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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/19 in Posts

  1. Hidden Hands: Vitalic Fever Filename : hhvf.pk4 Date of release: 20/07/2019 Latest Version: 3 (17/02/2021) Download via the in-game downloader or here: http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/fms/hhvf.pk4 http://darkmod.taaaki.za.net/fms/hhvf.pk4 http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/missions/hhvf.pk4 Known bugs: - stencil shadows do not work correctly (version 1) - sometimes, the character "Applefinger" cannot be knocked out when sitting on the chair without failing the mission. (version 1) Hidden Hands Series: I. Initation - II. Vitalic Fever Jack Farmer: mapping & drafts Amadeus: alpha testing, geometry fixes, performance checks, drafts for gameplay and objectives, revision of all readables, dialogues & narrator texts Grayman: AI fixes, gameplay fixes, trap fixes Duzenko: alpha testing, performance checks and improvement tips Beta Testers: - Joebarnin - Cambridge Spy - Boiler's Hiss (aka "The architect's darling") - Jedi_Wannabe (aka "The man of many voices") - Amadeus (aka "The Writer") Voice actors: Malasdair Narrator Jedi_Wannabe All four guards chatting about the guests, chickens, inventions and unusual job interviews New Horizon The educated Builder Goldchocobo The naive Builder Special thanks to: - Springheel, Sotha, and Fidcal for the tutorials. - VanishedOne, Stumpy, Destined, Grayman, Joebarnin and ERH+ for patiently answering my questions solving all the in-game problems. - PsymH (aka "Stringer Bell") for connecting me with the right guys on TTLG for additional voice acting. - Goldwell for teaching me how to integrate a custom video in a fms and helping me with troubleshooting during the integration of one of the Builder's voices. - all voice actors & beta testers for their great support. - all others not mentioned here who answered my questions in the Newbie thread or via PM. Contributors from the Inventor's Guild: - Destined wrote a new definition for the "spidsey-babsies", enabling those beasts to move through tunnels. - Grayman wrote a script enabling Halfrid to hold the quill only when it is needed. He also fixed several other AI problems with respect to path finding, damages and interaction with light switches. Pilfered items: - Portal sky with hills and trees originally developed and arranged by Sotha for "Thomas Porter: The Transaction". - Frobbox booster re-created from a map originally developed by Grayman All new ambient music and sound effects written, performed and mixed by Jack Farmer. Briefing video by SirSmokeAlot Pictures
    2 points
  2. Congratulations on your release! Can’t wait to dive into this one tonight
    1 point
  3. Thank you very much for this beautyful mission!
    1 point
  4. I uploaded this to the mirrors: http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/fms/hhvf.pk4 http://darkmod.taaaki.za.net/fms/hhvf.pk4 http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/missions/hhvf.pk4 I'll ping taaaki to see if he can create the link to the in-game mission database.
    1 point
  5. Thanks, I just figured out the mistake I made. Sorry about that. It's showing in my mission list now.?
    1 point
  6. don't put the .pk4 file in the "vitalicfever" folder (delete that folder). Instead just drop the pk4 file into the "fms" folder and the Dark mod should do the rest
    1 point
  7. Looks great! Perhaps it could be useful to add a little synopsis of the plot and/or how it connects with "Initiation"?
    1 point
  8. YES! Super excited to see this out the door ! Wunderbar!
    1 point
  9. Congratulations on the release Jack. Downloading now n will go play it in a few Thanks.
    1 point
  10. Downloading this after a LONG abscense from the mod besides from some sporadic mapping...!
    1 point
  11. Here is the whole process: 1) Create a new low resolution subview with screen cropped to the size of the octohedron from step 3 2) Cull all surfaces that do not cast shadows 3) Replace the player model with an octohedron (lowest number of polys to catch light from all directions) with a two-sided material (light affects both sides) 4) Spawn a camera inside the octohedron facing up 5) Capture a screenshot to a memory buffer (PBO) 6) Scan the screenshot for the brightest pixel and write out the value 7) Rotate the camera facing down and Capture another screenshot to the PBO 8) Scan the new screenshot for the brightest pixel and compare to step 6 9) Bias the brightness value with things like crouch offset, speed, holding a weapon, etc. 10) Send the final value to the AI algorithm to tell it how bright the player is if the player is in the line of sight
    1 point
  12. Let's forget about copyright for a moment, and let's say someone made a video game that was like Ravenloft, where different places of horror from different dimensions are mishmashed into a dimension of horror. What if someone decided to artificially do that with video games? What sort of games would you like to see in it? I've had this idea for a while now, but never shared it. Imagine Raccoon City & the Arklay Mountains, moved next to Silent Hill, and past that, Mount Massive Asylum from Outlast, and a few mountains over is Castle Brennemburg frim Amnesia, then Innsmouth and Yha-Nthlei from the original Call of Cthulhu game at a seaside area. I originally got this idea combining a server in The Matrix I read about online for the matrix mmo, then combined the idea with Ravenloft. What do you guys think?
    0 points
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