on the last blood drop (the loading effect is cool), it crashes. Just like that, it's strange...


... Maybe Thiefs den will work.


If we can get a detailed account of what is making it crash, we may be able to trouble shoot the issue.

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If the biggest issue is no access to things like the objectives & S/R editors, so you have to enter all those spawnargs in by hand, that's not the end of the world. Doing objectives (the only one I think you absolutely have to have) would basically be what it's like for Dromed, you have to enter each one in by hand, but you only have to do it once and it's pretty straightforward if you have a tutorial. S/R and conversations would be tougher, but you don't need that for a mission. I was wondering about things like finding textures and objects in an organized fashion, and that you can see everything TDM-special thing going on in the editor.


Are there other editors that use the old format? That would argue for DR to be compatible with it so it could adopt maps from multiple other sources (whenever they consider doing something to deal with this down the road, which might be a while given other priorities). Of course, rooting out the crash Albert is having with DR would be even better.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I would just like to figure out how to be able to make maps, I'm not bringing the spanish inquisition in on this...


Relax. I don't think anyone thinks it's the Spanish inquisition. There is a way to turn on the darkmod log file that will spit out errors into a darkmod.log file. I can't recall how to turn that on though.

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That's slightly different - I believe that logs D3 console output to a file. NH was probably referring to the separate TDM-specific logging system which is enabled by editing darkmod.ini (I think). Both may be useful.


If the biggest issue is no access to things like the objectives & S/R editors, so you have to enter all those spawnargs in by hand, that's not the end of the world.

Right. That's what the second part of my post meant to imply.


Besides the rather annoying bug, DarkRadiant works... well, y' know: "Fine"! <_<

I thought you were saying that the bug you're experiencing makes it unusable? Since you can't see anything in the editor views.

My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.
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The console log file won't help much here, guys. It contains far too little information, usually. He needs to switch logging on in darkmod.ini, which is located in C:\games\doom3\saintlucia\darkmod.ini. This will write a darkmod.log file in the saintlucia folder. And I'm not even sure whether that will be enough to debug a crash.


As for the on-topic issue: I fail to see why Quark chose to write Doom 3 maps in the old brushDef format - why didn't it use the newer brushDef3? If you prefer Quark over DarkRadiant, you should probably drop by their forums and ask them to change their plugin.


Getting DarkRadiant to support old brushDef format is of course possible, but believe me it's not exactly at the top of my priority list.


As for your issue: there was a suggestion of a possible fix described here on the forums (updating your drivers). Did you try that yet? As it resolved the problem for the other guy having this issue, it clearly is a client side problem, and I don't see anything I can do on the coding side.


edit: One more thing: don't set your bugtracker report priority to "urgent" just because it's your issue. I set it back to normal.

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  • 2 months later...

About getting QuArK Doom 3 maps into DarkRadiant...

If you save the Doom 3 map as a the default Brush Primitives for Quake, you can convert that format over to the one DarkRadiant uses using the built in Doom 3 Editor. Vertexes don't get imported into the Doom 3 Editor very well though, so you'll likely have to clean it up to stop it from leaking, etc. To snap all the vertexes to grid in DarkRadiant I had to close out all the visible windows, or the editor would crash. Some brushes might get deleted too when its converted. I can't get the converted map into any other *Radiant though, since the brushes don't get converted very well. I posted a message on QuArK's forum about it, and hopefully someone will answer, since this way doesn't work too well.

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Cool. I didn't know you could use D3ed to convert it. Maybe I can still rescue my (albeit very old) map made in QuArK.


And I'm glad you're posting on QuArK's forum about this. There's no reason QuArK should still be using the incredibly obsolete brushDef format over brushDef3.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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If you convert your maps from QuArK through Doom 3 Editor, DarkRadiant might crash on a couple of things.


If this annoys you, you'll need to copy and paste each world brush into another *Radiant, saving after each brush copied. Its because the map wasn't converted all the way, and the other *Radiant editors don't recognize the format, but will convert one brush at a time. To make it the copy and paste faster, comment out the assertions from GtkRadiant sourcecode. I submitted a bug to NetRadiant, and I'll give one to GtkRadiant too.

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